Meadowbrook Family and Faculty Association
Minutes from October 14, 2015
Officers Present:
Ann Jansen, Joan Luciano, Lorraine Woods, Therese Najarian, Kristen Kardell, Aimee Forrest
The meeting came to order at 7:35 PM
Introductions-The new Superintendent was introduced.
They have hit the ground running with a lot of great initiatives for K-8.
They had a very productive Professional Development Day on Monday getting together with teachers from Hills/Valley district, making connections and learning from each other. Discussed new system called CANVAS and also Google docs.
The new Assistant Principal started at George White this week.
September was a little challenging with some days off and choppy weeks,but we are moving forward in a great routine in October with a very busy month. Started off with Week of Respect – the text messages helped get a lot more kids involved which created a real Team feel to it.
Thanks to Mrs. Fraiman for Fire Prevention Event, and also bus drills have been completed.Children had screenings for hearing today. Parents will be contacted if there are any concerns.
Professional Development Day went well on Monday – this is a great staff and always with an open mind to discuss any ideas. The first Book Club will be starting this year; first book will be “Teach like a Pirate”.
Book Fair is tomorrow October 15-October 16.
Thank you to Kristin Kardell and Sharon Guggino for hosting a fabulous Yo Jo anti-bullying assembly last week for the kids.
Halloween will be celebrated Friday, October 30 1:45pm – more details to follow this week.
Parent /Teacher Conferences are next month November 2, 3, 4. There will be night appointments also to accommodate working parents. Reach out to your teacher if you need to confirm your time.
Readers Workshop has been fully implemented throughout the school now. Benchmark assessments were just completed. Ask your teacher about your child at the conferences.
There have been issues on the playground with Kindergarten children running into each other. Please remind children to take it easy on the playground.
Please be reminded if you are dropping off in front of school to do so after 8:50 AM, after the buses leave. If you want to drop earlier you can do so by the stairs. A reminder to parentsNOT to pass buses. We are using a portable STOP sign to help this situation.
The Leadership Council and Technology Committee are in place.
Please be reminded of the Principal/Parent discussion group, next Tuesday, October 20 at 10:00. Please register online in advance.
Our Social Media presence is increasing. Check us out on Twitter for an opportunity to see the kids in action.
Kristen Kardell brought up the reading/ book levels for children at the Hillsdale Public Library. Mr. Brentnall will speak to Dave Franz, Library Director about this.
Meadowbrook Idol will not be happening this year, as the teachers who coordinated in the past can no longer do. We can possibly talk about parent organization taking over this event . We are also considering doing a Multi-cultural/Diversity event in the evening this year.
She is looking forward to representing the faculty and wanted to say thanks to everyone for all they do. The teachers really appreciated the Welcome Breakfast.
Harvest Festival has always been a great event and she thanks everyone for continuing this Meadowbrook tradition.
She is looking forward to getting to know more parents and is very grateful for everything they do.
TREASURER’S REPORT – Joan Luciano, Therese Najarian
Harvest Festival had some great numbers, generating approximately $1800.
Bagel and Pizza Day are looking good. Shoprite has agreed to donate water and spreads for Bagel Day.
Expense Reimbursement and Check Request Forms can be found online. If you have a lot of checks you can run an Excel spreadsheet.
Remember to bring Tax Exempt forms to vendors.
Checks will be coming from TD Bank.
Winter Workshop price will increase a bit this year.
Theater Week is coming up November 16-20 – student sign-ups will be available soon. The program is one week, afterschool with a performance Friday night. Volunteers are needed after school and on Friday night. We will need someone to replace Alicia Sylvester next year.
Liz Santos will be putting in Spirit Wear order this weekend. All orders should be in by now. Once the order is placed, we will then get a delivery date.
Kristen Kardell – the kids really enjoyed the Yo Jo anti-bullying assembly. They may do Harlem Wizards. If anyone has suggestions, please let her know. The Author Visit will be Laurence Pringle in the Spring.
Ann will be meeting with Noreen Buoye and Vera Coleman Thursday to discuss Student Directories. They hope to have them there by Thanksgiving.
Danielle Brennan mentioned she would volunteer to handle the kids at rehearsals if we were able to do American Idol. We would need volunteers to handle the rest and would need to get approval for this event to go on.
Bricks for Kids program will be a new LEGOS program where a vendor will come in and each week will be a different activity. $90 for 6 week program. We will need a minimum of 10 kids for the program.
Upcoming Events:
Book Fair (Oct. 15, 16) – Erin Hampton, Ann Jansen
Pizza Day (Oct. 23) – Alissa Dellaquilla, Marianne Kovacs, Jamie Bozzo
Bagel Day (Nov. 3) – Kristen Kardell, Christine Pellegrin
Theater Week (Nov. 16-20) – Alicia Sylvester
Spirit Wear – Liz Santos
Directories – Ann Jansen, Vera Coleman, Noreen Buoye
Meeting Adjourned: 8:45 PM