M11 Junction 11 Park & Ride: Initial Briefing

18:00 13.12.17 Kreis Viersen Room, Shire Hall, Cambridge

Attendance / Philip Allen, South Trumpington Parish Meeting; Tim Arnold, Harston Residents Association; Niall O’Byrne, Harston Parish Council; Jess Cunningham, University of Cambridge; Richard Gibson, Barrington Parish Council; John Hammond, Hauxton Parish Council; Peter Hayde, Harston Resident; Anthony Hayward, Harston Resident; Janet Lockwood, Hauxton Parish Council; David Plank, Trumpington Residents Association; Jane Ward, Hauxton Parish Council; Aiden Van de Weyer, District Council; Brian Williamson, Harston Resident; Katharine Smith, Addenbrooke’s; Ian Sollom, Grantchester Resident; Cllr Zoe O Connell, City Council; Cllr Kevin Cuffley, County Council; Cllr Peter Topping, District Council Leader; Pauline Joslin, Hardwick Parish Council; Cllr Markus Gehring, City Council
Greater Cambridge Partnership: Chris Tunstall, Interim Transport Director (CT); Tim Watkins, Project Manager (TW); Katy Rogerson, Communications Manager (KR)
Introduction / Introduction and welcome from Chris Tunstall, Interim Transport Director & Tim Watkins, Project Manager / No actions arising
Meeting format / Question and Answer session
Queries over influence and scope of the group from Cllr Cuffley
Queries of Cllr Gehring: Queries over 1) whether agreements to group by Transport Director and would these be honoured by successor 2) impact of Cambridge South Station
Several queries over Park & Rail as a potential to relieve traffic from A10 area
Queries over extent of engagement and timings of papers in order to give feedback to the Executive Board from David Plank
CT spoke on why isn’t this an LLF and the benefits of more flexible arrangements including wider participation. / CT: commitment from GCP to advance planning; public notification, ability of attendees to suggest amends to notes; circulation of notes
Ground level expansion / CT spoke about the background to the project from Western Orbital including Park & Cycle
TW showed illustrations of existing site including the expansion of 300 spaces within the existing Trumpington Park & Ride site
CT spoke on why a bigger site was not appropriate, as when we get to around 3,000 spaces these are akin to airport car parks which require multiple pick up points. Both M11 Junction 11 P&R and Trumpington P&R would be linked and buses would feed from one site to the other and then along Busway to the CBC site. M11 site chosen as part of previous strategy. / No actions arising
New site / CT gave an overview of the background to new site, which has its origins in an agreement back in 2011 in the Transport Strategy for Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire (TSCSC). The TSCSC identified this area as a preferred site. Benefits of this site are that it will pick up M11 North and A10 inbound traffic and assist with expansion Biomedical Campus. Trumpington site remains and the sites are anticipated to operate together.
Question and Answer session
Query regarding 2011 TSCSC which indicated 1000 places at a new site at that time.
CT: It accommodates the growth envisaged in the current local plan proposals with an additional 2000 needed due to growth identified in the area it is also the current size of provision for new sites being considered elsewhere as part of other transport schemes.
Query regarding basis of a new site as a car park for CBC.
CT: CBC will be acirca 30,000 person employment site by 2031. There is a clear need to provide infrastructure to assist with this growth and a site near the intersection is best location to pick up traffic and encourage people out of cars and to use sustainable means for final part of journey. He added that ANPR data was currently being analysed regarding this junction.
Query regarding potential for Foxton bypass and other Park & Rail e.g. Shepreth, Melbourn
CT: Foxton bypass is being considered and a report will go to the Executive Board next year, it was acknowledged that more than the proposed85 parking spaces by the Network Rail Study are needed.
Argument put forward by Cllr Gehring that a Park & Ride site is only for next 35 years and the need foran alternative transport hub with electric charging points.
CT stated that a study on the future transport options across the area has been undertaken. Early indications recently announced by the Mayor of the Combined Authority include trams on rubber wheels rather than rails due to the necessity of segregation and limitations of trams using rail together with the lower infrastructure cost. He spoke on the need for transport hubs including in the A1307 Fourwentways area as well as better rural bus service provision facilitated by revenue support.
Query regarding Stagecoach and potential for bus improvement in the area
CT: Reiterated the need for comprehensive funding and revenue generation e.g. Workplace Parking Levy, parking charges, etc in order to provide better provision and added that there is a demonstrative need for Park & Ride site in assisting with growth to date.
Statement from David Plank about the planned expansion of car parking spaces on CBC. Potential for numbers to be reduced if Park & Ride facilities were improved and the need for modal shift.
CT agreed pointing out that there was already outline planning permission for two multi-storeys car parks on the CBC site
Query on potential for underpass to CBC. Do not wish to be a dumping ground for Biomedical Campus.
CT: Agreed to make best us of transport links already in existence and reiterated that the funding was to continue the Cambridge economic growth
Is Foxton going to bypassed or tunnelled? Need for existing gap in traffic caused by crossing
CT: Yes, intention to look at better provision than the existing level crossing
Query on data availability and ANPR and what are the forecasts on growth based on?
TW: Local Plan gives approximations of number of dwellings and car ownership.
Statement from Katharine Smith considering the impact of multiple occupancy on the CBC site as part of travel plan. Soham study referenced by another in attendance – 3% of cars have more than one person in them
CT: Agreed that sensitivity testing can be carried out to see traffic impacts
Query on Skanska study regarding bus access into existing and new site and slip road arrangements. Associated query on potential to ensure new site is only accessible from M11 and not via the A10
TW: Locations considered for crossings illustrated on Powerpoint. Current illustration based on land option not proposed site, which would be smaller than space indicated. Current working assumption includes M11 slip road provision.
TW: management of the site is part of Full Business Case including how sites would work together.
CT: further information will be available at next meeting from ANPR information.
Query regarding % traffic from various direction shown at LLF?
TW: Third from each direction M11 north/south and A10.
CT: We need to provide a balance of options with carrots and sticks including reducing free car parking on street, WPL or similar. Traffic will always migrates to other less congested routes.
Harston is only village on the A10 without a bypass. Call for solution to this issue given negative impact on the village.
CT stated that a new Park & Ride not an additional attractor to what was already a busy area with substantial through traffic. CT made clear that a Harston bypass was not within GCPs gift.
Statement in support of sustainable travel measures from Katharine Smith, Addenbrooke’s and a query regarding links to Busway and single track/single height and whether it can cope with expansion.
TW: Bridges study on the busway has been undertaken as will a management evaluation on how services are run. CBC has made representations that levels of services should be increased.
CT: Referenced other potential for Park & Ride at Papworth Everard and other alternative solutions and take every opportunity to disperse traffic.
Query over impact on walking and cycling given the closeness of existing routes and potential for new bus slips and better access. Associated question regarding whether an Environmental Assessment would be undertaken.
CT: We would look to re provide any cycling or walking provision. Environmental Assessment will be completed as part of Full Business Case. As this is at the start of the process this has not yet been done. / CT: commitment to creation of Environmental Impact Assessment as part of development of Full Business Case
CT: agreement in favour of sensitivity testing for additional CBC traffic as part of CBC study
CT: commitment to look at all opportunities to remove traffic at earliest opportunities including GCP looking at Park & Rail provision & rural travel hubs
Programme / TW: Programme information is drawn from that contained in November Executive Board report. Development of options and access arrangements expected early next year with consultation in summer 2018 and going forward to seeking powers to construct in 2020 with construction by winter 2021.
CT: There is a preferred site, however, we are happy to look at all site impacts including staggered expansion and offer recommendations to the Executive Board. Happy to hear thoughts on other means of provision. CT reiterated that for this project we are working toward this site.
Question and Answer session
Query regarding timescales and restrictions including greenbelt.
CT: In transport terms with greenbelt need must be demonstrated. It was noted that need in housing and transport terms are different.
Query on integrated viewpoints including Trumpington Road.
TW: transport assessment will be included regarding accessibility and transport benefits.
CT: A bypass unfortunately is not on offer. / CT: commitment to consideration of staggered expansion and to look at Park & Rail provision within Greater Cambridge Partnership and offer recommendations to Executive Board
AOB / Tim Watkins offered to attend Parish Council meetings or other group meetings in the area and reiterated availability to liaise with local residents regarding the project.
Chris Tunstall thanked all for attending and wished them a merry Christmas. / No actions arising
Date of next meeting / Preferred date to be decided by Doodle poll and is likely to be end of January time. Preferred venue is noted to be Harston Village Hall. / KR to arrange next meeting and circulate Doodle poll.