Annex A to ERASMUS + Bilateral Agreement

  1. Institutional Factsheet and Information

Name of the institution / Salzburg University of Applied Sciences
Acronym / SUAS
Erasmus Code / A SALZBUR08
ECHE / 29324-LA-1-2014-1-AT-E4AKA1-ECHE
Name of Legal Representative / Ms Doris Walter
Managing Director
Address / Urstein Süd 1
City / Puch
Region / Salzburg
Postcode / 5412
Country / Austria
Institution web site /
Telephone / +43(0)50 2211 1030, /1031
Fax / +43(0)50 2211 1039
E-mail /

2. Detailed requirements and additional information

Erasmus+ Contacts / The International Office is the focal point for the administration of the University’sexchange and study abroad programmes.
Head of International Office / Staff Exchange / Mag. Claudia Prätor
T: +43 502211 1031
Erasmus Institutional Co-ordinator / Rosalyn Eder, MA
T: +43 502211 1032
Student Exchange / Mag. Teresa Rieger, MPA
Mobility Coordinator – Incoming Students
Rosalyn Eder, MA
Mobility Coordinator – Outgoing Students

2.1 Recommended language skills

The sending institution, following agreement with the receiving institution, is responsible for providing support to its nominated candidates so that they can have the recommended language skills at the start of the study or teaching period:

Language of Instruction / English
Type of mobility / Subject area / Language(s) of instruction / Recommended language of
instruction level *
Student Mobility for Studies / All / English or German / Minimum B2
Recommended C1
Staff Mobility for Teaching / All / English or German / Minimum B2
Recommended C1

* Level according to Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), see

2.2 Additional requirements

Students and Staff with Disabilities / Infrastructure for students / visitors with physical disabilities is restricted in some of the buildings. It is essential to communicate with the international office at least 6 months before the exchange period in order to clarify if the individual’s requirements and needs can be met.
General Information / Portfolios are required for:
  • Design & Product Management (DPM)
  • MultiMediaArt (MMA)
Details of the portfolio requirements can be found here:
For MMA:

For DPM:

Further Information / German language courses are offered for free. All incoming exchange students are required to submit the result of their online assessment test. The link to the test will be sent directly by email to incoming exchange students with specific instructions for submission.
Additionally, the International Office offers the following courses (list is subject to changes):
Understanding Austrian Society and Culture
Effective Communication/Working in Multicultural Teams
Tandem Learning
The Austrian People and their Identity
International Project Management (special focus on research projects)
Tandem Learning

2.3 Calendar

2.3.1 Nomination Deadlines

Prospective students should be officially nominated by the host institution by sending us the complete name, email address, semester and degree programme applied to of the students. Nominations and applications should be sent electronically to:

Period 1 and full year applications / 01 Mayof the academic year prior to the exchange taking place.
Period 2 applications / 01 November of the academic year in which the exchange is taking place.
Application Documents /
  • application form must be submitted online

    Password is provided to partner universities who then forward it to their nominees
  • a letter of motivation
  • a provisional learning agreement
  • transcripts of records of the last two semesters
  • CV
  • copy of passport
  • valid English proficiency test / letter of recommendation for English skills/ proof of English skills (if mother tongue is not English)
  • and the scanned nomination letter from the International Office representative (or an email)
All documents listed above should be uploaded in one pdf-file before submitting the online application. Students from Design & Product Management and Multi Media Art must also present a portfolio.
Application Information /

Academic Calendar /
Pre-arrival Information / The International Office will assist you in all administrative aspects of student exchange:
The International Coordinators of each degree program are responsible for all academic issues:

Assistance through buddy students is also offered. Students have the opportunity to interact and organize their plans using Facebook.

Salzburg University of Applied Sciencescan only accept the number of students stipulated in the bilateral agreement.

2.3.2 Decision Response

The decision on whether or not to accept a prospective student is made by the International Office. The decision will be made based on the documents submitted for application, proposed learning agreement, availability and suitability of units, and where applicable the portfolio provided. A decision will be made no later than fiveweeks after receipt of the application. Successful students will receive a letter of acceptance from the International Office. For unsuccessful applicants, the nominating university will be informed. Students who are offered a place and then withdraw are asked to inform the International Officeby e-mail: .


During the Welcome Weekenrolment procedures will be explained and students will receive their campus cards.

3.Learning Agreements

Students can combine courses offered in various degree programmes, however, this must be planned in advance and must be specified in the provisional learning agreement prior to student’s arrival. Please contact the respective international academic coordinator responsible for the degree programme.

3.1 Grading system

Austrian Grade
1 / Excellent
2 / Good
3 / Satisfactory
4 / Sufficient
5 / Fail
P / Pass
F / Fail

Exam sessions are held once every semester. Students who fail an examination in the first session are allowed to retake twice. Retake schedules are defined every semester. There is possibility to retake examinations at the home university, provided the students make their own arrangements at FHS and at their home university.

3.2 Transcripts of Records

Incoming Students have access to their Transcripts of Records via the online system. Printed copies of the Transcript of Records can be sent to their home institution upon request.

4. Additional information

4.1 Visa

The sending and receiving institutions will provide assistance, when required, in securing visas for incoming and outbound mobile participants, according to the requirements of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education.Information and assistance can be provided by the following contact points and information sources:

Contact details /
Websites /

4.2 Insurance

The sending and receiving institutions will provide assistance in obtaining insurance for incoming and outbound mobile participants, according to the requirements of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education.

The receiving institution will inform mobile participants of cases in which insurance cover is not automatically provided. Information and assistance can be provided by the following contact points and information sources:

Contact details /
Website /

4.3 Housing

The receiving institution will guide incoming mobile participants in finding accommodation, according to the requirements of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education.

Information and assistance can be provided by the following persons and information sources:

Contact details /
Website /

4.4Welcome Week

Participation in the Welcome Week is mandatory. Organizational and administrative issues are discussed during the week including the Learning Agreement. Dates of the Welcome Week are communicated directly to students.

5.Termination of Agreement

Please refer to the terms and conditions set in the bilateral agreement.