ADVISORY GROUP: State Advisory Panel for Exceptional Children (SAPEC)
LIAISON: Gretta Hylton / MEETING DATE: Monday, November 23, 2015
NOTE-TAKER/CONTACT: Susan Farra/Jeffrey Coles
Casey Allen
Margaret Bausch
Ryan Beard
Stella Beard
Debra Katie Bentley
Justin Cooper
Anita Dowd
Amy Folker
Barry Goley
Leisa Smith Hutchison
Elisabeth Jensen
Helen Jones
Brian Lovell
Randy McCallon
Brent Merritt
Ronnie Nolan
Connie Pohlgeers
Vickey Reilly
Debbie Seider,
Martha Slemp
Jaclyn Risden Smith
Agenda Item: General Business Session I
The SAPEC’s Open Public Forum was held from 1:15 p.m. to 1:27 p.m.
The Panel’s General Business Session was called to order at 1:39 p.m. by Vice-Chair, Stella Beard.
Chair, Ryan Beard made a motion that the agenda only include a start time for the public forum, rather than a start and finish time. Seconded by Brent Merritt. The motion passed.
Review and Approve Agenda: Stella Beard noted changes in the agenda because the public forum ended early. Agenda stands as is, with the following changes: locations of future meeting was moved from Tuesday, November 24th to earlier in the meeting on Monday, November 23rd. Margaret Bausch moved to approve agenda with changes, Brian Lovell seconded. The motion passed.
Review and Approve September, 2015 Minutes: Gretta Hylton noted changes needed in the September 2015 minutes related to the bylaws section. Brian Lovell moved to accept minutes with noted changes. Casey Allen seconded and the motion passed.
Official Approval of 2016 SAPEC Meeting Locations and Dates
Justin Cooper moved to accept the proposed 2016 SAPEC meeting dates and locations as presented. Brent Merritt seconded and the motion passed. The dates are:
February 18-19, 2016 at Capital Plaza Hotel, Frankfort
June 9-10, Dale Hollow Lake State Resort Park
September 29-30, Carter Caves State Resort Park
November 20-22, CEC Conference, Galt House, Louisville
Key Questions/Concerns:
Agenda Item: General Discussion about Booth during CEC Conference
Stella Beard noted that there were issues in getting the SAPEC brochure printed in time for the CEC conference. The KDE will consider the costs of the printing for future Panel brochures and fliers and approve expenses as deemed appropriate by KDE leadership. Jaclyn Risden-Smith recommended that the SAPEC move forward with printing the brochure for future distribution and further discussion occurred. Concerns were raised by KDE related to using the photos as presented brochure in regard to potential copyright issues. Stella Beard invited panel members to submit photos for use in the brochure. Gretta Hylton noted that KDE has a photo release form and will provide it to Panel members. After receiving the appropriate release/approval for use of the photos, Stella Beard will continue work with KDE to finalize the SAPEC brochure.
The vice-chair will update the flier for each future public forum and distribute it to panel members.
Key Questions/Concerns:
Agenda Item: Member Appointments Made by Governor
Five members were reappointed to the SAPEC by Governor Beshear. These included: Stella Beard, Leisa Smith Hutchison, Jennifer Tucker, Mike Armstrong and Vicky Nicholson.
Gretta Hylton, Director of the Division of Learning Services at KDE will serve as the new KDE liaison and made introductory remarks.
Key Questions/Concerns:
Agenda Item: Update on State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report, Stephanie Sterling, Exceptional Children Consultant, Diverse Learners Branch, KDE
Dr. Stephanie Sterling from KDE’s Division of Learning Services provided a report on data included in the 2015 Annual Performance Report (APR) regarding continuous improvement. The SPP/APR for FFY 2013 included data reported on special education measurement indicators to the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP).
Key Questions/Concerns/Follow-up Necessary: The Panel would like to know more about the measurements used for Indicators 1 & 2 (Graduation Rate and Dropout Rate). Jeff Coles is the Consultant with the Diverse Learners Branch who is responsible for Indicators 1 & 2.
Agenda Item: Old Business (KDE Follow-up to previous public forums)
Ryan Beard, chair, opened discussion related to previous letters submitted by the panel to KDE. Elisabeth Jensen read her letter related to state assessments for students with significant exceptionalities. Her recommendation was to create alternate curriculum for students with a focus on life skills training. Stella Beard also read her letter related to the same topic and alternate diplomas. This was followed by Leisa Smith Hutchison who read her letter about skills based instruction for students with significant exceptionalities.
Gretta Hylton made brief introductory remarks and presented Kevin O’Hair from KDE’s Office of Assessment and Accountability who responded to the concerns expressed in the letters read by the three Panel members above. Mr. O’Hair joined with Gretta Hylton to respond to concerns voiced during previous Public Forum feedback regarding Exceptional Children who take the Alternate Assessment and the need for their instruction to be aligned with Kentucky Academic Standards.
Mr. O’Hair shared the current federal and state requirements set in place for students participating in the Kentucky Alternate Assessment with a focus on assessment and accountability. He discussed the intent of students participating and address key concerns from parents regarding graduation rate status along with College and Career Readiness measures for future implementation. Instructional and assessment standards and their alignment to grade level curriculum were also discussed. Mr. O’Hair distributed to the Panel copies of a “Dear Colleague” letter dated November 16, 2015 from the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP). In that letter, it discussed the requirements of IEPs being based upon grade-level standards and the connection to assessment/evaluation.
Mrs. Hylton further addressed concerns related to academic-focused instruction and the need for high expectations for all students.
KDE responded to a parent who had sent an email to the Panel that was read out loud during the previous September 2015 public forum. KDE connected the parent with an Exceptional Children Consultant and the situation has been resolved. No personal information was shared regarding the resolution because of FERPA concerns.
Jaclyn Risden-Smith made a motion to form an ad hoc committee to address concerns and propose solutions related to alternate assessments. Leisa Smith Hutchison seconded and the motion passed. Jaclyn will chair the ad hoc committee. Elisabeth Jensen, Stella Beard, and Leisa Smith Hutchison will serve on this ad hoc committee.
Key Questions/Concerns:
Agenda Item: Presentation: State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP), Veronica Sullivan and Amanda Waldroup, KDE
Veronica Sullivan and Amanda Waldroup from KDE’s Division of Learning Services presented on the accountability framework for the SSIP. The SSIP currently involves 3 transformation zone pilot districts including Jefferson County, the Southeast/South Central Educational Cooperative (SE/SC) and the Ohio Valley Educational Cooperative (OVEC). The presentation explained how Kentucky is using Active Implementation to:
·  Align systems
·  Build infrastructure
·  Develop regional capacity to support LEAs and school staff
·  Improve math outcomes
Key Questions/Concerns/Follow-up Necessary:
What are the math practices selected by the State Team?
Was “What Works Clearinghouse” taken into consideration while researching best practice?
Agenda Item: Review of SAPEC Bylaws/Discussion of Proposed Revisions to By-Laws
Panel members reviewed proposed changes to the bylaws as recommended by the ad hoc committee. Minor changes were submitted by the Panel related to length of term, membership nomination process and job duties of officers. Brent Merritt made a motion to accept changes as proposed and modified during discussion. Stella Beard seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Key Questions/Concerns:
Agenda Item: SAPEC Election of Officers
Ronnie Nolan motioned to ask candidates to give remarks about position they are seeking. Jaclyn Risden-Smith seconded. Motion passed. The candidates for offices made brief statements. Election by secret ballot was held and the results tallied.
Results are as follows:
Chair: Brian Lovell
Vice Chair: Elisabeth Jensen
Secretary: Ronnie Nolan
At-Large Members: Casey Allen, Randy McCallon
Key Questions/Concerns:
Agenda Item: Committee Assignment/Committee work
Two issues brought forward during the public hearing were assigned to the General Supervision committee (Randy McCallon, Casey Allen and Brian Lovell). The committee will email Ryan Beard, Chair, with recommendations for further action and a response.
Brian Lovell moved for adjournment at 5:50 p.m., Stella Beard seconded. The motion passed.
Key Questions/Concerns:
Other Items (can include items not on formal agenda, action to be taken, next steps, food for thought):

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