Chapter 1: Hinduism

Quiz Questions

1. Even though Hinduism has many scriptures, the ______, consisting of Collections, Brahmanas, Aranyakas, and the Upanishads, are Hinduism’s highest revelations from the gods.

2. A central issue in the Upanishads is the connection between the ______(one’s individual soul) and ______ (the sacred or ultimate reality).

3. While ______mostly disappeared after a millennium, Islam was often a competing religion in subcontinental India until the Partition in 1947.

4. The struggle for Indian independence from British colonial rule resulted in the ______, a modern-day renewal movement within Hinduism.

5. While many beliefs and practices exist within Hinduism, most Hindus believe that salvation is the release from ______, the sum of good and bad actions throughout one’s life.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The Brahmins were responsible for all but which one of the following?

a. Mediating between the gods and humans through animal sacrifices

b. Developing the class (or caste) system

c. Developing bhakti, or devotional Hinduism

d. Providing guidance on dharma, the general religious duties for all Hindus

2. The Bhagavad Gita represented an important moment in Hinduism because:

a. It introduced epic poetry to Hinduism

b. It introduced Krishna to a broader Hindu population

c. It provided three equally acceptable ways to salvation so duty and renunciation worked together

d. It provided a description of dharma for all castes

3. Who are the three preeminent gods in Hinduism?

a. Vishnu, Shiva, and Devi

b. Samsara, Moksha, and Krishna

c. Krishna, Rama, and Shiva

d. Gandhi, Shiva, and Vishnu

4. The British colonial presence in India:

a. Affected Hinduism to a small degree

b. Challenged Hinduism’s worldview both religiously and politically

c. Helped to bring about important social reforms, such as the outlawing of suttee, the practice of widow immolation

d. Both b and c

5. The Partition in 1947:

a. Provided a way for Indians to establish their own British territory

b. Resulted in the division of the subcontinent of India into a Hindu state (India) and Muslim state (Pakistan)

c. Both a and b

d. Established Mohandas Gandhi as the first president of modern India

6. Select the answer that is NOT true about the dalits, or Untouchables:

a. Until the passing of the modern Indian constitution, dalits were unable to marry others from the four social classes

b.Dalits traditionally were assigned duties that were considered impure, such as handling leather and disposing of corpses

c. Although dalits officially can participate in activities that they were not allowed to in the past, because of prejudice, many continue to covert to Buddhism

d.Dalits are now well-assimilated into Indian society as a result of numerous social reforms

7. Why is dharma important in the logic of karma?

a. The proper observance of dharma earns merit, cleansing the atman (or soul) from impurities

b. The proper observance of dharma expresses the necessary amount of devotion to the gods, resulting in release from reincarnation

c. The proper observance of dharma results in one’s deeper incorporation into the path of divine knowledge

d.Dharma is separate from the logic of karma; rather, it focuses on spiritual development under a guru’s supervision

8. Which of the following is NOT considered one of the three logics of salvation?

a. The logic of karma, which focuses on the proper observance of dharma

b. The logic of mantra, which focuses on the chanting of sacred religious expressions

c. The logic of jnana (or divine knowledge), which focuses on the observance of disciplined practices under the guidance of a guru

d. The logic of bhakti, which focuses on the singular devotion to a particular god through festival observances, and image worship

9. Vishnu:

a. Is frequently approached through one of his avatars, the most popular being Rama and Krishna

b. Is known as the “dark god” who possesses great power, as represented through his four arms

c. Is known for his violent acts

d. Both a and b

10. Shiva:

a. Has the largest following of the three most popular gods

b. Is often represented by the lingam-yoni image, representing the paradox of his destructive and creative sexual energies

c. Is often evoked during marriage ceremonial rites

d. Is often represented by a snake avatar

11. Devi:

a. Is known as the goddess who encompasses all other goddesses

b. Is mostly identified as Vishnu’s female consort

c. Sometimes transforms herself into a male avatar

d. Is associated with Ganesha, one of her offspring

12. A Hindu festival is an annual celebration within which specific strand of Hinduism?





13. Moksha is defined as:

a. Accumulated merit

b. Salvation

c. Divine knowledge

d. The one, all-encompassing reality

14. Within Hinduism, yoga is primarily understood as:

a. A relaxation technique

b. A punishment for failing to observe dharma

c. A way to discipline the body and mind toward moksha

d. An expression of the logic of karma

15. Despite the complexity of thought and practice, what do all Hindus believe?

a. That all Hindus must find their own personal way to moksha

b. That certain paths to moksha are better than others

c. That the gods operate within the karmic system

d. That all Hindus must go on one pilgrimage within one’s lifetime