Minutes of the OHIO LMSC Annual Meeting
The Chair, Scott Goertemiller, called the Annual meeting of the OHIO LMSC to order at 11:55 am on Sunday March 13, 2005.
A quorum was established with 3 members of LMSC Board present.
Board members present:
Chair: Scott Goertemiller
Secretary: C.J. Rushman
Vice Chair: Scott Boyer
LMSC Members:
· Mag Wright
· Clif Roahring
· Lisa Rushman
The minutes of last years LMSC meeting were submitted and approved.
Report of Committees:
Treasurer’s Report:
Beth Emery submitted a journal of the LMSC accounting, listing all transactions for the prior year to Scott Goertemiller. The treasurer’s report was approved as written and will be submitted to the National office.
Registrar’s Report:
Laura Wright presented that we had 375 members as of end of March 13, 2005. We are behind of last year’s members at this time by 24 swimmers.
Sanction’s Report:
Mag Wright presented that we had 375 members as of end of March 13, 2005. We are behind of last year’s members at this time by 24 swimmers.
Elections of Officers:
Scott Goertemiller nominated of C.J. Rushman ABM for the position of Chair. Seconded by Scott Boyer. Motion passed.
Scott Goertemiller nominated Scott Boyer of Miami County YMCA for the position of Vice Chair. Seconded by C.J. Rushman. Motion passed.
C.J. Rushman nominated Lisa Rushman of ABM for the position of Secretary. Seconded by Scott Goertemiller. Motion passed.
Laura Wright nominated Scott Goertemiller of ABM for the position of Treasurer. Seconded by Scott Goertemiller. Motion passed.
C.J Rushman nominated Jim Monahan of ABM for the position of Newsletter Editor. Seconded by Mag Wright. Motion passed.
C.J Rushman nominated Laura Wright of Lancaster YMCA for the position of Registrar. Seconded by Scott Goertemiller. Motion passed.
Scott Goertemiller nominated Mag Wright (Bowen) of Lancaster YMCA for the position of Sanctions. Seconded by C.J. Rushman. Motion passed.
At Large Board Members nominated by the OHIO LMSC officers were;
Clif Roahring - BGSU
Jan Huneke – ABM
Bill Hofacre - ABM
Motion passed. Each officer will serve for a term of two years.
New Business:
1. Registrar Compensation;
CJ Rushman made motion to compensate the OHIO LMSC registrar. Some of the larger LMSC’s compensate the registrar anywhere from Fifty cents per swimmer up to Two dollars per swimmer. Scott Goertemiller made motion that we compensate registrar since they primarily do most of the work on an on-going basis. CJ Rushman seconded. The Board voted and the motion passed. The registrar will receive Fifty cents per registered swimmer.
2. OHIO LMSC Registration Fee;
Scott Boyer made motion to have the OHIO LMSC registration fee reduced from $25 to $20. His thoughts were that $25 dollars just to join an organization maybe not be extremely high cost, but lowering by Five dollars may encourage people to join USMS. Scott Goertemiller seconded. The Board voted and the motion passed. This will be for a 2 year period. We are lowering dues to reduce our high account balance as well.
3. 2005 USMS Convention;
Thus for this years convention in Greensboro, N.C., Scott Boyer and C.J. Rushman will attend. Lisa Rushman will attend if Scott Boyer can not.
4. Top Ten Chair;
Ron Staab, a swimmer from the Columbus Ohio area has volunteered to update the records and start fresh with keeping the Ohio LMSC Top 10 up to date.
5. Up coming Meets Schedules:
C.J. Rushman brought forth a discussion of having the 2005-2006 Short Course Season schedule to be scheduled by September 2005 in time for the Annual Convention. CJ Rushman will contact each respective team representatives to have a tentative schedule out to the masses. The 2006 State meet will be hosted by the OHIO LMSC. Need to find a host club and site.
No other business was offered and the meeting was adjourned at 12:50 PM after motion by Scott Goertemiller and seconded by C.J. Rushman
Respectfully submitted:
/S/ Christopher J. Rushman_(C.J.)_____
Christopher J. Rushman, Secretary