IR – Archive Notes:

January 5, 2009:

Somehow an update on the 26 December was lost both to these notes and to the inventory. Please look over the inventory to make sure we have everything.

Logistic notes:

  1. I have deleted the invest files on both gs-mcserv and Ulysses that were not associated with numbered tropical cyclones
  2. To update the missing entry invest/storm pairs are SH0409/SH9609 and SH0509/SH9709.
  3. It looks like you have merged the SH0509 and readied SH0409 for archival. SH0509 has some unavoidable gaps and is still officially active. I guess I will have to be better with the management of the tropical RAMSDIS floaters.
  4. I have updated the archive spread sheet, but please check over the version I have put together as there may be something I missed
  5. One active invest is occurring at this time in the west Pacific WP9909.

Things to do:

  1. Once SH0509 is finished go ahead and archive it.
  2. We should sit down with Mark’s hourly Laurel and come up with a plan to combine what we have done in the last three months with the entire archive with the goal of getting everything on-line, backed up and organized.

December 15,2008

Logistic notes:

  1. I have deleted the invest files on both gs-mcserv and Ulysses that were not associated with numbered tropical cyclones
  2. I have update the inventory to reflect the new storms (see below)

Things to be done:

1)The invest periods of IO0608/IO9308 and IO0708/IO9608 are complete. These pairs can be merged and archived.

2)WP9708 is still active and should finish by the end of the week. The pair is WP2708/WP9608. This pair can be merged, and if the storm is finished, archived.

November 26, 2008:

Logistic Notes:

1)I have deleted the invest files on both gs-mcserv and Ulysses that were not associated with numbered tropical cyclones.

2)I have update the inventory to reflect the new storms (see below)

Things to be done:

3)The invest periods of SH0209/SH9009 and SH0309/SH9909 are complete. These pairs can be merged and archived.

4)IO0608 is finishing up over thanksgiving. The pair is IO0608/IO9308. This pair can be merged, and if the storm is finished, archived.

November 17, 2008:

Logistics notes:

1)I have deleted the invest files on gs-mcserv that were not associated with a numbered tropical cyclone. These include AL9408,AL9508, WP9408, WP9508.

2)I have updated the inventory to reflect the new storms (i.e., those listed in things to be done).

Things to be done:

1)The period of investigation is over for WP2408/WP9308, WP2508/WP9708, WP2608/WP9608, and IO0508/IO9108. These pairs are ready for merging.

2)Only one storm WP2608 is active, and will soon be finished as it is in Vietnam. Thus, the storms listed above are also ready to be prepared for CD and archived.


November 7, 2008:

Logistics notes:

1) The invest files on gs-mcserve have been deleted save the storms that have not been merged (both numbered systems are active on this date and there is a WP9408 invest occurring). This will prevent the comingling of invests.

Things to be done:

1)The period of invests are over for both AL1708/AL9308 and WP2408/WP9308. The invest periods for both these systems can be merged with its numbered counterpart.

October 28, 2008:

To be done:

1)Merge files for EP1708, IO0308, IO0408, SH0109.

The merge groups are as follows:

  1. EP9408 with EP1708
  2. IO9808 with IO0308
  3. IO9008 with IO0408
  4. SH9409 with SH0109

October 21, 2008:

To be done:

1)Ray left final copies of CD #106, 107, & 108 on his desk. Copies of these need to be made called “Copy 2” and given to Mark DeMaria.

2)Since Ray left there have been 17 new tropical cyclone cases that need to be added to the IR Archive.

  1. I have attached a spreadsheet with the pertinent information (ATCF identifier, Storm Name, CD number, directory name, number of images (i.e., *.C04 files), whether the invest (90’s) have been merged with the number system, and whether the files have been archived in one workbook and another documenting the status of the CDs in another workbook.
  2. To archive the storms copy the directories of the merged storm directories (on Ulysses) to the location where the CD are going to be written.
  3. Once all the directories have been copied rename them using the directory names in the excel file, delete all the *.GIF and *.jpg and *.DV files (so only *.C04 files exist in the directory. Note: I have supplied names for the directories, but please try to follow the same naming convention for future storms. If you have any questions please let me know.
  4. Once these directories are renamed they are ready to be written to CD.
  5. Write the CDs. Once written make sure the spread sheet is updated to reflect that archiving has occurred. Note: Ray has started CD #109 it has room so use it if you can then close the CD, and again update the excel sheet to reflect those changes.
  6. Keep the archived data on line as the plan is to eventually make all these data available on a disk. R. DeMaria is copying the other CDs to disk, but this may take a while to complete.

3)Once a CD is complete, make a duplicate copy and supply it to Mark DeMaria as “Copy 2”, then update the excel file to reflect any changes.

4)Storms IO0308 and SH0109 still need to be merged.

5)You need to keep up on this process as new storms form and finish their lifecycle. To enable this capability:

  1. Could you put the excel file on the intranet so I can enter the storms and the directory names handy to put the excel spread sheet on the intranet. This will also smooth the transition to a future hourly (or Mark and I can get access to the inventory of the archive).
  2. Help me to get where I can access and modify it once a week. Note: I plan to prepare an email and notes each week to keep this archive up-to-date.


6)Once you feel confident that you have the routine down, Deb would like to you to

  1. keep track of your time
  2. develop a set of detailed notes

This will smooth the transition of these duties to a student hourly.