Division of Finance and Facilities Management /
Purchasing Department
5700 Cass Avenue, suite 4200
Detroit, Michigan 48202
(313) 577-3734
FAX (313) 577-3747
April 13, 2011
Addendum #2
To Request for Proposal
RFP - Design Services for the
Advanced Technology Education Center (A-TEC)
April 6, 2011
IMPORTANT – PLEASE NOTE: Effective December 1, 2007, bid notices will be sent only to those Vendors registered to receive them via our Bid Opportunities Listserve service. To register, to http://www.purchasing.wayne.edu/Building_Design.html , and click on the “Join our Listserve” link at the top of the page. Instructions are at the top of the page, and the Building Design Listserv service is on this page.
The following questions were raised after the pre-bid meeting. The responses are hereby made a part of the contract documents.
Question #1: During the pre-bid meeting, it was mentioned that the University isn't required to receive code approval for this project. This is an incorrect statement. See meeting minutes. Can you tell us what codes are required?
Answer #1: The design firm shall be responsible for code compliance along with the State of Michigan Bureau of Construction Codes for mechanical and electric, and plan review and submittal documents to the Office of Fire Safety. The designer shall review and make available all required Building Fire Alarm, Building Sprinkler Protection system documents and compile required Material Certificates and rated system details necessary for Final Occupancy.
Question #2: Has it been determined if LEED documentation / pursuit will be required for this project? If not, should the team provide a separate line item for this effort in the fee portion of the proposal?
Answer #2: The designer shall follow LEED requirements as outlined in the pre-bid conference meeting minutes, issued as Addendum No. 1.
Question #3: We assume we can provide RFP and Firm identification information on the cover sheet and it not be included as 1 of the allowed 30 sheets?
Answer #3: Yes, the Firm Identification on the covers sheet can be excluded from the page count of 30 pages.
Question #4: Also, can we include graphics and/ or images without text on the tab sheets or must they be blank sheets?
Answer #4: Yes, graphics and section labeling on a tab can be excluded from the page count of 30 pages.
Question #5: Have you hired an Independent Design consultant for this project as an advisor, if so can you give us the name?
Answer #5: We did not hire an independent design consultant for the first program development.
Question #6: Are you requiring to fees for this proposal one for the renovation and one for the new construction?
Answer #6: We do not want two fees for this project. We need the feasibility study and a fee for the design.
Question #7: Are there any specific Civil/Site Engineers that the university prefers?
Answer #7: No
Question #8: Are there any Geo Tech Consultants the university prefers?
Answer #8: No, the University will carry this cost and will provide the report to the design professional for their use.
Question #9: Can we get the program Fran Mentioned the university had done in the past when WSU had a partner? Or does the University have a more detailed program requirement for the new A-TEC?
Answer #9: The program is summarized in the RFP. The program development is part of this project.
Question #10: Do any of the collaborative partners (GM, Chrysler, Ford, Dept. of Defense) plan on being involved in the planning process for this space or will it be a WSU planning/programming effort only?
Answer #10: No
Question #11: In regards to Civil Site, and Geo Tech, do you want them as part of the Reimbursable or part of the fees?
Answer #11: Geo Tech is the responsibility of the university. IT is up to the design profession how they choose to carry the civil engineering fees.
Question #12: Our understanding of the proposal requirements is to develop a lump-sum fee for the entire project inclusive of the feasibility study through CA services. This feasibility study will lead towards a decision of whether or not to renovate the facility and site or to demolish and build new. It will also set the budget for the project. Both of these factors could greatly affect the level of effort required in the balance of the project. Would WSU consider breaking the project into two phases, the first of which would be the feasibility study, and the balance of the work (and fee and scope) to follow at the conclusion of the study?
Answer #12: No, we want one lump sum fee now.
Question #13: Please confirm that three (3) estimates of probable cost are to be included in the scope of services: at the Feasibility Study, the conclusion of DD and CDs.
Answer #13: We need estimates at feasibility study (one for new and one for renovation) and a second estimate, exact timing to be determined by the university and the design professional, to confirm that the design is still within budget.
Question #14: The RFP indicates that a final estimate is due to WSU at 100% CDs. I would suggest reconsidering and moving the final estimate to the 90% CD completion level, at which time the documents could be reviewed by WSU within the context of the final estimate.
Answer #14: See answer to number 13.
Proposals are due before 12:00 p.m., local time, on April 19, 2011. Four (4) copies of the proposal are to be. In addition, an electronic version is required, which should be submitted to and be sure your subject line reads “(company name) RFP Advanced Technology Education Center Response”. Proposals received after this time will be rejected. Please note – Your RFP submission is not valid unless we receive both the hard copy and the electronic copy on or before the due date and time.
All questions concerning this project must be emailed to: Paula Reyes, and copied to Ken Doherty Purchasing Department Email: and, .
Do not contact members of FP&M or the Staff directly as this may result in disqualification of your proposal.
Thank you for our questions and interest shown in working with Wayne State University.
Paula Reyes, Purchasing Manager
CC: Fran Ahern, Terry Margolis, Ahmad Ezziddene, Attendee list.