
From Republic to Empire

Location of Rome

______Peninsula (______ today)

______located on the ______ Sea

v  Distant from ______ Mediterranean Powers

______and Mediterranean ______

v  Protected Rome from invasion


v  Rome prospered due to ______ on the Mediterranean Sea

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v  The Romans based their religion on ______

v  They were also polytheistic

v  Many of the gods/goddesses were the same, but the Romans ______ their names

v  The ______explained human qualities and life events

Roman Gods

v  Based on ______ Gods

v  Jupiter (Zeus): ______ god

v  Juno (Hera): Goddess of ______ of Zeus

v  Apollo: God of ______, the ______and ______

v  Diana (Artemis): Goddess of ______and ______ things

v  Venus (Aphrodite): Goddess of ______

v  Minerva (Athena): Goddess of ______and ______

Roman Republic

______: rule by the ______ (re=by, public=people)

v  ______: legislators (representatives) are ______by the citizens to ______ their interests

Roman Citizens (3)

v  Paid ______

______had the right to ______

v  Men had to serve in the ______


v  Land-owners of noble ______ birth

v  “Patricia is a rich snob”


______of Romans: ______ people

v  ______, shopkeepers, and small farmers


v  The ______of their owners

v  Were taken by ______

v  Had no ______or ______

The Assemblies

v  More ______, but less powerful than a senate

______Assembly: consisted of all citizen-______; controlled by ______

v  Tribal Assembly: elected ______and made laws for the ______ and later for the whole republic.

The Senate

v  The most ______ lawmaking body in Rome

v  300 members were chosen (for life) from the ______ class

v  Later ______ were allowed to join


v  ______ officials elected to command the ______and ______ the government

v  Served for a ______year term.

v  One consul could always ______ (overrule) the other’s decisions.


v  One whose word was law

v  In a times of ______, a dictator would be given ______ power to command the army and make laws

v  A dictator’s power lasted for only ______ months

Twelve Tables

v  Laws carved on tablets and hung in the forum

v  Gave ______ citizens a right to the protection of the ______.

v  Established ideas seen in ______ laws such as the principle of ______ until proven ______.

Punic Wars

v  264 to ______BC

v  3 wars fought between ______and ______

v  ______: General of Carthage


v  Trading empire located in North ______(present-day ______)

v  ______of Rome for control of ______on the Mediterranean

The First Punic War

v  Fought over ______for 23 years

v  ______ lost

v  This was Rome’s first ______

Second Punic War

v  ______was led by ______ a brilliant general.

v  He used 50,000 men, 9,000 cavalry and 60 elephants.

v  To ______ Rome he went through the Alps

v  For 10 years he ______ northern Italy

v  Finally a Roman general name ______ defeated Hannibal.

The Third Punic War

v  By this time, Carthage was ______ a threat.

v  ______a influential ______ reminded them of the terror Hannibal laid on Italy.

v  Romans ______ Carthage and sold all of Carthaginians into ______

Results of the Punic Wars

v  Hannibal was ______ when Rome attacked Carthage

v  Rome ______ Carthage

v  Increased ______brought great ______ to Rome

Growth of Rome

v  Following the Punic wars, Rome ______ rapidly, taking control of the ______basin (including ______ and the Hellenistic world of the ______Mediterranean, North ______, and ______).

Spread of Slavery

v  Romans made ______of captured peoples during the wars and ______which followed

v  By 100 BC slaves made up ______ of Rome’s population

Expansion and Wealth Creates Problems

v  The spread of slavery caused small ______(former soldiers) to ______their ______.

v  The influx of wealth caused ______to ______(______)


v  Loss of ______

v  ______ former farmer-soldiers flocked into the into ______ looking for jobs and joined the ranks of the restless ______ (25% of the population)

v  The gap between the ______and the ______ widened

Decline of the Republic

v  The ______of Rome’s ______ government

v  Civil wars erupted due to ______and rivalries between ______

v  Another civil war erupted over the power of ______

The First Triumvirate

v  ______ rulers who joined forces to take ______from the ______ and dominate Rome.

v  ______, ______, ______

Julius Caesar

v  He conquered ______(______today)

v  He had the support of the ______and the ______

Julius Caesar as Dictator

v  ______went to ______with ______and ______

v  He returned to Rome with his army and ______the ______to make him ______for life.

v  A group of ______stabbed Julius Caesar to ______ in the senate chamber

More Civil Wars

v  After Julius Caesar’s death ______ war erupted

v  ______ (Augustus) joined forces with ______and ______and together they took ______ of Rome for ten years.

v  They became the ______

Octavian vs. Marc Anthony

v  Civil ______ erupted again between Octavian and Mark Anthony

v  ______ won.

v  Octavian assumed ______ power and accepted the title “______”

v  Rome became an ______ruled by an ______ (no longer a republic).

The Pax Romana

v  ______of ______and ______ established by the rule of ______ (pax = peace, Romana = Roman)

v  The Roman Empire continued to ______and ______

Roman Empire

v  By the end of the second century, the Roman Empire stretched from ______to ______, and from North ______to Great ______

v  Economic Impact

v  Augustus established a ______system of ______ helping to expand trade.

v  It was ______to ______and trade on Roman ______.

Social Impact

v  Augustus returned stability to the social ______

v  Increased emphasis on the ______

Political Impact

v  Augustus created a ______: He paid workers to ______the affairs of ______ (postal system, tax collection, etc.)

v  He developed a ______rule of ______

Problems With Succession

v  Selection of the next emperor

v  Because Rome had _____ written ______for choosing a ______emperor, ______ or civil war could occur when an ______.


•  The foundation of modern democracy was derived from
A. the New Testament.
B. the Roman Republic.
C. the Laws of Rome.
D. the Roman Empire.

•  Rome became the dominant force in the Mediterranean after its victory in the Punic Wars over
A. Spain.
B. Great Britain.
C. Gaul.
D. Carthage.

•  The Roman Empire collapsed because of civil war over the power of Julius Caesar and
A. devaluation of Roman currency.
B. an unstable civil service.
C. a belief in polytheism.
D. lack of technological advances.