The HinduTemple of Greater Springfield

1001 West Walnut Street, Chatham, IL62629

Phone 217-697-8174

General Body Meeting Notice

The Interim Governing Board of Trustees of “The Hindu Temple of Greater Springfield (HTGS)”, hereby, notifies the *HTGS members that there will be a General Body meeting to its members at the following location and time. We encourage each member to attend.

Venue: MichaelJ.HowlettBuilding Auditorium,

Illinois Secretary of StateBuilding (corner of Edwards and 2nd Street),

501 S. Second StreetSpringfield, IL. Ph 217-782-4783

Time: 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm

Date: Saturday December 13, 2008


1.Approval of Constitution and Bylaws by the General Body

2.Elections for Governing Board of Trustees (pool of eligible Trustees elects the Governing Board)

  1. Two 1-year Term “At-large positions” (General body elects)
  2. Elections for Governing Board Officers: Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary (Elected Governing Board members will elect the officers)
  3. Appointment of the President, Treasurer and Board Delegate of the Executive Committee (Governing Board appoints)

3.Elections for Executive Committee: Vice President, Secretary, Joint Secretary, Joint Treasurer (General Body elects)

4.Dinner – Venue: Hall of Flags (same building)

* Year 2008 Membership dues paid by November 15, 2008: Gives the eligibility to vote and to serve in Governing Board of Trustees, Executive Committee, and Special /Ad-hoc committees.

Presiding Officers: Dr. Subhash Chaudhary and Dr. Dharmendra Nimavat

Interim Governing Board Members:

Krishna Brahmamdam, Chairman; Romesh Khardori, Vice Chairman; Sanjai Nagendra, Secretary; Sita Reddy, Treasurer; Pradeep Mehta (Vacant); Muktesh Mehra; Dharmendra Nimavat; Anita Patel; Samir Patel; Raghu Raghuraman; Krishna Rao; Jagdish Raut; Obul Reddy; Shipra Somani
The Hindu Temple of Greater Springfield

1001 West Walnut Street, Chatham, IL62629

Phone 217-697-8174

General Proxy

I, ______a member in good standing of “The Hindu Temple of Greater Springfield (HTGS)”, hereby appoint ______to be my proxy, to vote in my place and on my behalf as tough I were voting, at the HTGS’s General Body meeting on December 13, 2008 at 5:30 pm or at any adjournment thereof, hereby revoking all previous proxies.


HTGS Member SignatureDate


Address and Phone number


Witness SignatureDate


If you are not able to attend the General Body meeting and wish to appoint a Proxy (another HTGS member), please complete this form and mail it or drop off at the temple in a sealed envelope. Attn: Dr. Subhash Chaudhary, Chairman of the Constitution/Bylaws and Elections committee, HTGS 1001 West Walnut Street, Chatham, IL62629. Thank You.

Due date: on or before 5 pm November 15, 2008

Thank You
The HinduTemple of Greater Springfield

1001 West Walnut Street, Chatham, IL62629

Phone 217-697-8174

Proposed Constitution’s Comments Sheet

HTGS Member’s Name: ______


Phone No ______Email Address; ______

Comments Information:

If your comments are from the proposed constitution, please identify the location of the languagein the proposed constitution:Page# ____Article #: ___ Section _____ Item Number: _____

Your suggested language: ______

Rationale for your suggestion:



Your SignaturePrint YourNameDate


Please use separate sheets for each comment / suggestion. Comments must be submitted in writing using this sheet only (copies can be made for additional pages). Please put the sheets in a sealed envelope and then either dropit off ina Box (by the Front Desk) at the Templeor mail it,on or before 5 pm November 8, 2008 (must be postmarked by 5pm). We appreciate your input in this matter.

TempleMailing address: HTGS 1001 West Walnut Street, Chatham, IL62629 Attn: Dr. Subhash Chaudhary, Chairman of the Constitution/Bylaws and Elections Committee.

Constitution Committee: Mr. Krishna Brahmamdam, Dr. Subhash Chaudhary, Dr. Romesh Khardori, Dr. Dharmendra Nimavat, Mr. Jagdish Raut, and Mrs. Shipra Somani.

Thank you

The HinduTemple of Greater Springfield

1001 West Walnut Street, Chatham, IL62629

Phone 217-697-8174

A Non-Profit Organization (established in April 2007); Tax ID: 20-8889846

2009 Year Nomination Form for Officer Positions

I am interested in being a representative on Governing Board of Trustees / Executive Committee. Please read the constitution for eligibility requirements.

You may serve in one or more positions during the same calendar year in different committees as long as there is no direct conflict of interest. In order to serve during 2009 calendar year, one must be a paid member of HTGS, by November 15, 2008 and willing to abide by the HTGS’s constitution and bylaws, policies and procedures.

Except for volunteer positions in the Special or Ad-hoc committees, for some of the positions in Governing Board of Trustees and Executive Committee, elections will be held at the General Body meeting on December 13, 2008. You must be a member by November 15, 2008 to cast your vote in the general body.

Governing Board of Trustees Positions: 25 positions in Year 2009

Executive Committee Positions for elections: Vice President, Secretary, Joint Secretary, and Joint Treasurer

Position 1: ______

Position 2: ______

Position 3: ______

Position 4: ______

Position 5: ______

Last Name: ______First Name: ______

Address: ______

City, State, Zip: ______

Phone Number: ______Email: ______

This is a SELF nomination. If you are interested to serve, please check for your eligibility and submit the form. No nominations are accepted from the floor at the General Body Meeting. All nominations must be submitted on or before 5pm November 15, 2008.

Please complete this form and mail it or drop off at the temple in a sealed envelope

Attn: Dr. Subhash Chaudhary, Chairman of the Constitution/Bylaws and Elections committee, HTGS 1001 West Walnut Street, Chatham, IL62629.

Due date: on or before 5 pm November 15, 2008

Thank You

The HinduTemple of Greater Springfield

1001 West Walnut Street, Chatham, IL62629

Phone 217-697-8174

A Non-Profit Organization (Established. April 23, 2007) Tax ID: 20-8889846

Year 2008 Membership / Pledge Form

Name: ______


City, State, Zip: ______

Email Address: ______Phone #: ______

Signature: ______Date: ______

Please SELECT Membership option:

Regular Member:
$51 per Family (per calendar year)
$26 per Single (per calendar year)
$11 per Student (per calendar year)
Life Member: $3,000 - $4,999 (within a year)
Patron Member: $5,000 - $9,999 (within 2 consecutive years)
Grand Patron: $10,000 - $24,999 (within 3 consecutive years)
Benefactor: $25,000 - $49,999 (within 4 consecutive years)
Grand Benefactor: $50,000 or above (within 5 consecutive years)

Please select a payment option if your membership option is: Patron / Grand Patron / Benefactor /Grand Benefactor

Cash Payment (please fill the grid below)Donation paid Today: $ ______

YEAR / Qtr1
Jan 1st – March 31st / Qtr2
April 1st – June 30th / Qtr3
July 1st – Sept 30th / Qtr4
Oct 1st – Dec 31st
2008 / ------ / ------ / ------

Please SELECT Monthly / Annual Pledge to support TempleOperations (Property Management-Mortgage/Rent, Utilities, Office administrative expenses, Priest Salary, etc.):

For Next_____ Year(s), beginning From (Date) ______To (Date) ______, we pledge to donate Monthly: $ _____ OR Yearly: $ ______

We would like to make ONE time contribution for the amount of $ ______. Payment Date: ______; Check # /Cash: ______

___Yes ___No: I give my consent to release my contributions to the general public.

We appreciate your generosity for this noble cause. PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: The HinduTemple of Greater Springfield (HTGS)

Form revised 10/16/08

Member Benefits

oRegular Member:
o$51 per Family (per calendar year)
o$26 per Single (per calendar year)
o$11 per Student (per calendar year)
  • Voting rights in the General Body Meetings (2 Votes per family)
oLife Member: $3,000 - $4,999 (within a year)
  • Voting rights in the General Body Meetings (2 Votes per family)
  • Monthly ONE Archana at the temple - Free
oPatron Member: $5,000 - $9,999 (within 2 consecutive years)
  • Voting rights in the General Body Meetings (2 Votes per family)
  • Weekly ONE Archana at the temple – Free
oGrand Patron: $10,000 - $24,999 (within 3 consecutive years)
  • Voting rights in the General Body Meetings (2 Votes per family)
  • Daily ONE Archana at the temple – Free
  • Yearly ONE Abhishekam at the temple - Free
oBenefactor: $25,000 - $49,999 (within 4 consecutive years)
  • Voting rights in the General Body Meetings (2 Votes per family)
  • Daily ONE Archana at the temple – Free
  • Monthly ONE Abhishekam at the temple – Free
  • Annual Puja (special Pujas and Festivals sponsored by the Temple) - Free

oGrand Benefactor: $50,000 or above (within 5 consecutive years)

  • Voting rights in the General Body Meetings (2 Votes per family)
  • Daily one Archana at the temple – Free
  • Weekly ONE Abhishekam at the temple – Free
  • Annual Puja (Special Pujas and Festivals sponsored by the Temple) - Free
  • Yearly ONE time Priest Service at sponsor’s home for 3 hours – Free (within 40 miles of Springfield; except Wedding and Upanayanam)


*Funds paid throughout the calendar year(s) (donations for major construction projects / loan payments / major tasks for temple development and growth excluding puja services, hundi/aarathi, and Annadatha donations,) will be accumulated and membership level will be adjusted accordingly. Members will be notified when the membership level change occurs. This is subject to change as approved by the Governing Board upon recommendation from the Constitution and Bylaws committee.