Date / 27th September 2011 / Time / 9am
Venue / SP5118
Chair / Mohan Chana (MC) / Minutes taken by / Caroline Jackson (CJ)
Membership / Biram Desai (BD), Caroline Fidmont (CF), Stephen Hagues (SH), Janak Patel (JP). Andrew Aloof (AA) also in attendance.
Apologies received / Caroline Fidmont (CF)
Item no. / Item / Actions / By whom / By when
1. / Minutes of the last meeting and actions
2. / Biram Desai
  • Renewal grant: AA & BD updated the group on developments relating to the renewal grant and the options for the college. The deadline for the bid is 26th October. JP & BD will seek advice from Pat Farmer & John Cosson. Options for NEETs, HE & International at Station Plaza & Ore Valley were discussed. SLT agreed for bid to start focusing on relocation of Motor Vehicle, NEETs and pre-apprenticeships to Ore Valley. MC, AA & AC to take this forward.
  • Bidding for relocation of library: Option 1, 2nd floor; option 2, 5th floor one wing. Space on ground floor needed by library for frontage and options were discussed. SLT agreed to section off a portion of the commercial salon to house the Enterprise Centre to offer space for the library.
  • Staff utilisation report: curriculum restructure is still ongoing and the number of lecturer posts available was discussed. SH circulated the staff utilisation report. JP suggested this report is run monthly/weekly, add week number, average number of teaching hours to be delivered each week to fulfil contract. AC noted that timetabling should be within the divisions, and that room allocation needs to be revisited.
/ Start bid / MC, AC, AA
3. / Stephen Hagues
  • Distributed a staffing monitoring report. Bradford scores will be distributed shortly. This report will be available online. Number of employees, sickness information, turnover are key. MC noted that sickness absence reporting seems to be falling off; SH noted that a reminder of this policy would be issued. (SH left the meeting.)
  • Issue a reminder regarding sickness absence reporting
  • SH

4. / April Carrol
  • Student Award Ceremony: AC reminded everyone that this is next Monday and all SLT should attend. Dress rehearsal from 5.15pm onwards. Sponsorship has been very good from local businesses.

5. / Any other business
  • AC – marketing update: negative report in Observer 16th September. There was a discussion on how best to respond to such reports.
  • MC – smoking shelter at Ore Valley is not acceptable. MC to discuss with SH to investigate who gave authorisation for current shelter.
  • Discuss shelter with SH
  • MC

6. / Inspection preparation
The communication strategy was discussed. Emails to be titled: inspection preparation: then subject. Principal’s briefing to staff will take place at Station Plaza. Newsletter update to staff, reminders of college’s key message, successes, advice for staff of practice meeting timetables. Aspect A - AC/CF; Aspect B1 – CF; B2 – AC; B3 - MC B4 – Vikkie Morton; L&M Principal. Lead for data & ILR BD and Nathalie Boyd. Curriculum leads HoLs and PALs. PFA Audit – BD. Care Guidance & Support – TLCs? Supporting learners in receipt of ALS – Vicky Chainey. L&M Governors – Pat Farmer & Vic Kempner. Group of Governors – Vic Kempner, Monty Mears, Cihan Dogan, Philip Halstead, Stuart Laing. Vikkie Morton, Keith Brister. QI – CF, TLCs.
ALPs data needed? /
  • Organise an Inspector for lesson observations
  • List of Partnership observations
  • List of programmes at each level to BD
  • Email LSIS template for HoL/PAL information
  • AC
  • MC
  • AC
  • MC