DNARC January 2016 meeting minutes Submitted 11 March 2016

AD6FC opened the meeting at 1905hrs with 17 attending.

The President suggested dues be collected as required if / when the

treasurer arrived.

No elections could take place due to the absence of voting board members.

Craig Bradford relayed his DNARC meeting minutes for November as

acting secretary on 11/6/2015.

Mike Poole discussed signing up for the emergency response utility Everbridge.

After minutes were read Chris moved to accept with Bruce second - carried.

Joel volunteered to be the club admin for Everbridge. Mike said he

would attend the upcoming Area Ops meeting on Thursday.

AD6FC announced the club had received $8,050 in grant money. Ideas

for the grant included:

1. Camp 6 repeater

2. Cross link repeater with / for the inland valley

No cash is involved - all transactions will be by purchase order.

(Short break)

Evelyn arrived and distributed the treasurers report showing a balance

of $513.80

Questions on Frontier / phone located at old club house for 'phone

patch.' There was a discussion on it's function and utility.

Currently it is NOT working. Ideas about how to or

whether to revitalize it were discussed. "The frequency" belongs to

Doug Mason (K6DCM)

Chris made a motion seconded by Craig on her suggestion an

investigation into the 146.88 tower / repeater replacement and cost to

include a report on the Frontier phone / patch status in February.

Motion carried.

AD6FC will email the initial request / itemization for membership

review with respect to the current grant.

Joel relayed KA7PRR's frustration about the "club talks a lot but does

not act on issues"

KJ6JKL brought up Klamath / last chance grade - Mike mentioned Tx /Rx

conditions but "iffy"

Insurance due in May 2016 ($300). Web Page dues due "soon ?"


Chris: Extending an invitation to Brookings PBARC for expedition to go

out to Light Hours Point St. George. Chris would like to make it a

goal for 2017 @ $300 per person (flight out, supplies and return).

Lynne said flights were cancelled so the possibility must be

investigated re: permission from Park service, FAA, USCG, Historical

Society, and probably DHS, etc....

Mike to do a 2nd semester of Spanish with his wife so projects placed

on hold until May or June.

Bruce said the .18 Camp 6 repeater failed recently but does not know

why. Leonard said solar panels were covered with snow. Steve

(KA7PRR) shut it down until snow melted. Later turned it back on and

it worked fine to recharge batteries.

Brookings had a similar problem but batters are still in good condition

Bruce requested - does the club have "a plan" about how to react in an


KE6ZYK reflected on our greatest utility will be the ORCA net

146.560 and FLdigi.

Evelyn mentioned the possibility of a "mentor Program"

Some soul searching was engaged on membership. Generating articles for

local newspapers / on a frequent basis good for exposure to the


Bruce spoke of Cindy Henderson - can we get an update to where the

club 'fits' in the emergency contingency plan?

Craig - Hazard mitigation plan currently in Chapter 3 . Plan

"assigned" last spring (2015)

Bruce brought up the Josephine County Emergency Communications on Mt.

Bolon (sp) to get new repeaters for everyday HAM use. With the system

will include a 1,000 gal Propane tank, a 25 KW generator. Bruce and

Guidion will be the JCEC reps for the DNARC.

Craig mentioned Hiouchi will be getting a new tower. An FT991 is being


Craig advises we have "Emergency Coordinators" (EC's )

Statewide roll calls are made Monday's and Wednesdays on HF 4m & 80m.

We are NOT participating.

Doug: There are go bags via Finger Hut with a 5 day emergency food

supply at a reasonable cost.

AD6FC put out a call to all members for current email addresses to

facilitate club official business.

KJ6JKL suggested a FLOAT for the 4th of July parade.

Lynne reported on a MOU w/Volunteer Center of the Redwoods / A1AA

hours and insurance available to registered members

Call to adjourn - KJ6JKL , 2nd Kirk


Acting Secretary

Jaime Yarbrough