My Favourite Pub Walks .com

Dedicated to Pub Walkers across the UK

Distance: 9m / 14km - Allow: 3 ½ Hours - Level: Moderate

Route: Based on a walk by Amesbury Walkers

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Start: Settle Railway Station [GR 98/817635]
Finish: Horton-In-Ribblesdale Railway Station [GR 98/804726]

As this is a linear walk if you wish to return to the start by public transport you are advised to obtain information for train times and fares on the famous Settle-Carlisle Railway from National Rail Enquiries on 0845 7484950 or from Similarly, bus times may be obtained from Traveline on 0870 6082608 or Frequencies of services varies according to season and day of week but, as a guide, there are about 5 train services and 3 bus services a day and the bus takes only 22 minutes.
For walkers arriving by car directions are given from the Greenfoot Car Park - best approached off the roundabout on the A65 at the Skipton end of the bypass. Take the first proper road on the right, Ingfield Lane, and where it bears right go straight on past the rugby field into the car park.

Route Directions

From Greenfoot Car Park: Walk along the path to left of ‘No Entry’ signs at town end of car park. Keep going in same direction for 200m to Market Square, which you enter beside Lloyds TSB. Go diagonally left across the Market to the far corner by the Royal Oak Hotel and bear half right along the main road (Church St).
From Railway Station: Go left down the only access road to Station Road. Bear right to T-junction with main road and turn left on Duke St towards the Market square. Go past the Golden Lion Hotel (in Good Pub Guide, Lucky Dip section) continuing on Duke St which becomes Church St.
From the Market Square walk along Church St, past the Shell garage, under railway bridge and over river bridge. Immediately at end of river bridge take the enclosed path on right and follow path with river on right across fields for 800m to Stackhouse Lane. Turn right and follow 400m to a white house.


Q1. What is the name of this white house? [GR815655]
Turn right on track. Left immediately before the river and follow path for 2.5km to narrow road bridge, just after caravan site. Cross this bridge and follow road to B6479. Turn right and first left past Stainforth church.


At Stainforth House, left and follow track to end at stile. Ahead and through gateway. Diagonally right uphill on well defined path for 2km to a rough lane (Moor Head Lane). Turn left to go downhill.

Q2. What names are on the stone by the first gate as you pass down Moor Head Lane? [GR824693]
Ignore track coming in from right. At main road go ahead for a few metres and then right on a minor road over railway and river to Helwith Bridge Hotel.


Turn right through car park, over 3 stiles into the Lane beyond. Turn right going parallel to the railway. After 250m bear right through gate and under railway to river bank. Turn left on track soon continuing in same direction but on other side of the left wall following the path and stiles, eventually rejoining river which you follow for 4km to Horton in Ribblesdale.
Q3. Who owns the fishing rights on the River Ribble between Cragghill Farm and Horton in Ribblesdale?
Follow the river bank all the way to the road bridge at the far end of Horton in Ribblesdale. Turn left for the station or right over the bridge to the cafe, bus and other amenities. This is the end of the walk. If you want your refreshment before you start your return journey then between the two hump-backed bridges here you will also find The Crown Hotel.
Horton in Ribblesdale is a famous walking centre. It’s on Britain’s first official national trail - The Pennine Way - and one of the starting points for the famous 3 Peaks Walk - Ingleborough, Whernside and Pen-y-Ghent, which have been in view for much of the way from Settle. The Pen-y-Ghent cafe (closed Tuesdays) in the village is well worth a visit for refreshments and walkers supplies.