Shore Angling Map

North Clare

1.NEW QUAY. Bass, mackerel (spinning and float fishing), tope and dogfish. Late ebb to early flood.

2.RYNN POINT. Bass and flatfish bottom fishing.

3.BLACK HEAD (INNER). Bottom fishing for dogfish and flatfish. Spinning for mackerel and pollack.

4.BLACK HEAD (THE FLAGS). Bottom fishing for rays, dogfish and conger. Spinning for mackerel and pollack. Float fishing for wrasse.

5.BLACK HEAD (LIGHTHOUSE). Bottom fishing for dogfish, conger and occasional ray. Spinning for mackerel and pollack. Float fishing for wrasse. Foul bottom close to shoreline. Sting ray have been recorded here.

6.FANORE. Beach fishing for bass, flatfish, dogfish, bull huss, and thornback ray. Night fishing for ray. Sandeel and weavers have been recorded here. Spinning for bass from rocks on southern end of beach.

7.TRAWEE. Small rocky beach. Bottom and float fishing for bass and occasional tope.

8.BALLYREEN. Good rocky ledges which are numbered for competitions. Bottom fishing for ray, conger, dogfish, bull huss and plaice. Float fishing for wrasse and garfish. Spinning for mackerel and pollack. Occasional tope recorded. Also porbeagle caught and landed here. Fishing onto clean ground but foul bottom close to shoreline.

9.POULSALLAGH. Spinning and float fishing for mackerel, pollack and wrasse.

10.ARD NA CLAISE. Spinning for mackerel and pollack. Float fishing for wrasse and garfish. Bottom fishing for dogfish and occasional tope.

11.POULCRAVEEN. Mackerel, pollack and wrasse from rocks, spinning and float fishing.

12.DOOLIN. Beach fishing for bass, flatfish and dogfish. Spinning over rocks at northern end of beach for bass and mackerel.

13.TRAGHLEACHAN. Rock fishing for pollack, wrasse, mackerel, conger, dogfish and occasional tope. (Spinning, float fishing and bottom fishing). Foul bottom.

14.LISCANNOR PIER. Spinning for mackerel from end of pier at highwater. Bottom fishing for flatfish. Mullet in harbour.

15.MOUTH OF INAGH RIVER. Beach fishing for bass and flounder on Liscannor side of estuary. Can produce good results in moderate surf conditions. Spinning for sea trout and bass in mouth of Inagh River. Flood tide best.

16.LAHINCH STRAND. Beach fishing for bass, flounder and occasional plaice. Flood tide best.

17.CREGG, Beach fishing for bass and flounder. Mouth of stream can be very productive for flounder. Early flood best.

18.GREEN ISLAND. Mackerel, pollack, garfish, wrasse, conger, dogfish and occasional tope. Spinning, float fishing and bottom fishing over rough ground. Porbeagle shark have been caught and landed here.

19.FREAGH. Spinning from rocks for mackerel and pollack over rough ground. Float fishing for wrasse.

20.WHITE STRAND. Beach fishing for bass and flatfish. Spinning for mackerel and pollack and float fishing for wrasse from rocks at northern point.

21.SPANISH POINT. Beach fishing for bass and flounder. Spinning from BlackRockat northern end of beach.


A.MUCKINISH CASTLE. Good lugworm and small white rag on beach below castle. Some crab around rocky outcrops.

B.RYNN POINT. Lugworm in sandy patches in between rocks. Crabs in rocks and weed at the foot of track.

C.FANORE. Sandeel can be dug at low water. Last quarter of the ebb tide is best.

D.LISCANNOR. Lugworm and some white rag can be dug on strand below graveyard at mouth of river. These lug are deep and single digging is necessary. Also some lug east of Liscannor Pier.

E.CREGG. Some small lug on beach. Crab and mussel can be collected on rocks around the "iron Well".