City of Lee’s Summit
Human Relations Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes
September 27, 2005
Present: Stan Beatty, Lessie Thompson, Swapnam Kumar, Claudia Walker, Loghann Rimel, and Jane Gibler. Also present: Brian Scott, Assistant City Administrator.
Absent: Manne Magady, Marissa Lang, and Dalton Vann Jr.
Vice Chairperson Stan Beatty brought the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
The agenda was amended to add an item concerning a Commission logo under Strategic Planning and to add two items, brought to the Commission by Mr. Beatty and Mr. Scott under Roundtable.
The minutes of the August meeting were approved as written.
Chairperson Beatty reminded the Commission that anyone wanting to nominate a candidate for the Commission’s Humanitarian Award needs to bring the nomination as a written proposal to the Commission. Candidates for consideration of the award to be given at the January 2006 Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday Celebration, should be brought before the Commission at the October meeting.
Lessie Thompson gave the Commission members printed programs for the South KC Multicultural Festival on Saturday, October 8, 2005. She said that Commission members might be contacted to help with the event. Commission member Swapnam Kumar will be a presenter at the festival.
Stan Beatty informed the Commission that there was no update on the Strategic Plan and Goals. The Commission is waiting to get on a City Council agenda to present the plan to the Council.
Brian Scott informed the Commission that he will draft a letter to be sent to potential consultants who are interested in working with the Commission on diversity training and management.
Lessie Thompson asked the Commission to consider devising a logo to be used when the Commission’s name is on a program. The Commission discussed the need to be viewed as part of the City in planning such a logo.
During Roundtable, Stan Beatty brought before the Commission a concern he received from a local business owner. He distributed material to the Commission to read.
Brian Scott brought to the Commission’s attention an act of vandalism in the City that may have racial significance. Mr. Beatty and Mr. Scott will investigate the incident and report to the Commission at their October meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jane Gibler, Secretary