Dear Coach:
Your school is cordially invited to attend the DHS forensics tournament being held on Saturday, April 7, 2018. KSHSAA rules will be followed, and KSHSAA ballots will be used for evaluation by the judges. The only exception will be POI and Info 10 (10 minutes and visual aids allowed). Those two events will follow NSDA rules and use NSDA ballots.Each school will be allowed unlimited entries HOWEVER schools will be asked to bring additional judges. The formula will be one judge per six entries over 20. If you have judges who would like to help out, please add them on Tabroom when you register.
The schedule is as follows:
Round 1:8:00 am
Round 2:9:30 am
Round 3:11:00 am
Finals:2:00 pm
First extemp draw will be 15 minutes prior to the start of each round.
The entry fees will be $6.00 per entry ($12.00 per Duo).
We will offer the following events:
Dramatic Interpretation (No chair)
DUO Interpretation (No chairs or table)
Humorous Interpretation (No chair)
Informative 7 (KSHSAA Rules)
Informative 10 (NSDA Rules)
International Extemp
Original Oration
Program of Oral Interpretation (POI)
US Extemp
A few additional items:
- The first extemp draw will be at 7:45 am.
- Though I strongly discourage it, students may enter in as many events as they like, but may only enter one division of extemp. We will run the rounds within a strict 1 hour 25-minute timeframe. Please advise your students accordingly.
- For events with seven or less total participants, there may not be a final round and results will be based cumulatively from the total of the first three rounds. All other events will break to a single final round with three judges when possible. Final places will be tabulated from a cumulative total of prelims plus each of the final round judges.
- Sweepstakes will be determined from the top 16 preliminary round entries with no more than 4 entries counting in each event. You will not be asked to designate, we will take the top entries.
- Registration will be downstairs in room L-15.
- Extemp prep will be in the library and impromptu draw will be in front of L-23.
- Because there will be plenty of time for lunch, we will not sell anything for lunch and we will not have a concession stand. Please plan accordingly.
- All grievances will be handled by the tournament director. He would prefer we don’t have any, but will resolve all matters through a fair process.
Please enter at If you have any questions, just send me an email.
Lynn A. Miller
DHS – Debate/Forensics