/ Ermington Joey Scout
Date / Theme / Senses Gone Wild / Koala
Time / Activity / Leader / Equipment Required etc.
6.20pm / Coming In Activity: Feed the Shark / Shark board, dome bases, poles, cable ties, bean bags
6.30 pm / Opening Parade
Say new Australian Scout Promise / Flags
Australian Scout Promise
6.40 pm / Game: Blind Tag
Gather all the Joeys in a circle. Pick one or two Joeys to be ‘it’, and blindfold. Give the rest shakers, containing rocks, rice, etc. Give the Joeys ten seconds to get away from ‘it’, and after then, the Joeys that are it must try to locate the other Joeys. / Blindfolds, ‘shakers’
Divide up into 2 Groups and rotate through 2 activities (10 minutes per base)
6.50 pm
Base 1 / Activity: Senses Olympics
Activity 1 - What Does Your Nose Know
Place each item in recycled spice shaker (cover these with black duct tape on the outside so that the item cannot be identified by sight). Have the Joeys smell each container and try and identify the smell. / Suggested smells - lemons, onions, vanilla, vinegar, mint leaves, pine needles, chocolate, pencil shavings etc.
Activity 2 - Name the Sound
Blindfold the Joeys and produce a variety of sounds. Some examples include - shaking coins, closing a book, crumpling up paper or foil, stomping feet on the floor, tearing paper, closing a stapler, bouncing a ball, dispensing ice from an ice maker, smacking gum, and opening the pop top on a soda can. / Blindfolds, and items to make sounds.
Base 2 / Activity: Blind Taste Test
Blindfold Joeys. Split into teams or partners if possible, or just play individually. Joeys must identify different foods, based on what they taste like. The food may be cut up, mashed or diced to prevent the answer being too obvious. One correct answer gets a point. / Food, spoons, small bowls, blindfolds
7.10 pm / Game: Creature Match
On a table place the tubs, inside are the creatures that need to be found. Divide the Joeys into 2 teams, relay formation. Each team is given a set of cards (face down). On "go" the first person in each team turns over a card from their team pile and has to retrieve the matching creature from the tubs. Repeat until all the creatures have been retrieved. / Game cards (one set per team), toy animals/
4 x tubs with spaghetti, jelly, slime and sand foam (see below)
7.20 pm / Closing Parade
Award Joey of the Week / Flags
Australian Scout Law
Say new Australian Scout Law
Back-Up Activities
Game: Coin Relay
Line the Joeys up in relay formation at one end of the hall. At the other end of the hall place a sock with all the coin denominations. A Leader calls out a denomination and the first Joey in each team runs to the sock, feels inside and retrieves the correct coin, and runs back to their team. First back wins a point for their team. / Socks and coins
Game: Where is Joey of the Week?
Hide a small picture of our Joey of the Week somewhere in the hall. Joeys enter the hall and when they have located the picture they come and sit down in the circle. / Hide a small picture of a Joey of the Week somewhere

Sensory Tubs - for Creature Match

Tub 1 - Sand Foam

You will need clean sand, shaving cream and a large tray or tub.
There is no real defined amounts for the ingredients, the sand and shaving cream amounts can be adjusted until you are happy with the consistency. We started off with 3 cups of sand and gradually added 200ml of shaving cream. We combined the mixture with our hands. Add more sand or shaving cream as desired. / Tub 2 - Elmer's Glue Slime

Here's how it's done:
  1. Find a bowl, cup, or plate to mix your slime in.
  2. Pour out 4oz (120ml - 1/2 cup) of PVA glue into the bowl.
  3. Add 1⁄2 Tbsp of baking soda and mix.
  4. After mixing, add your choice of food coloring.
  5. Mix and/or add more food coloring until you get the color you want.
  6. Add 1 Tbsp of contact solution.
  7. Mix until slime forms and it begins to get harder to mix.
  8. Take the slime out and begin kneading with both of your hands.
  9. If needed, add 1⁄4 Tbsp Contact solution to make the slime less sticky.

Tub 3 - Jelly
/ Tub 4 - Spaghetti