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Joint Winterbourne Implementation Action PlanLast amended 3rdApril 2014.

Aim / Objective / Actions / Lead / Timescale / Progress to date
1. To provide assurance of effective partnership working arrangements are in place to deliver the requirements of the Winterbourne concordat through Partnership working / To provide effective reporting mechanisms to meet the requirements of each Board including:
-NY & Y Safeguarding Boards
-NY LD Partnership Board
-York MH & LD Programme Board
-NY MH & LD Programme Board
-NYY Strategic Collaborative Commissioning Board
-York & NY H&W Boards / 1. For Operational groups and Commissioning Group to provide report to include:
What is working well?
What needs improving / changing?
2. WIG to provide as part of update to stakeholder groups any issues relating to effective partnership working / JH/KC/GB/LH
JH/KC/GB/LH/JK / For each WIG meeting / Update to be given at each WIG meeting
No issues this month.
Develop by 1 April 2013 and maintain local registers of all people placed in NHS-funded care, setting out clearly which CCG and Local Authority is responsible for them.
2. To have robust data collection, recording systems and processes in place that give assurance to the quality of service being delivered. / 1.To develop one comprehensive joint register between PCU and CYC and one joint register between PCU and NYCC that will be maintained and up to date and include
- children and adults
- in-patient / residential / supported living / care in own home
- in area / out of area
- safeguarding concerns/alerts, the requirements of DoLS and the monitoring of restraint and is recorded appropriately. / 2.1 Agree information sharing protocol /agreement between PCU, CYC and NYCC
2.2 Chairs of Operational groups to agree required actionsto develop joint registers.
2.3 Chairs of Operational groups to agree process for providing key stakeholders eg CCGs with anonymised registers for those people from their areas.
2.4 To include data from SCG on those funded via NHS England / 1.1 – 1.6
Chairs of Ops groups / 2.1 April 2014
2.2 March 2014
2.3 April 2014
2.4 April 2014 / JRK to update draft Standard Operating Procedures.
2.2 Complete – actions identified.
2.3 Complete. Process agreed. Summary sheet prepared for CCGs and Anonymised register sent to Lead Nurses.
2.4 JK contacted NHS England again – waiting for response.
Review by 31 May 2013 the care of all people in learning disability or autism inpatient beds. Following the result of that review, bring back into community-based settings as soon as possible, and no later than 31 May 2014, everyone inappropriately placed in hospital.
3. To ensure Person Centred care and support is provided through effective case management and on-going review / 1. To ensure all those funded through health or social care have been reviewed by May 2014 and that each review:
-Ensures each person has an up to date health and social care plan, which when is implemented meets the person’s needs, maximises their potential and actively involved the person and their family ( this includes health related provider support plans and care provider support plans) / 1.1For each organisation to develop a capacity plan and a joint plan between PCU/CYC/NYCC and ensure those in residential settings are reviewed by May 2014.
1.2 From those reviewed, to identify those who would benefit from being moved closer to home and in the least restrictive environment and make necessary arrangements with partners (including the person and their families) to facilitate this.
Operational groups to give summary of progress and assurance of quality of service delivery
1.3 For the Commissioning Group to consider outcomes of reviews of those in in-patient settings and out of area residential placements and develop commissioning plan to respond to needs of individuals. / 1.1 - 1.2 Chairs of Operational Groups
1.3 Commissioning Group Chair / Feb 2014
May 2014
June 2014 / 1.1 Complete – capacity identified. Reviews on target.
1.2 Updates from Operational Groups to be given at the meeting
1.3 Pen pictures being produced on all those reviewed including those in transition to inform the Commissioning Strategy.
4. To identify and address any Safeguarding issues that arises. / 1. To identify and address any safeguarding issues that arise for individuals or organisations
2. To ensure links with Community Safety Partnership / local Police and partner groups to raise issues relating to those with LD/ASD and other people who are vulnerable in the communities. / 1.1To set up a mechanism for appropriate sharing information regarding safeguarding concerns about particular providers between commissioning partners, acute trusts and MH and LD specialist services, GPs, social care providers, Police.
1.2To agree standards for those in all funded care including supporting living and level of monitoring that will give assurance on the quality of care – this is to include assurance on those placed out of area eg contact with relevant LA/CHC teams to ask for notification of any issues.
2. To establish mechanism to share information on those most vulnerable in the community and action any necessary measures to prevent crisis. This is to involve police, mental health service staff, local authority staff and other relevant partners. / 1.1 JRK / Contracting DK / Janine/KB &SN
Joss to link with Janine/Mike/GB
3. JK / March 2014
June 2014
June 2014 / 1.1Complete.
Mechanism in place.
The Multi agency Policies and procedures used are based on the national format, and have just been up dated and agreed with the CYC SAB, the NYCC is due for review which will be directed via the SAB.
Action: KC to circulate Making It Real document
Each organisation to consider the standards and assess if they are meeting those standards.
Plan to be provided to next meeting
This is to include process for gaining assurance from those placed out of area.
3. Multiagency Police/Health/Social Care group developed – initial focus on s136 but to be reviewed and expanded to cover a wider range of issues for vulnerable people.
5.To provide timely, effective and responsive Crisis services / 1. To provide services for those who have LD/ASD who experience crisis.
2. To develop measures that help to prevent admissions to hospital for those with LD/ASD including those detained under the MH Act / 1.1 To map crisis pathway and all who may potentially be involved eg s136 / Crisis services / acute hospitals / CMHTs / EDT/ S12 doctors etc.To identify any gaps and possible solutions
2.1 Commissioning Group to consider Crisis services as part of Commissioning Plan / 1. JK /IS /KB
2. GB / June 2014 / JK started mapping of Crisis services.
Will feed in to the development of the Commissioning Strategy.
6. To have a good understanding of the population needs and young people in transitions to inform service planning and delivery / 1. To identify all those in transitions to determine future demands and inform future planning
2. To understand potential demand through JSNA /
  1. To map future LD/ASD demographic changes over the next 5 to 10 years.
To include work already carried out including: CYC: mapping undertaken to 2017 – will need updating and planned to update to 2020.
NYCC: mapping undertaken.
NYCC and Transitions Group exists / 1.1
Chair of Commissioning Group (to link with -
Tbc (Nick Kemp?) CYC KB & SN
GL / June 2014 / Transitions to be included in the development of the commissioning strategy to ensure strategy covers minimum of 5 years.
Aim / Objective / Actions / Lead / Timescale / Progress to date
NHS Contract should be used for all NHS commissioned services;Contracts should be monitored and reviewed;lead commissioning arrangements should be clear for all CCGs and specialist commissioning groups
7. To continuously engage with the Market to explore and understand personalised support needs and future approaches. / 1. To map market provision against current and future demands
2. To ensure appropriate NHS contracts are in place for all services commissioned by the PCU on behalf of the CCGs
3. To review LD inpatient facilities within NYY and negotiate with providers (Including local health providers) future development to meet changing demands. / 1. For Commissioning Group to include in TOR:
- to undertake a market assessment on local support for all people with complex needs.
- To identify current spend on placements LD/ASD by CCGs and LAs.
- engagement with people and their carers to determine their views
- Engagement with providers of services
To consider the Market Position Statement
2. BA to work with CHC in the first instance to ensure all NHS Contracts in place. To then roll out to MH contracts.
3. To agree the care pathway for LD/ASD and Commissioning Group to include in Commissioning Plan for the provision of services that meets people’s needs in the least restrictive environment / Chair of Commissioning Group / June 2014 / TOR for commissioning Group agreed.
Engagement event with service users and carers held. Report circulated to the group and to the NY LD Partnership Board.
Event to be planned for June
2.Contract - BA currently working with CHC. Contracts in place with all providers by end of December.
3.Meeting to be arranged to discuss good practice and develop recommendations for commissioning of high quality effective pathway.
Have in place, as part of formal annual plans for 2014/15 a strategic plan to commission the range of services required to meet the needs of children and adults with challenging behaviour in their locality. Ensure that commissioners commission against clearly defined standards of quality, safety and openness in contracts with all providers to drive up quality
8. To develop robust integrated commissioning and clarity of funding of services to meet the needs of the local population and individuals. / 1. To develop pooled budgets for commissioning packages of care for those with LD/ASD
2.1 To identify issues regarding Ordinary Residence and the potential financial risks associated with this.
3. Have joint reviewing and (de)commissioning arrangements agreed with specialist commissioning teams.
4. To gain agreement between partners that all service development plans that will have an impact on partners will
be shared and discussed prior to implementation. / 1.Commissioning Group to develop Commissioning Plan that includes:
- assurance of quality standards
- staff skills and competencies
- development of services that meet needs of individuals
- pooled budgets
2. Commissioning Group to consider actions required and seek ( national) advice on OR issues
3. PCU to gain name contact within SCG / NHS England
4. Commissioning Group to incorporate this within TOR. All partners to table impact assessment of future service development plans at meetings. / 1 & 2 Chair of Commissioning Group GB
3. JK /MP
4. GB / Draft by July 2014 / Pen pictures of each person reviewed and those in transition will inform the Commissioning Plan. Work underway.
Draft plan to be complete by July.
3. Request made to SCG for information.
4. To be fed n to commissioning strategy.
9.1. To develop an integrated Workforce model.
9.2Improve the competence of the disability workforce / 1. To ensure the model of service that is commissioned has a workforce with the relevant knowledge and skills / 1. For the Commissioning Strategy to include the requirement for commissioned services to have the right skills and competencies to deliver high quality services required to meet people’s needs. / 1. GB / Draft plan to be completed by July 2014.
Public AwarenessImprove the understanding of people with complex needs with the general population and universal services. / Develop a programme of LD and ASD awareness for the public, local services and facilities eg leisure / shops etc and health and social care universal services / To incorporate public awareness within the NY (&Y?) LD Strategy / JH / JK / CYC? / ? / JH to arrange meeting to agree process and format.
Concordat: Commission Independent Advocacy Support
10. To ensure sufficient high quality Advocacy services are available and built in to the pathway of care. / 1. To review arrangements for the commissioning of advocacy support and identify any gaps.
2. To monitor the quality and effectiveness of advocacy arrangements, including Best Interests, MCA, DOLs, through contract monitoring and user feedback. / 1.1 HaRD CCG and NYCC and CYC and VOY CCG to report on how well services are meeting current demand and if not what plans are in place to address it.
2.1 Operational groups to include in TOR and include in summary report to WIG:
Number of people with independent advocacy
Number with family advocate
Number with provider advocate / 1.1 MW / HaRD CCG
CYC KB/VOY Contracting lead
2. Chairs of Ops Groups / March 2014
July 2014. / Feedback from NYCC /CYC suggested advocacy services locally are struggling to meet demand.
Operational Groups are including advocacy in the review process. This will be fed into the Commissioning Strategy.


JK = Judith Knap ton PCUJH = Joss Harbron HAS NYCCSN = Sue Newton CYC

LH = Liz Hodgkinson PCU AML = Anne Marie LubanskiHAS NYCCKC = Kathy Clark CYC

John K = John Keith PCUMW = Mike WebsterHAS NYCCKB = Katie Brown CYC

JP = Janet Probert PCUIS = Ian Spicer HAS NYCCGB = Gary Brittain CYC

GL = George Lee PCUSL = Stuart Lomas HAS NYCCFP = Frances Perry CYC

HB= Helen Billson PCUCMcG = Catherine McGovern