CIS 8670 ERP Implementation and Management

Spring 2013 Mid Term Exam (15% of semester grade)

DUE Midnight Friday 16 March 2013, on the sharepoint site

You are to upload your exam answer on the course sharepoint site by 11PM Friday March 16th in a single MS Word file. The file should be named: “YourFirst initialLast name-Midterm.doc” e.g., dtruex-midterm.doc. Do NOT upload .docx or other file formats formats. Failure to follow the instructions will result in an ungraded exam with an awarded grade of zero.

CONTEXT: So far this semester in CIS 8670 you have read and discussed the following articles in four thematic groups.


  1. El Amrani, Sarkar & Truex, 2010"An Examination of the Post-Implementation Role of Competency Centers in ERP and BI: an international cross-cultural investigation", SIG-ES Dec 2010, St Louis.
  2. Corneliussen MS (2008) IT Architecturing: Reconceptualizing Current Notions of Architecture in IS Research. In 16th European Conference on Information Systems (Golden W, Acton T, Conboy K, van der Heijden H, Tuunainen VK eds.), 494-504, Galway, Ireland. (ISBN 978-0-9553159-2-3)
  1. F. P. Brooks, "No Silver Bullet: Essence and Accidents of Software Engineering", IEEE Computer April 1987.
  2. "Software Architecture--A Rational Metamodel",P. Kruchen, Rational Software Corp.


  1. Kremers, M., & Dissel, H. v. 2000. Enterprise resource planning: ERP system migrations. Commun. ACM, 43(4): 53-56.
  2. Truex, D. P. 2001. ERP Systems as Facilitating and Confounding factors in Corporate Mergers: the case of two Canadian telecommunications companies. Syst̩mes d'Information et Management, 1 No. 6(Special issue on software project management): 7-21.
  3. Case: Hirt, S. 1999. "Siemens Power Corporation: Surviving R3", S. G. Hirt , May 13, 1999 (publicaly available via Google Scholar). City University.
  4. Case:C. Brown & I. Vessey,NIBCO's "Big Bang", Indiana Univ. Teaching case , 2000. Communications of the AIS (CAIS), 5: Article 1.


  1. Ehie, I. C., & Madsen, M. 2005. Identifying critical issues in enterprise resource planning (ERP) implementation. Computers in Industry, 56(6): 545-557.
  2. Luo, W. 2004. A Framework for Evaluating ERP Implementation Choices. IEEE transactions on engineering management, 51(3): 322-333.


  1. Francalanci, C. 2001. Predicting the implementation effort of ERP projects : empirical evidence on SAP/R3. Journal of Information Technology, 16(1): 33-48.
  2. Hallikainen, P., Kivijrvi, H., & Tuominen, M. 2009. Supporting the module sequencing decision in the ERP implementation process--An application of the ANP method. International journal of production economics, 119(2): 259-270.


Drawing from these articles and the in-class discussions answer. EACH of the following questions:

  1. What is the focus or purpose of the set of articles in each group. That is, what is the purpose or primary theme of each grouping? (2 points)
  1. Group1.
  1. Group 2.
  1. Group 3.
  1. Group4.
  1. In your own words define and describe the following concepts in one or two complete grammatically correct sentences: (3 points)
  1. An architecture as it applies to this course.
  1. A module
  1. A reference architecture
  1. A lifecycle
  1. Configuration
  1. Prepare either a table of Comparison OR a table of Contrast and complete table-driven analysis using one article from each of the four previously identified Groups. You must choose, no fewer than nor more than, one article from each grouping for your analysis. You need not write the essay, but simply prepare the analysis. Thetable should have no fewer than 3 nor more than 5 criteria for evaluation. The table must be in a MSword .doc file. (10 points)


CIS 8670 MidTerm Sp 2013