• Unit name
/ Internet
  • Lesson title
/ Web and Education
  • Teacher Name
/ Büşra KÜÇÜK
  • Grade level
/ 8th Grade
  • Learner Characteristics
/ According to Piaget’s Stages, the 8th grade students have ability
  • to think abstractly
  • to conserve and think logically in their mind
  • to utilize metacognition
  • to display more skills oriented towards problem solving and multiple steps
My class;
  • has two naughty students,
  • there is no student needs special education,
  • includes heterogeneous ethnic groups,
  • has students whose socio economic status are medium.

  • Duration
/ 20 min
  • Number of students
/ 20 students (10 female & 10 male)
  • Previous activity
/ Nature and Role of information
  • Next activity
/ Communications and Networks
  • Instructional goal
/ At the end of this lesson, in computer laboratory, with %70 success, students can
  • understand the relation between the web and internet
  • understand the use of new internet technologies
  • Create their own blog pages

  • Learning Objectives
/ At the end of this lesson, in computer laboratory, with %70 success, students can
  • Define the main concepts related to internet (web, and internet).
  • Explain the relation between web and internet.
  • Interpret the WebX (Web 2.0, 3.0, 4.0).
  • Exemplify the new internet technologies including Internet of Things and Fitting Reality.
  • Discuss the usage of Web 2.0 tools in education
  • Add blog title, motto, theme, and posts to their blogs.

  • Number of computers
/ 20
  • Specific equipment or software to be used
/ MS PowerPoint software for my Presentation
Flash Player for YouTube or any video player which can play mp4 videos for my 2 Videos; Internet of things and Visual reality
  • Instructional materials
/ PowerPoint Presentation which includes the definitions of Web 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 and usage of Web 2.0 tools’ in education.
1st video is about Fitting Reality
2nd video is about Internet of Things
Web 2.0 tool, spin to choose someone from classroom
2)TIME CHART / 1-2 min / 3-4 min / 5-6 min
Introduction to lesson / ✓
Presenting Objectives / ✓
Remembering the prior knowledge / ✓
Showing Internet of Things video / ✓
Brainstorming about the video (definition of Web4.0) / ✓
Showing Fitting Reality video / ✓
Brainstorming about the video (definition of Web3.0) / ✓
Web 2.o defined by using social media logos / ✓
Mentioning the usage of Web2.0 tools in education / ✓
Creating blog activity / ✓
Viewing a random chosen student’s blog / ✓
  • Focus questions
/ How we can use Web in Education environment?
  • Motivating students
  • I will give formative feedback to their answers. They can motivate themselves to answer my questions
  • My presentation is colorful and includes summary of the content.
  • My video materials have the appropriate language and effective examples to understand easily, it will be motivate students.

  • Informing students of the objectives
/ At the beginning of my presentation, I will inform students in “NelerÖğreneceğiz?” slide.
  • Helping students recall prerequisites
/ There is no need to prior knowledge for my lesson. However, I will asked “Web” and “Internet” concepts firstly children, if they have prior knowledge, they can share it.
Teaching method used / Presenting and Explaining method is
  • more appropriate for objectives in curricula require mostly like acquisition and retention of information
  • most suited to teach Declarative Knowledge (factual and conceptual)
  • used when teaching new concept
  • used in all subject areas and at all grade levels
I will used it because my topic is a new concept for students and I need to give some information and definitions directly.
Information sharing and application, teacher and student activities / At the beginning of lesson, I will give the objectives to students with “NelerÖğreneceğiz?” page of my presentation. (1 min)
I will ask students the following questions; “Dahaönce Web kelimesiniduydunuz mu?”, “Sizceinternetlebirilgisiolabilir mi?”. With students’ answers, these concepts (web & internet) are defined shortly. (2 min)
To gain students attention, “Internet of Things” video is showed. (first 2 min)
Then, I will make a short brainstorming about the amaze of video, and I will explain the technology used in video is Web 4.0. (1 min)
Then, I will show another video “Fitting Reality”. (first 2 min)
Again, I will discuss the video with students, and I will explain the technology used in video is Web 3.0. (1 min)
Then, the social media logos will be showed on the slide, and the usage and functions of them will be discussed with students. And then, Web 2.0 will be defined. (2 min)
Usage of Web 2.0 tools in education will be explained. The most useful tools are mentioned. (2 min)
And todays’ tool is Blogs. The definition and functions of blogs are mentioned.
Activity (total 8 min)
Then, the activity is started. Students start to create their own blogs on METU Blog. I will present a rubric which includes the items students will add their blogs. (6 min)
The rubric includes;
  • Blog Title,
  • Motto,
  • Theme,
  • And a post.
At the end of the lesson, I will choose a student with using random wheel web 2.0 tool. Then, all of us will look at his/her blog from our computers. (2 min)
Providing practice and feedback / During presentation and video showing process, I will try to make eye contact with each student.
In practice time, thanks to opportunities my lab environment, each student will have the necessary equipment to practice. (Before the lesson, I will check each computer to control their Internet Access)
During presentation, when students gave the answer to my questions, I will assess their answer and I will give feedback in positive way.
During practice time, I will walk around students, I will observe their activities on computer, when they need to help, I will help themselves. Students which do their activities successfully, I will give positive feedback them.
Summarizing the lesson / I will summarize todays’ lesson at the end of my activity, with last slide of my presentation which is “NelerÖğrendik!”.
4)ASSESSMENT will be formative /
  • When students gave the answer to my questions, I will assess their answer and I will give feedback in positive way.
  • I will walk around students, and I will observe their activities on computer.If they need to help, I will help themselves. Also, I will say some encouragement words to them to increase their motivation.

5)PLAN B / Although I took all the precautions,
  • If there is no electricity, and no computer works, I will use direct teaching method and I will mention concepts and examples by using brainstorming method.
  • If there is no Internet connection, I will have presentation and mp4 files of my videos in my USB Disk. And, the activity part of lesson will be postponed to next lesson.
  • If MS Power Point is not working, I will also have the PDF version of my presentation. We will continue our lesson by using it.
  • If time is not adequate, I will do the activity part in the next lesson.
  • If extra time left, I will add more items in the activity rubric, so we will extend our activity time.
  • If most of the students do not understand the task, I will move step by step, and there may be an extra lesson for the continuation.
  • If there are too many misbehaving students, I will warn them, and if they continue, I will more dominant with my words.


  • Jean Piaget’s Stages 01.01.2017 Retrieved from
  • Random Name Picker. Retrieved from