DHH Student Handbook for Interpreting

These procedures are to help you better understand our policies when utilizing interpreting services. If you have any questions or concerns about your accommodations, contact the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH) coordinator.

DRC Contact Information

DHH Communications Coordinator

Nita Vazquez

Office Phone: 909 979 5539

Cell/Text/Emergency: 951 961 4647



Tracee Passeggi

Office Phone: 909 869 5257


Disability Resource Center Front desk

Phone: 909 869 3333


How to get started

A meeting with your assigned intake counselor must be completed before receiving services. Once approved, you must meet with the DHH coordinator to go over interpreting policies and procedures and sign the Realtime Captioning Policies and Procedures Contract

Requesting accommodations each quarter

It is the responsibility of the student to submit a request for their accommodations for each course at the time of registration. A request must be made via email to the coordinator confirming registration of each class. Once confirmed, the coordinator will proceed with scheduling.

Priority Registration

Priority registration (PR) is given to all DHH students to allow ample time for hiring and scheduling interpreters. Frequent schedule changes will cause a disruption of the interpreting schedule and may result in delay of servies the first week of classes. Habitual schedule changes (3 consecutive quarters) after priority registration will result in the loss of your priority registration privileges.

Email & Phone

Provide the coordinator with your cell phone and CSU email address for necessary communication relating to interpreting services. All email communication will be sent to your CSU email address.


It is our policy that the student be present to receive services. It is your responsibility to find out what information you missed if you are late or if you decide to leave class early. The interpreters will not catch you up on announcements or assignments.

Always contact the coordinator if you are not attending class or if class is cancelled.

Late: After 30 minutes with no communication from the student, the interpreter will assume you are not coming to class and will leave. To request the interpreter to wait, you must contact the coordinator’s cell phone.

No shows: If you have 3 consecutive “no shows” to a class without notifying the coordinator, it will be assumed that you have dropped the class and an interpreter will not be returning to your class. You must meet with the coordinator to reinstate services and reasonable accommodations will be made in the interim. You will get a warning email after your second no show. To avoid suspension of services, communicate all attendance matters with your coordinator prior to class starting.

Class Cancellations

If the teacher announces a class cancellation, please contact the coordinator immediately. Do not contact the interpreter directly.

Tests & Midterms

In the event that there will be a midterm or test given and you feel you will NOT need interpreters, please email the coordinator and include the test date(s) information so the coordinator can confirm with your interpreters. Test dates are often indicated in your course syllabus. No action is needed if you want to use your accommodation during an exam.

Finals Week

Interpreters are not scheduled to work during finals week. If you need an interpreter for your final, please contact the coordinator to request accommodations and arrangements will be made.


It is your responsibility to pay attention to the lecture while in class. Sleeping, texting or other distractions will result in an immediate stoppage of services, and interpreting will be stopped. Lack of attention while receiving interpreting will result in a reevaluation of your need for services.

Cell phones

The use of cell phones or any other electronic device that distracts from lecture and captioning services is prohibited.

Interpreting Request Form

If your accommodation includes interpreting for events outside of the classroom: such as office hours, tutoring, group projects, student services or campus activities please fill out a request form or email your request to the coordinator. If it is a last minute request, the coordinator will make a reasonable attempt to fulfill the request.

** all interpreting requests must be submitted 3 working days in advance **


Students and interpreters are expected to maintain a professional relationship while working together. If there are any issues with your interpreter, please try to address issues with your interpreter first. If you do not feel comfortable doing so, or the matter has not improved, contact the coordinator as soon as possible so the matter can be addressed in a timely manner.

Please use caution when disclosing personal information to your interpreters. Privately meeting outside of class for non-interpreting reasons, getting involved with your interpreter on a personal level, buying or accepting favors (gifts, food, etc) is considered inappropriate and not acceptable. Any conduct that threatens or endangers the health or safety of any employee of the university, including physical abuse, threats, intimidation, harassment or sexual misconduct will be taken seriously and reported to Judicial Affairs.

If you feel that your interpreter is not acting within their professional role, please contact the DHH coordinator immediately. Do not wait until the end of the quarter.

If you need to speak to someone about any personal information, counselors are available on campus for discussing personal issues at Student Health and Counseling Services in building 66-116.

Interpreter Responsibilities

The interpreter is responsible for facilitating communication between the Deaf and Hard of Hearing student and Cal Poly Pomona staff, faculty and students through sign language. Interpreters are not responsible for reminding you of test dates, homework, and/or project assignments, deadlines, etc.

The interpreter will arrive to the classroom at least 5 minutes before class to arrange the chairs and interpret any classroom business if there is a need. If you are late, the interpreter is not responsible for any information you missed. The interpreter is not required to explain any lecture information. If you do not understand the discussion/lecture you should raise your hand and ask the instructor to repeat the information. If the instructor does not finish talking about his/her ideas not finish his/her sentences or tell jokes that you do not understand, it is the responsibility of the interpreter to interpret what is spoken, even if it causes confusion. Remember, your interpreter captioner can only hear and caption one person at a time. You may have to raise your hand and explain to the instructor or classmates that you are missing information.

If you have any concerns that arise with any of your interpreters, contact the coordinator immediately.

Student Responsibilities & Contract

I agree to the above policies and my responsibilities as a user of captioning services. I understand that breaking any terms of these procedures could result in a suspension of services, or re-evaluation of services, or a report to judicial affairs for any misuse of services.

I agree to professional and respectful working relationships with my captioner(s) and DRC staff.

I agree to the Student Conduct Code (dsa.csupomona.edu/judicialaffairs) and I understand that if I do not abide by the code it is grounds for reporting to Judicial Affairs AND possible suspension or termination services.

Should I dishonor this contract, the management staff of Disability Resource Center has the right to discontinue services and will determine other appropriate accommodations for me.


Student Signature Date