Name ______

Science Fair Forms Checklist

1. Points awarded for Project idea sheet.10 pts5 pts0 ptsLate – 0 pts

2. Points awarded for Project Plan form.10 pts5 pts0 ptsLate – 0 pts

3. Received completed fair paperwork 15 pts10 pts5 pts0 pts Late – 0 pts

and research proposal forms.

Form 1 _____ okay_____ needs work – see comments on form

-look for all appropriate boxes checked_____ download a new form – redo yours.

and a signature/date at bottom

Form 1A _____ okay_____ needs work – see comments on form

-look for addresses and places; make sure_____ download a new form – redo yours

that the start date is not filled in yet.

Research Plan Attachment

A. Rationale _____ okay_____ needs work – see comments on form.

B. Hypothesis/Engineering Goal _____ okay_____ needs work – see comments on form.

C. Procedure/Safety/Data analysis _____ okay_____ needs work – see comments on form.

D. Bibliography _____ okay_____ needs work – see comments on form.

E. Additional info _____ okay_____ needs work – see comments on form.

(human subject, vertebrates, pathogens, etc.)

Form 1B _____ okay_____ needs work – see comments on form.

- look for signatures of student and_____ download a new form – redo yours.

parent and dates

Additional Forms: look for completeness of form, signatures, and dates

Form 1C Registered Research Institute_____ blank with top filled in

_____ Include a blank one with your paperwork – fill in the top now

Human Subjects

Form 2 Qualified Scientist_____ okay_____ needs work – see comments on form.

_____ download a new form – redo yours

Form 4 Human Subjects_____ okay_____ needs work – see comments on form.

_____ download a new form – redo yours

Consent Form_____ okay_____ needs work – see comments on form.

Non-Human Vertebrate Animal

Form 2 Qualified Scientist_____ okay_____ needs work – see comments on form.

_____ download a new form – redo yours

Form 5A Vertebrate Animals - home_____ okay_____ needs work – see comments on form.

_____ download a new form – redo yours

Form 5B Vertebrate Animals_____ okay_____ needs work – see comments on form.

Potentially Hazardous Biological Agents

Form 2 Qualified Scientist_____ okay_____ needs work – see comments on form.

_____ download a new form – redo yours

Form 6A Bio Agents Risk Assessment_____ okay_____ needs work – see comments on form.

_____ download a new form – redo yours

Human and Vertebrate Animal Tissue

Form 2 Qualified Scientist_____ okay_____ needs work – see comments on form.

_____ download a new form – redo yours

Form 6B Animal Tissue Risk Assess._____ okay_____ needs work – see comments on form.

_____ download a new form – redo yours

Hazardous Chemicals, Activities, and Devices

Form 3 Risk Assessment_____ okay_____ needs work – see comments on form.

_____ download a new form – redo yours

Next Deadline: First draft of the paper (two copies), plagiarism awareness form, first draft checklist, and logbook due

-Includes the title page, introductory paragraph with purpose and thesis statement, background information paragraphs, final paragraph with hypothesis, and a works cited page. I will not be grading this draft; I will be editing it and giving you suggestions on how to make it better. You will also get due date points.

-Your draft must be typed on a computer – 12pt, Times New Roman, double spaced.



What I will look for


Title Page

Introductory paragraph with thesis statement

Stated hypothesis/engineering goal at end of background section

Independent and Dependent Variables identifiable

Works Cited

correct MLA citation form used for all

Alphabetical, no numbers, hanging indent; double spaced

No encyclopedias, dictionaries

Variety of sources, not website heavy

Minimum of five sources

Only .gov, .edu, or teacher approved sites


Project applicability in the real world – make us want to care why you are doing this

Sound scientific thought – background research - clear support of hypothesis/engineering goal

Innovative hypothesis (not one we’ve seen a lot)


12 pt Times New Roman, double spaced,

Logical writing with transitions

Correct MLA style used for parenthetical citations


Noun-verb agreement

Pronoun (indefinite, reference, ambiguous)

Sentences clear, clear diction

No fragments or run-on sentences

Present tense

Active voice

Written in third person

Correct spelling

Correct punctuation

Correct Capitalization

No sentences beginning with ‘and’, ‘but’, etc.

First/last sentence in a paragraph in own words

No contractions

Spell out numbers 1-10

Your English teacher and I are here to help you.

Please use the resources that we have given you and all that you have access to.

Come in for extra help as needed.