Syllabus for AP Statistics


Mr. Lombardozzi Email: Room A134

Texts: The Practice of Statistics by Yates, Moore, McCabe

AP Statistics by Amsco

Barrron’s AP Statistics

Syllabus: This course covers Chapters 1-14 in our textbook. For each chapter in the book, there will be a test that will mirror the chapter and the format of the AP Exam. In order to complete all 14 Chapters by the AP Exam at the end of April, we will need to work at a fast pace. Each marking period will consist of four to six tests, with one or two quizzes per chapter to continually assess your progress. This course is designed with the intent of preparing you to take the AP Exam in early May. Taking AP Statistics and scoring well on the AP Exam can earn you valuable college credit and save you or your parents thousands of dollars at college!

Expectations: Since this course is very fast moving, I expect you to do a lot of work and learning outside of the classroom. You should expect to spend numerous hours each week studying and working on Statistics outside of class. In order to do well, you need to make a full commitment to this class and be responsible for all of your work. If you miss class, you are expected to see me as soon as you return, whether we meet that day or not, to find out what you miss. Falling behind at any point throughout the year will only place added pressure on yourself to catch up, which will consequentially impact your grade. Any work missed due to absence must be made up ASAP!

Calculators: We will be making frequent use of the TI-83+ graphing calculator in class. I strongly suggest the TI-83+ or 84+ for in class and out of class activities. You will be at a disadvantage if you do not have a graphing calculator. Please bring this to class every time we meet!

My Calculator Policy: Calculators that can perform symbolic operations or store symbolic formulas (such as but not limited to HP 28 or 48 or TI-92 or 89) are not allowed, even if all programs are erased before a quiz or test or exam. I may randomly ask for calculators and check programs stored in memory of any graphing calculator. No Alphanumeric formulas stored as programs are allowable in any calculator. Discovery of such material will result in a zero on the quiz, test, or exam. I may let you use certain programs that we do in class for a specific chapter, but you will be notified well in advance of the quiz or test.

Course Policy on Academic Integrity: A fundamental tenet of all educational institutions is academic honesty; work depends upon respect for and acknowledgement of the work and ideas of others. Misrepresenting someone else’s work as one’s own is a serious offense in any academic setting and it will not be condoned.

Academic misconduct includes, but is not limited to, providing or receiving assistance in a manner not authorized by the instructor for submitted work; presenting as one’s own, the ideas, words or calculations of another for academic evaluation; doing unauthorized academic work for which another person will receive credit.

A student who knowingly assists another student in committing an act of academic misconduct shall be equally accountable for the violation, and shall be subject to the sanctions and other remedies describes The Student Code and our handbook.