Trousdale County Schools Focused Lesson Plan
Teacher: 1st Grade / Unit Name: Number and Operations in Base TenUnit #:6 / Unit Length: 4 days
Week:6 / Week 9-7 thru 9-11
Subject: Math
Tennessee State Standard(s) to be taught: (Write the entire standard)
1.NBT.A.1 Count to 120, starting at any number less than 120. In this range, read and write numerals and represent a number of objects with a written numeral.
1.NBT.B.2 Understand that the two digits of a two-digit number represent amounts of tens and ones.
1.NBT.B.3 Compare two two-digit numbers based on meanings of the tens and ones digits, recording the results of comparisons with the symbols >, =, and <.
I Can Statements :
I can count to 120 starting at any number less than 120.
Accommodations for students, both regular and special populations :
targeted small group instruction
Unit Vocabulary:
number words, one, ten, hundred, digit
Daily Agenda / Resources, Technology, Formative and/or Summative Assessments, Assignments, and a Daily Activity for citing text based evidence in conversations and/or writing
Lesson 6.7Tens and Ones to 100
Learning Objective-Group objects to show numbers to 100 as tens and ones.
Essential Question-How can you show numbers to 100 as tens and ones?
Making Connections-Remind children that they have learned to look for patterns to count forward.
Learning Activity-What is the problem children are trying to solve? Connect the story to the problem.
- Explore
Listen and Draw
- Explain
Model and Draw
Share and Show
- Elaborate
On Your Own
Problem Solving/Thinking
- Evaluate
Essential Question
Math Journal
Practice and Homework / 120 chart, student book, teacher book,, Discovery Ed.
Manipulatives, teacher observation
Lesson 6.9 Model, Read, and Write Numbers from 100 to 110
Learning Objective-Read and Write numerals to represent a number of 100 to 110 objects.
Essential Question-How can model, read, and write numbers from 100 to 110?
Making Connections-Remind children that they have learned to count on to find numbers that are 1, 2, or 3 greater.
Learning Activity-What is the problem children are trying to solve? Connect the story to the problem.
- Explore
Listen and Draw
- Explain
Model and Draw
Share and Show
- Elaborate
On Your Own
Problem Solving/Thinking
- Evaluate
Essential Question
Math Journal
Practice and Homework / 120 chart, student book, teacher book,, Discovery Ed.
Manipulatives, teacher observation
Lesson 6.10 Model, Read and Write Numbers from 110 to 120
Learning Objective-Solve problems using the strategy make a model.
Essential Question-How can you model, read, and write numbers 110 to 120?
Making Connections-Remind children that they have learned about how numbers are arranged in order.
Learning Activity-What is the problem children are trying to solve? Connect the story to the problem.
- Explore
Listen and Draw
- Explain
Model and Draw
Share and Show
- Elaborate
On Your Own
Problem Solving/Thinking
- Evaluate
Essential Question
Math Journal
Practice and Homework / 120 chart, student book, teacher book,, Discovery Ed.
Manipulatives, teacher observation
Lesson 6.10 Model, Read and Write Numbers from 110 to 120
Learning Objective-Solve problems using the strategy make a model.
Essential Question-How can you model, read, and write numbers 110 to 120?
Making Connections-Remind children that they have learned about how numbers are arranged in order.
Learning Activity-What is the problem children are trying to solve? Connect the story to the problem.
- Explore
Listen and Draw
- Explain
Model and Draw
Share and Show
- Elaborate
On Your Own
Problem Solving/Thinking
- Evaluate
Essential Question
Math Journal
Practice and Homework / 120 chart, student book, teacher book,, Discovery Ed.
Manipulatives, teacher observation
Chapter 6 Review/Test / 120 chart, student book, teacher book,, Discovery Ed.
Manipulatives, teacher observation