Meeting Minutes
Date: December 6, 2016
Monthly Conference Call

Attending: Kelli Pryor, Terry Martin, Michael Nichols, Jean Covillo, Corry Coopmans, Mitch Simmons, Joshua Britton, Curtis Robison, Mike Mueller, Kristen Richter, Rebecca Boust

, Mary Kay Bader, Carol Kemna, Rob Walsh, Kristen Richter, Jeanie Skibiski, Amy Brown, Michelle Belgeri, Sara Swank

Absent voting members: Lindsay Banta, Christin Stoner

Absent Non-voting Members: Student Intern Katie Kinsworthy

Quorum present: Yes

Meeting began at 8:00 p.m.

SUBJECT / DISCUSSION / Motions / Action / Tasks to Meet Action /


Terry Martin: / -  Breakfast meeting with Rep. Sandy Crawford
who is likely to run for Sen. Parson’s empty seat
Planning to meet other candidates that may be running in special election.
-  Important to build contacts with all legislators and build key contacts
-  John Bardgett rec’d a call from Gov. Elect Greiten’s office seeking contributions – no action at this time
Proposal to re-contract with Steve Tilley to have a contract to keep him “as needed” / -Motion by Curtis Robison and seconded by Corry Coopmans to hire Steve Tilley for $12000 with $6000 up front and $1000/month January/June with the option to renew at the end of the contract / Motion passed
All Board Members and Chairs urged to make contact with their legislators and build relationships / Carol to discuss contract with Steve Tilley. Will present to the BOD.
Terry Martin/Jean Covillo/Jeanie Skibiski:
(Sallie Poepsel and Sheila Ray not on conf. call) / -  Meetings on 11/29 with
-  BNDD – Mr. Mike Boeger expressed concerns with how orders for narcotics are carried out.
-  MHA - Sara Willson to try to meet with MHA to address concerns. Ms. Willson will report back to MoANA.
-  MONA – will be presenting bill to address issues with collaborative practice. MoANA supplied language edit per our attorney. Kyna Iman, MONA lobbyist is working to edit the bills before filing
-  BON - Debra Funk discussed work on creating an APRN Compact Bill. Currently have two open positions on the BON
Jeanie Skibiski / -  Working on CRNA Map updates with students

Date for next Meeting / -  January 10th, 2017 8:00 pm
Meeting Adjourned 9:00 / -