AnnexA–TechnicalSpecificationsAudio/Video System
TechnicalSpecificationsforAudio/Video System (Clinic B1A)
TechnicalSpecificationsforAudio/Video System
1. Functional Requirement
1.1To supply and install Audio/Video Recording System for medical procedure with live viewing and intercom at adjacent room.
2. General Requirements
2.1The system is targeted tobe implemented in the following rooms:
a.Room 4 (main procedure room) and;
b.Room 1 (audience room).
2.2The system shall be able to record high definition video and audio procedure for at least 2 hours.
2.3The system shall allow offloading of video recorded evidence through USB, DVD burner, and via a network
2.4The system shall have easy function to preview, search and export video footage to external devices.
2.5The system shall have Pan, Tilt and Zoom function and able to control at both rooms.
2.6The system shall have 2 way-intercom channels that allow audio communication between both rooms. The communication shall be recorded in the system.
2.7The system shall consist of the following:
a)HD video camera with PTZ function;
b)Wireless clip-on mic;
c)Table top mic;
d)PTZ controllers (both rooms);
e)Digital AV recorder;
f)Speakers (both rooms);
g)Video monitors (both rooms) and
h)AV rack
2.8The system shallhave LAN output for networking capabilities.
2.9The unit shall have Power Failure Recovery features and be protected from transient power disruptions during use. The disruptionshall not affect the performance of the unit.
2.10All labours and materials to lay, install and terminate data cables and power supply including test and commissioning should be included in the base price.
2.11All hardware, modules, cables, accessories, etc, shall be provided to ensure safe and smooth operation of the system.
2.12The system shall be designed to permit extension or upgrades to more advanced systems.
2.13The system shall come with basic warranty of at least 2 years and provide immediate system spare parts in the case of system failure or breakdown during the warranty period.
3.Electrical Requirement
3.2.The system shall be protected from transient power disruptions during use. The disruption shall not affect the performance of the unit.
4.Technical Requirement
4.1The Tenderer shall furnish full technical specifications of thetendered article together with the tender documents during the tender submission.
4.2Itemised quote shall be provided for all systems required in this tender.
5.Standard Accessories
5.1 Allstandardaccessories and consumables shall be listed with itemized prices and included in
6.1The supplied equipment and accessories mustbeofhospital-gradeandshallcomplywith national and internationally recognisedStandards and applicable Standards Systems.
6.2The Tenderer is expected to successfully commission the Article 14 days fromthedateof delivery. Failure of which the Company has the right to return the Article to the Tenderer. No claim for payment will be entertained bythe Company. A Tenderer, bythe fact of submission of a tender shall be deemed tohave accepted all conditions and stipulations of this clause, which shall be binding on the Tenderer.
6.3The testing and commissioning of the Article shall be in accordance with clause 14 of SCC.3 called under Material Management Department. No payment shall be made if any of the stated requirements under this clause were not met. Notwithstanding the incomplete acceptance of the Article, theCompany has the right to utilise the Article while waiting for any incomplete supply to be delivered.
6.4The Tenderer should be a direct representative / distributor of the manufacturer for all
Articles including accessories.
6.5The Tenderer shall submit a letter of appointment from the manufacturer as sole agent in
Singapore for the articles offered. The Tenderer shall also specify:
a)The number of years that they have been appointed agent; and
b)The expiry date of the current agency agreement;
c)The expected date of discontinuation of this product.
6.6All mains operated electrical Articles shall be complete with suitably insulated and sheathed three-core hospital grade flexible power cords of voltage and current rating appropriate to the Articles. Article for operating theatre shall be supplied with flexible power cords each of not less than 5m length, although the exact length shall be negotiable later. The flexible power cordshall be fitted with three-pin, high impact, unbreakable nylon body electrical plug meeting BS 1363/A. The plug shall be of good quality consistent with hospital safety andshall be equivalent to "Volex V.1307W", BICC 3583-07", or MK Toughplug", 13A nylon unbreakable plugs. The plug shall be wired in conformance with sub-clause 6.5 of IEC 601-1(if applicable).
6.7Warranty shall be cover a period of two-year for its parts and labour. The warranty shall cover unlimited breakdown service calls, calibration and software upgrades, at no additional cost.The preventive maintenance of the unit shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's procedure and interval.The Tenderer shall at the time of submission, provide a copy of the preventive maintenancechecklist, method and procedures.The Tenderer shall provideback-up unitsduring the warranty period while the unit is undergoing corrective repair by the Tenderer.
6.8The successful Tenderer shall provide appropriate In-service training for Physicians, Nurses, Clinical staff, Laboratory Technologist, etc and Technical Service Training for Biomedical Engineers / Technicians. A qualified full time trainer shall conductthetraining. In-service training shall be provided by qualified clinical instructors who are not sales personnel. Technical service training shall be provided by a qualified engineer. The technical service training shall becomprehensive and provided to a level such that the Company’s nominated service personnel are able to:
a. Apply or handle; and
b.Install, repair, calibrate, maintain or overhaul
all models of equipment purchased from the Tenderer. The outline of the Technical service training programme must include - installation instructions; system overview with block diagram; detailed theory of operation;detailed preventive maintenance procedures; detailed calibration and performance checks; detailed trouble shooting; overhaul procedures. Full warranties for all equipment shall remain in place until at least training for the in-house engineers has been completed.Following the completion of training, the Tenderer shall, if requested, certify thattrained personnel have completed the Tenderer’s training program.
All In-service and technical service training shall be dedicated to the Company and conducted at the Company’s facilities unless otherwiseagreedupon.TheTendereratthe point of training shall provide the Article. All cost shall be borne by the Tenderer.
6.9The unit shall be easy to service. Components and test points on the circuit boards shall be labelled and easy to access. If extender boardsor any special instruments or test equipment are required to service and calibratethe unit, such information shall be listed in the manual and such accessories shall be highlighted in the offer and shall be readily available from the manufacturer.
6.10The Tenderer shall submit full details of system, inclusive of a complete list of options currently available and options that will beavailable or are currently under development.
6.11All terms and conditions which are printed on or referenced in the successful Tenderer’s Bill of Sale or other sales documentationfor the equipment to be purchased are null and void and are not binding to the Company. The Company will dictate all terms and conditions of the sale.
6.12The Company will be entitled to purchase all replacement parts, components, subassemblies and peripheral devices asneeded for the maintenance and repair of each model of equipment purchased from the successfulTenderer at the fair market price. No excessive handling or shipping chargeswill be applied to these purchases. The successful Tenderer must expedite all shipments and not withhold shipments in order to increase equipment downtime to the Company or for any other reasons.
6.13The Company has the right to use any service representative of his choosing, including in-house, third party or independent contractor. These representatives have the right to repair, install, calibrate, maintain or overhaul all models of equipment purchased from the successful Tender. The Company’s representatives shall be afforded the privilege of ordering all necessary repair parts and components from the successful Tenderer for each model of equipment purchasedat a fair market price.
6.14The Tenderershall guarantee the availabilityand sale directly to Company or its representative of spare parts, schematics,parts lists, troubleshootingmanuals,operator's instructionmanuals,andallothertechnicaldataforthelifeof theequipmentandthat replacement of defective parts or other equipment maintenance by Company or its representative will not affect warranty conditions.
6.15In the event that computer software or external devices are required for the operation, calibration, or repair of the equipment, then the successful tenderer shall make available to the Company any and all software and hardware at a fair price. All subsequent updates for the software must be provided ata fair price. The software may be in the form of ROM type memory, magnetic media,and software transmitted via telephone, or any new formats not yet available that may be developed in the future.
6.16The Company has the right to use and operate all hardware and software for the purposes of operating, repairing, or calibrating the equipment. The Company has the right to allow her designated service representative to use all software for the repair and calibration of the equipment purchased.
6.17The Company has the right to send herdesignated service representatives to the manufacturer’s service training school to receivesufficient, any or all, technical training to allow the representative to repair and calibrate the equipment purchased.
6.18All documentation, software and manuals become the sole property of the Company.
Upon sale or transfer of the equipment purchased within and / or outside of Singapore, the Company’s shall have the right to transfer any or all hardware, software, documentation and manuals to the new purchaser of the equipment.
6.19The Tenderer is advice to check for incompleteness and misleading information that may result in disqualification.
6.20All Tenderers are to comply with allrequirements stated in the Company Standard
Conditions of Contract - SCC.3.
6.21Failure to comply with any of the above requirements may result in the rejection of the offer.
Submissionshouldbetruthfulandaccuracy.Nothingistobeleftblank.Wherecompulsory submissionsarerequired,kindlyfurnishasrequiredtoavoiddisqualification.
Nocross-referencingshouldbeusedinthisperformancesummaryunlessspecified bythe
1.FULLCOMPLIANTwith technical*Yes/No specifications
2.NON-COMPLIANT with technicalplsstatenumberonly
(Detailsshallbespecified clearlyonaseparatesheet intextformat).
Description / WarrantyPeriod / 1styearafter
warranty / 2ndyear
afterwarranty / 3rdyearafter
Frequency of
Preventive maintenance (nos.oftimes per year)
Annual Charges for
Maintenanceonly. / Not
Applicable / $ / $ / $
Annual Charges for
Preventive Maintenance And unlimited Breakdown Repair calls / Not
Applicable / $ / $ / $
Annual Charges for
Preventive Maintenance And unlimited Breakdown
Repair calls and all Replacements parts Including software Upgrades, etc. / Not
Applicable / $ / $ / $
a.Do your service support, irrespective of * Yes/No
contracted service or warranty repair covers
after office hours i.e. after 5.00 pm and
weekends ?
i)After office hours* Yes/No
ii)During weekend* Yes/No
Please attach operating hours for service support for our information.
b.Essentialsparepartsupportyou are stocking to meetTTSH repair/service needs.
•% of stocked essential spareparts•% of stocked spareparts vs total essential spare
•Cost ofstocked items
•% of stocked essential spareparts vs total system parts
•Cost ofstocked items
•Years sparepart will continueto beavailableafter thediscontinuation ofthe model purchased by TTSH.
•Is replacementunitavailable? / *Yes/No
•Can replacementunitbe made available within 24 hours? / *Yes/No
Full list of essential spareparts is required. Kindly indicatethosethat you wouldbestocking. Non-stock parts wouldstill be reflectedinthefull list.
c.Service Support
•Frequency ofPM(times/year)•24-hours serviceavailable
•Maximum down time
•AreyourServiceEngineertrained on the proposedsystem ?
-Name oftrained personnel
-Educational qualification
-Contact No/pager for backup services
-Years ofservicewith the employer
d.Spare Partlist (Stocked and Non-stocked items) valid for two (2) years after warranty
S/N / Description / UnitPrice / Stock
a)On-site training
- equipment operation* Yes/No
- general maintenance* Yes/No
- equipment safety verification* Yes/No
(for use on patients)
- otherspls specify______
b.Technical Training
Technical training according* Yes/No
to our requirements laid out
in this specification.
c.Otherspls specify______
d.Estimated date for technical trainingpls specify______
to commence after the delivery
of the unit/system.
e.Trainer’s Credential
-Designationpls specify______
-Educational qualificationpls specify______
-Contact Nopls specify______
for backup services
-Years of service withpls specify______
the employer
f.Training Program
S/N / Contents /Duration
10.OTHER FEATURESpls specify______
/ Year Purchased /Institution
/ Contact Person/NumberI hereby certify that all information are true and correct and shall fully comply with all requirements stated in this specifications, unless stated otherwise under the Statement of Non-compliance.
Signature & Stamp/Seal of the Tenderer
** Please note that full information shall be provided before the closing date.
Insufficient information will not be accepted.
All information must be provided to avoid rejection of offer.
Every page of the Technical & Performance summary must be duly signed and return with the submission.
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TendererCompanyStampAuthorised Endorsement