Teacher Contact Information: Lora Ukaegbu

E-Mail: (Best Contact)

Course Title: Level I Band 6

Course Synopsis

·  Students will gain a broadened understanding and knowledge of the elements of music:

o  Tone quality

o  Intonation and Pitch

o  Rhythm

o  Technique and Interpretation

·  Students will be exposed to a variety of music with opportunities to listen, play and perform in small and large ensemble groups.

·  Students will be introduced to instrumental music techniques and pedagogy with an emphasis on fundamental development in the following areas:

o  Instrument assembly and care

o  Posture

o  Hand position

o  Tone: Embouchure, Articulation, Breath Control

o  Foot tap formulas

·  Rehearsal and Concert Etiquette

·  Rehearsal and Performance expectations

Behavior/Participation Expectations

·  Be on Time!

·  Be Ready and prepared for learning!

·  Be Respectful, kind and helpful!

·  Be a good participant and try your best in all class activities!

·  Be Positive!

·  Be Attentive! Continue to work towards proper posture, hand positions, pitch and rhythm knowledge, foot tap formulas.

·  Be Gum & Food Free during rehearsals and concerts.

·  Be in attendance for all required performances (Total of 3)

·  Be Responsible!

·  Bring instrument and music back and forth from home to school each band day.

·  Bring instrument home the day of the concert so it isn’t locked in building.

·  Be the BEST MUSICIAN you can be each time you play/practice!

Materials Needed for Class

o  Instrument in good working condition

o  Name tag on instrument case

o  Instrument accessories (Details for each instrument on the following page)

o  Planner

o  Notebook

o  Folder

o  Pencil

o  Method Book (Tradition of Excellence Book 1)

Woodwind Accessory Needs

Clarinets, Saxophones, Oboes & Bassoons

Clarinet and Saxophone: 4 GOOD reeds (2 ½) plus a reed guard to hold all four

Oboe and Bassoon: 2 GOOD Reeds (Medium) plus small container to soak reeds (pill bottle, etc…)

Clarinet/Sax Reed strength: #2.5 & later in the year #3 (February)

Oboe and Bassoon Reed Strength: Med/Soft

o  Cork grease

o  Cleaning Swab

o  Mouthpiece Brush

o  Saxophone: Neck Strap


o  Cleaning rod

o  Cleaning swab

Brass Accessory Needs

French Horns, Trumpets, Trombones, Baritones, and Tubas

o  Mouthpiece

o  Mouthpiece brush

o  Cleaning Snake

o  Valve Oil (Trumpets, Baritones, Tubas)

o  Slide Oil (Trombone)

o  Rotor Oil (French Horn)

o  Tuning Slide Grease (All Brass)

o  Cloth to wipe down instrument after use


o  Concert Band Drum Sticks with name clearly written on them.


·  Work will be done during class unless student doesn’t finish.

·  Practice playing instrument at home.

Communication: Email is my best contact!

·  I will phone or e-mail before or after school.

·  I will send information home with students prior to upcoming concerts.

·  I will post information about upcoming events on my website.

Teacher Grading Practices:

·  Grade Posting: 3 times a trimester– midterm, two-week notice and final.

·  Rehearsal Expectations and Learning Targets

o  Formative Assessments take place each rehearsal by the teacher.

o  Self-Assessments are given monthly based on set criteria and learning targets - 40%

·  Required Performances – 40%

·  Written assignments, quizzes, playing tests – 10%

·  District Summative Assessments – 10%.

Concerts Are Required For Our State Standards!

·  Concerts are the culmination of months of study and hard work by all band members.

·  We rely on 100% attendance at each concert and stress that this is a required part of our band program.

Concerts are worth 40% of a student’s grade

Students will not automatically earn 100% for simply “showing up” to the concert.

·  A “Concert Grading Rubric” will be used as both a self-evaluation and a teacher evaluation after each concert.

o  The “Concert Grading Rubric” is used to maintain fairness with points earned for each concert based on curriculum expectations.

·  Concert Dress Code is required.

·  Arrival Time for students is earlier than the concert start time.



Sixth Grade-Level I Concert Info

6th Grade Concert Dress Code: All black dressy outfits down to the shoes please. Students must have a minimum of a cap length sleeve, no skirts above the knee, all skirts must have black tights. A splash of color such as a tie, scarf, belt, pin, hair accessories may be worn.

*What time does your student perform? Our band is too large to fit on the Fred Moore Auditorium stage at one time. Therefore, I have split all five sections into two separate bands that perform at different times on concert nights (6:30pm or 7:30pm). The band names are “White Band” and “Maroon Band”. Your student’s band color will be announced at a later time.

* Students Performing in BOTH the White/Maroon Concert Times *

Some students play instruments that are few in numbers amongst our band and are asked to play with both the White and Maroon Bands. I appreciate your help!

Percussion, French Horn, Baritone, Tuba, Tenor Sax, Bass Clarinet and Bassoon!

*Instrument & Music must be brought home after school on the day of all concerts! The building locks early and there will be no way to get an instrument for your student if they forget.

*Rehearsals at Fred Moore after school are on Jan. 11th & May 9th.

Students take the bus to Fred Moore after school for our “On Stage” rehearsal opportunity!!! This is not required but please make it a priority to attend.

**White Band (TBA) is the 1st band to rehearse on stage. Students will go home on the 4:15PM Activity Bus or arrange for parent pick-up.

**Maroon Band (TBA) is the 2nd band to rehearse on stage. Students will go home on the 5:15PM Activity Bus or arrange for parent pick-up.

6th Grade-Level I Concert Dates 2015-16:

1.  Winter & Spring Concerts (Level I/Jazz)

January 12th (Rehearsal 1/11)

May 10th (Rehearsal 5/9)

Where: Fred Moore Campus AMSA Auditorium


White Band: Concert Time 6:30pm

·  Student arrival time: Cafeteria at 6:10PM.

Maroon Band: Concert Time 7:30pm

·  Student arrival time: Cafeteria by 7:10PM

2.  Band Blast Concert (Level I, II, III, IV)

February 25th

Where: Anoka High School Field House!

Concert Time: 7:00pm (Both White/Maroon Bands Combined)

All Students Arrival Time: 6:30pm (Meet in the Field House!)

Extra Needs for the Band Blast Concert (Feb. 25):

·  Portable Music Stand from home! (Wire type is fine) If you don’t have one, please plan ahead and see if one can be purchased at a music store, thrift store or garage sale! All bands,

·  Some percussion players bring snare from home!

Students Need to bring to ALL Concerts Jan. 12, May 10, Feb. 25

·  Instrument

·  Music

·  Pencil

·  Students that play large instruments can bring theirs from home!

Concert Dress Code: Concert dress is something we should all take pride in! When on stage, in front of an audience, it is necessary to realize the importance of that moment. Concerts are special and our dress reflects an event that is above our normal everyday routine!

*Dress in a “dressy style” with ALL black color (down to the shoes). An optional splash of color in a tie, scarf or jewelry is allowed. No Jeans, Yoga Pants/Leggings or Tennis Shoes.

Boys: Girls:

Dress Shirt Dress Shirt (minimum of cap sleeve length)

Black Dress Pants Black Dress Pants or skirt below knee w/black tights)

Black Socks Black Socks/Tights

Black Dress Shoes Black Dress Shoes

Concert Etiquette

Every member of the band must perform with focused attention. Any large movement, twisting heads, giggling, laughing, elbowing surrounding musicians, talking or playing instruments, obnoxious noise making with instrument equipment, acknowledgment of people in the audience (waving), takes attention away from the performance. Students who continually break this concert protocol and etiquette will be asked to leave the stage and go sit with their parents during the concert!

1.  Enter the stage quietly, looking straight ahead

2.  Remain standing until the conductor gives the signal to sit down.

3.  Do not talk between songs.

4.  Between songs, remain focused when the audience is applauding. Resist the temptation to adjust your music on the stand until the applause has stopped.

5.  Leave the stage quietly and realize that the audience can still hear you backstage.

6.  Listen to others when they are performing.

7.  Do not ridicule, discredit, or criticize performance of others.

8.  When you are finished playing, avoid leaving during the performance of others.

9.  Encourage other performers, as you would wish to be encouraged!

10.  Even if the performance of others did not strike you favorably, attempt to find some positives to discuss with others.

11.  Unless it is a competition, concerts are not meant to be band against band or performer against performer. It is a time when fellow musicians share in the love of music and strive towards the fulfillment of musical potential together.

Performance Excused Absences - Must have pre-authorization and include:

·  Sick from school that day. Post notice to teacher within 48 hours (note or email)

·  Out of town (notify teacher by 1 week before concert date)

·  Religious/Cultural (notify teacher by 1 week before concert date)

Performance Unexcused Absences – List includes but not limited to the following:

·  Sports practices or games

·  Dance practices or recitals

·  Lack of transportation (state a need and carpool can be arranged)

o  Forgot to bring instrument/music home from school. Doors were locked!

o  Forgot the concert date

o  Birthday parties or other celebrations of the like

Missed Concert Make-Up Work Options:

Rehearsal Rubric Example: