[ ] 2/1/2015 #1093


John 3:22-30

INTRODUCTION: The Bible has many great men of God. John the Baptist was such a man. As we look at a small segment of John's life, we can see some things that caused him to be a spiritual giant. We can learn from his life some things that we can apply to our own spiritual growth.



Humility begins with our understanding that God is absolutely sovereign. The more we understand God's majesty, greatness, power, and glory, the more we will be humbled in His presence.

John understood that a man can receive nothing except it be given him from God. All success is from heaven. God was John's source of ministry, and God was the reason for its success. A truly humble person knows he/she can do nothing apart from Christ. (John 15:5)

God determined believers' ministries and equips them for service. "Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all." (1 Corinthians 12:4-6 KJV)


The disciples of John were jealous over the success of Jesus' ministry. They said Jesus was baptizing and that "all men come to him." John knew he was not in competition with Jesus. God had given John his ministry. John was to bear witness to Jesus. (John 1:6-8)

John was perfectly satisfied with the ministry God had given him. He submitted himself to the will of God. John knew the privileges that were his by being the forerunner of Christ. He desired for Christ's ministry to be greater than his ministry. John demonstrated a spirit of true humility.

John said that Jesus was one who is preferred before me, "whose shoe's latchet I am not worthy to unloose."(John 1:27 KJV)This was an expression of humility.

John received this appraisal from Jesus: "Verily I say unto you, Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist." (Matthew 11:11 KJV)

We are successful in God's eyes when we have done His will. It is not how big our ministry may be, but how faithful we are in our ministry. All of our gifts and talents come from God who bestows upon us His grace.

When our success seems small in comparison to others, we must remember that God is the One who gives us our ministry and that He is our judge.

When we are discouraged, we must continue on like John to complete our ministry. We don't look for someone to blame,and neither do we blame God if we are not successful. We must continue to use our gifts and abilities that God has entrusted to us. Whatever we do, we are to give all the glory to the Lord.


A. CONFESSION OF JOHN. (John 1:20) "I am not the Christ."

The priests and Levites ask John, "Who art thou?" John "confessed, and denied not; but confessed, I am not the Christ. (John 1:19-20 KJV)

John never confessed to being anyone other than "the voice of one crying in the wilderness, Make straight the way of the Lord, as said the prophet Isaiah." He was God's prophet who was called to be the forerunner for Christ.

B. CALLING OF JOHN. "I am sent before Him." (John 1:6-8)

John's birth was planned by God. (Luke 1:5-25) He was born of Zacharias and his wife Elisabeth. She was barren, and they were of old age. God worked His miracle, and Elisabeth gave birth to their son. The angel gave Zacharias the name of his son.He would be called John.

The apostle John wrote of John the Baptist and his witness.

"There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe. He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light." (John 1:6-8 KJV)

John never deviated from his calling. During the days of his popularity, John stayed true to his mission. He preached repentance to the people and pointedthem to Jesus. As his ministry began to decline and Jesus popularity increased, John never departed from his calling.



In verse 29, Jesus is the bridegroom. John the Baptist is the friend of the bridegroom. He is the "best man" at the wedding between Jesus and His bride. The bride is made up of the ones who come to Christ by faith.

John was devoted to Jesus and was delighted to serve as the bridegroom.

John rejoiced to hear the voice of the bridegroom. He said that it was his joy. His joy was fulfilled in being a witness to Jesus and in hearing of the increase of Christ's ministry. John's joy was an expression of his worship of Christ.

"Be glad in the LORD, and rejoice, ye righteous: and shout for joy, all ye that are upright in heart." (Psalm 32:11 KJV)

"For our heart shall rejoice in him, because we have trusted in his holy name." (Psalm 33:21 KJV)


"He must increase, but I must decrease" is the statement from a man who was humble and who knew of the greatness of Jesus Christ. As the angel of the Lord announced John's coming birth, the angel said, "He shall be great in the sight of the Lord." (Luke 1:15)

John's mission was coming to a close. He rejoiced at Christ's presence. John had pointed people to Jesus as the "Lamb of God who taketh away the sin of the world." Now John pointed his disciples to the great "I Am" who was to be worshipped and followed. John said that Jesus "must increase but I must decrease."

This one sentence revealed John's own spiritual greatness. His willingness to decrease revealed his humility and his devotion to Jesus Christ.

As William Carey a great missionary pioneer lay dying, he turned to his friend and said, "When I am gone, don’t talk about William Carey: talk about William Carey’s Savior. I desire that Christ alone be magnified." That was the spirit of John the Baptist and it should be the spirit of every Christian. "He must increase but I must decrease."


1. As we grow in the Lord, we will decrease and Jesus will increase.

2. Whenever people are more drawn to Christ than to us, we have succeeded!

3. John did not view his own decrease as failure but success. He had done the will of God.

4. As redeemed sinners, our motive should be to exalt the Lord our God.