Potomac Falls Marching Band
VBODA Marching Band Assessment
Patriot High School, Nokesville, VA
October 25, 2014
This is not a competition. There are no trophies, no prizes, no “Best in Class.” It’s all about us competing against the concept of perfection. A rating system describes how the judges viewed your performance: “I” = Superior, “II” = Excellent, “III” = Good, etc. A Superior rating is required if we wish to pursue Virginia Honor Band recognition. In the past three years, smaller bands such as us have rarely earned Superior ratings (about 20%) while large bands commonly earn the highest rating (well over 85%). We are among the best in our size for USBands – but VBODA is a different game. Are you ready to stand among the few that have earned the right to be called “Superior?”
The last Saturday of October has historically been a cold day. I recommend you know the weather predictions and make good decisions to dress appropriately and bring what you need.
It’s going to be cold. Be sure to wear suitable warm garments that fit underneath your uniform. NOTHING BULKY (outerwear) or EXPOSED (turtlenecks, extra-long sleeves, etc).
- Eat breakfast AND bring a snack you can eat on the bus – bring money for a concession stand lunch.
Friday 10/24/2014
We will load the truck AFTER the game on Friday night. No garment racks.
Saturday 10/25/2014
8:00amArrive at PFHS
Get into fulluniform – everything – complete uniform
8:30amRehearsal. (no pit, walls, screens, stages, etc.)
9:30amLoad instruments.
Be sure to pack your garment bag with your stadium jacket. We will be wearing them after the show. Outer outerwear must by the stadium jacket (sweat shirt, etc. can be worn underneath)
9:55amBrief meeting and depart for competition (take your garment bag/hat box) on the bus
11:00amArrive at Patriot HS (Nokesville, VA). Unload and warm-up. It’s going to be cold so keep warm air in your wind instruments!
12:30pmPerformance (of a lifetime!)
After our performance, we will return our equipment, change and return to the stadium for lunch and rating announcements.
2:00pmAnnouncement of Ratings
2:15pmLoad buses and depart
4:00pmArrive at PFHS - Put away equipment, instruments and uniforms, brief meeting, dismissal
Share with your parents the information included in this itinerary.
Be sure you have everything you need with you. It’s probably going to be cold.
Get your friends and family to come out and cheer for you! The more we have in the stands, the better. Admission is $6 for adults, $4 for students and seniors. Children under 7 are free. There are no advance ticket sales.