Sources and Notes to the ICOP Industry Database

Time Series of Real GDP in Manufacturing

OECD countries:


1951-1975 from Haig (1970), in C. Forster, ed., Australian Economic Development in the Twentieth Century, Allen & Unwin, etc. (fiscal year basis adjusted to calender year basis); 1975-1987 from OECD, National Accounts, Vol. 2 (1999, electronic version); 1988-1999 from OECD National Accounts, Vol. 2 (2000); 1999 extrapolated with estimates for Australian Bureau of Statistics, National Accounts ( 2000 extrapolated with estimates for manufacturing sales volume from Australian Bureau of Statistics (


1953-1959 from OECD, National Accounts 1950-1961; 1960-1999 from Bureau of Labour Statistics (BLS), August 2001 ( at basic prices.


1950-2000 from Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), August 2001 ( at factor cost.


1950-1959 from R. Hjerppe (1989), The Finnish economy 1860-1985: growth and structural change, Bank of Finland; 1960-1969 from OECD National Accounts Vol. 2 (1999, electronic version); 1970-2000 from OECD STAN Database (


1950-2000 from Bureau of Labour Statistics (BLS), August 2001 ( incl. mining but less energy related products.


1950-1959 from Bureau of Labour Statistics (BLS), August 2001 ( 1960-1993 from OECD National Accounts Vol. 2 (1999, electronic version), at factor cost; 1994-2000 from Deutsche Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW), Produktion und Faktoreinzatz nach Branchen des verarbeitenden Gewerbes Westdeutschlands, Berlin, August 2001.


1950-1952 from Bureau of Labour Statistics (BLS), August 2001 ( 1953-1969 from D. Pilat (1994), The Economics of Rapid Growth. The Experience of Japan and Korea, Aldershot UK and Brookfield US: Edward Elgar; 1970-1998 from OECD STAN Database ( 1999-2000 from Bureau of Labour Statistics (BLS), August 2001 (


1950-1976 from Bureau of Labour Statistics (BLS), August 2001 ( August 2001; 1977-1994 from Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) Nationale Rekeningen 1997; 1995-2000 from Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS), Nationale Rekeningen 2000, basic prices


1950-1957 from Instituto Nacional de Estatística (INE), O rendimento Nacional Portugues, 1960; 1958-1962 from Instituto Nacional de Estatística (INE), As Contas Nacionais Portuguesas, 1958-71; 1962-1978 from OECD National Accounts Vol. 2 and Instituto Nacional de Estatística (INE), Contas Nacionais, 1970-76; the 1976-1977 link is made by taking geometric averages of the 1975-1976 and 1977-1978 movements; 1978-1995 from Contas Nacionais; 1996-1999 OECD National Accounts Vol. 1 (2001), series for industry, incl. energy.


1950-1954 from L. Prados de la Escosura (1993), Spain's Gross Domestic Product, 1850-1990: A New Series, D-93002, Ministerio de Economía y Hacienda; 1954-1963 from Uriel et al. (2000), Contabilidad Nacional de España series enlazadas 1954-1997; 1964-1980 at CNE 1986 base from Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE), National Accounts Historical Series; 1980-1985 at CNE 1980 base from INE; 1986-1994 at CNE 1986 from INE; 1995-2000 at CNE 1995 base from INE.


1950-1969 from Statistics Sweden (SCB), National accounts 1950-1971, Stockholm, December 1972; 1970-1993 OECD National Accounts Vol. 2 (1999, electronic version); 1994-1999 from Statistics Sweden,National Accounts, 1993-1999; 2000 from Bureau of Labour Statistics (BLS), August 2001 (


1950-1999 from NIESR, National Institute Sectoral Database, updated; 2000 from Bureau of Labour Statistics (BLS), August 2001 ( basic prices.


1950-1977 from Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), National Income and Product Accounts of the United States, 1929-1982, Washington DC; 1977-1987 and 1987-1999 from BEA, Gross Domestic Product by Industry and the Components of Gross Domestic Income ( (downloaded in May 2001); 2000 from Bureau of Labour Statistics (BLS), August 2001 (

Latin America:


1950-1970 from M.A. Gusmão Veloso (1987), Brazilian National Accounts, Brazilian Statistical and Geographic Foundation (IBGE), mimeographed; 1970-1998 from Nanno Mulder (1999), The Economic Performance of the Service Sector in Brazil, Mexico and the USA, A Comparative Historical Perspective, Groningen Growth and Development Centre Monograph Series, No. 4 (updated and revised).


1950-1987 from National Statistics, Geography and Informatics Institute (INEGI), 1994; 1988-1998 from OECD National Accounts, Vol. 2 (2000), at basic prices; 1999 extrapolated from Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), unpublished.



All manufacturing:

1952-1997, gross value added in 1987 yuan, estimated by constructing physical output index and weighted by value added data from 1987 I-O Table from Harry Wu (2001), Measuring the real output of Chinese industry 1949-97” mimeographed, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University; 1998-1999 extrapolated with series for township level and above

Township level and above:

1980-1999 from A. Szirmai, M. Bai & R. Ren (2001), Labour productivity trends in Chinese manufacturing, 1980-1999, ECIS Working papers 01.10, Technical University Eindhoven (


All manufacturing:

1950-1979 in 1980/1981 prices from Central Statistical Organization (CSO), National Accounts Statistics (NAS), Disaggregated Statements, 1950/51-1979/80; 1980-1993 in 1980/1981 prices from Central Statistical Organization (CSO), National Accounts Statistics, various issues; 1993-1999 trend in 1993/1994 prices from Asian Development Bank (ADB), Statistical Database System ( and Central Statistical Organization (CSO), National Accounts Statistics, 2000, applied to 1993.

Registered manufacturing:

1960-1998 from Central Statistical Organization (CSO), Annual Survey of Industries (ASI), Summary for the Factory Sector, annual issues; 1972 intrapolated; deflated with implicit deflators from Central Statistical Organization (CSO), National Accounts Statistics, various issues.


All manufacturing:

1960-1971 in 1960 prices, 1971-1983 in 1973 prices, and 1983-1988 in 1983 prices from Biro Pusat Statistik (BPS), National Income, various issues; 1988-1999 extrapolated on basis of Asian Development Bank (ADB) Statistical Database System ( at market prices.

Medium and large scale manufacturing:

1975-1995 current GDP from Biro Pusat Statistik (BPS), Printout on revised Statistik Industri data (September 1997); 1996-1999 from Biro Pusat Statistik (BPS), Statistik Industri, various issues, deflated with wholesale output price deflator from A. Szirmai (1994), "Real Output and Labour Productivity in Indonesian Manufacturing", Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, August; updated with Indikator Ekonomi, various issues.


1953-1970 in 1985 prices from D. Pilat (1994), The Economics of Rapid Growth. The Experience of Japan and Korea, Aldershot UK and Brookfield US: Edward Elgar; 1970-2000 in 1995 prices from Bank of Korea, National Accounts ( downloaded on 21 March 2001).


1961-1988 from Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics (DGBAS), Statistical Abstract of National Income, December 1999; 1989-1998 from DGBAS (1999), National Income of Taiwan area of the Republic of China, table 2; 1999 from website:

Eastern Europe:


1950-1990 based on Adjusted Factor Cost method derived from various reports of Th. Alton and Associates, Research Project on National Income in East Central Europe, L.W. International Financial Research, Inc., New York.


1990-1999 from OECD STAN Database (


1950-1989 based on Adjusted Factor Cost method derived from various reports of Th. Alton and Associates, Research Project on National Income in East Central Europe, L.W. International Financial Research, Inc., New York; 1989-1990 supplemented with estimates from Statistische Bundesamt and Deutsche Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW), Statfinder ( 1991-1998 at 1995 prices from DIW (1999), Vergleichende Branchendaten für das verarbeitende Gewerbe in Ost- und West-Deutschland, Berlin.


1950-1990 based on Adjusted Factor Cost method derived from various reports of Th. Alton and Associates, Research Project on National Income in East Central Europe, L.W. International Financial Research, Inc., New York; 1991-1995 on basis of series for industrial output from United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), Trends in Europe and North America, 2001 ( 1995-1998 from OECD National Accounts, Vol. 2 (2000); 1998-2000 series for industrial output from UNECE, Trends in Europe and North America, 2001 (


1950-1990 based on Adjusted Factor Cost method derived from various reports of Th. Alton and Associates, Research Project on National Income in East Central Europe, L.W. International Financial Research, Inc., New York; 1991-1992 on basis of series for industrial output from United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), Trends in Europe and North America, 2001 ( 1992-1998 from OECD National Accounts, Vol. 2 (2000); 1998-2000 series for industrial output from UNECE, Trends in Europe and North America, 2001 (


1950-1990 from R.D.J. Kouwenhoven (1996), "A Comparison of Soviet and US Industrial Performance," Research Memorandum GD-29, Groningen Growth and Development Centre, Groningen; for 1950-1989 based on CIA (1991), "Sector of Origin and End Use GNP for the Soviet Union, 1950-90", March.



1970-1997 from Agnès Chevallier and Deniz Ünal-Kesenci (2001), “La productivite des industries mediterraneennes”, Centre d’etudes prospectives et d’informations internationales (CEPII), Paris; firms with 10 or more persons only.


1986-1998 from Agnès Chevallier and Deniz Ünal-Kesenci (2001), “La productivite des industries mediterraneennes”, Centre d’etudes prospectives et d’informations internationales (CEPII), Paris.


1965-1995 from A. Szirmai, M. Prins and W. Schulte, “Measuring Manufacturing Performance in Tanzania”, in A. Szirmai and P. Lappters, eds., The Industrial Experience of Tanzania, Palgrave.


1964-1998 from F.K. Yamfwa, Improving Manufacturing Performance in LDC's. The Case of Zambia, Technical University Eindhoven.