Weekly Newsletter – Tuesday, 25 September 2018

Park Community School

Key Dates / Attendance
Mon 1st May / Bank holiday – school closed
Wed 3rd May / Local year 2 trip
Fri 5th May / Class Photos - AM
Mon 8th May / Local Fire crew visit to reception class
Tues 9th May / Parents Evening – early for KS1
Thurs 11th May / Parents Evening – early for Rec class
Wed 17th May / Year 2 – Kerbcraft road training –session 1- 1.30pm
Thurs 18th May / Polka Theatre visiting for Street Safety session
Mon 22nd May / Year 2 SATS week
Mon 22nd May / Reception to Deen City Farm
Wed 24th May / Year 2 – Kerbcraft road training –session 2- 1.30pm
Wed 24th May / Parent show cases 9am Yr 2, 9:15 Yr 1, 9:30 Rec
Thurs 25th May / Craft Coffee Morning 1pm – 3pm
Fri 26th May / Inset day – School closed
Mon 29th May – Fri 2nd June / Half Term
Mon 5th June / Children return to school
Wed 7th June / Year 2 – Kerbcraft road training – session 3-1.30pm
Mon 12th June / Year One Phonics test week
Wed 14th June / Year 2 – Kerbcraft road training – Final session-1.30pm
Thurs 15th June / International Food Festival 3:00 – 4.00pm
Fri 16th June / Whole school trip Wimbledon Theatre 10.30-11.30am.
/ Whole school from September to date – 95.88%
(national average is 96%)
Persistent absentees* 10.71% (9 children)
(*attendance below 90%,)
National average for PAs is 8%
Willow - Year 2 – 99.20%(since 09/16: 95.5%)
Oak - Year 1 – 95.24%(since 09/16: 95.33%)
Apple - Rec – 95%(since 09/16: 96.73%)
Holidays in term time will not be authorised.
If your child is not well enough to come into school you need to make sure that you have either called the school office or left a message on the absence line (option 1) by 9.30am on the morning of the absence.

Consultation for extended the school day

A letter regarding extending the school day from 3pm to 3:30pm from September has been sent out today. Please take a read and let me or Andrew have your feedback.

Summer Clubs

We have had a positive uptake for the new summer clubs. We are particularly excited to welcome Maria Rice-Jones, the new French teacher. Maria is a French national with a Masters Degree in Modern Languages from the Sorbonne University in Paris. She has been teaching French since 1990 and she is a published author. Maria’s teaching style is based on using sounds and idea associations as memory tricks to engage learners memories. To find out more about Maria look at: The French Club is full for now but there may be more spaces in the future.

There are still some spaces in the following clubs: Drama Academy, Sports Focus, Science, Guitar and Keyboard, Cheer Dance and Yoga.

Dads’ Football

Any dads who would be interested in the occasional friendly 5 or 11-a side game of football against dads from other schools should get in touch with Andrew Tucker at or on 07941993561.

Retelling Fairtales in Reception Class

Apple Class have enjoyed retelling the story of The Three Little Pigs. They explored how the characters felt, where the book was set and what the problems the pigs faced in the story. The children considered what adjectives would best describe the different characters in the story and how they could develop these to make their writing powerful.

Computing in Year Two and Year One

Year Twoare learning about algorithms in Information Technology this half term. The children had lots of fun programming the beebots to reach a specific destination and debugging the instructions when they went wrong.

Year One have been taking their own photographs using the iPads and this week we began to edit them. The children enjoyed putting a filter onto photographs and then choosing their favourite one.

Mrs Gabbo

I am happy to welcome Grace Gabbo to Park Community School. Grace is studying for a PGCE in Primary Education at the Canterbury University. She will be doing a placement in Year One until the end of June.

Thank You

Thanks to those of you who brought in donations today. We managed to raise £119.27

Books for the library

If you have any old books that you no longer use, can you please bring them to school so we can put them in the library. We are particularly short of non-fiction books.

Stars of the Week

The wonderful Stars of the Week: Apple Class:William and Ruby, Oak Class:Max and Monica, Willow Class:Ben and Cameron, Miss Street’s Manners Merit:Theana and Hannah