Missouri Division Executive Council Report for Meeting
Held on July 19, 2003

The Executive Council of the Missouri Division

met on July 19th, 2003 at the Stone Hill Restaurant in Hermann, Missouri. The elegant setting overlooking this quaint Missouri river town was worth

the trip alone. A quorum was present and a considerable amount of Division business was taken care of. Host Camp Commander Charles Workman gave an

excellent presentation on the history of the town. Adjutant Rick Perry reported that the Division has 535 paid members, 11 of which are ALife

Members@. The Division has funds specified for General Revenue, Heritage Defense, Billboards, Monuments,@Life Membership@, and an interest bearing Certificate of Deposit.

The date for the Annual Lee/Jackson Dinner was set

for Saturday, January 24th 2004, and will be held at the Lenoir Center at Columbia, Missouri.

The 2004 Annual Division Reunion will be held at

Mountain Grove, Missouri and hosted by Col. Emmett

MacDonald Camp #1846. It will be held the weekend of April 24th 2004. The Camp has planned a very entertaining event, complete with tours of local

places of interest.

New Division medals are now available. To order,

please contact Gene Dressel at (636) 488-3344 or at

The cost of the medals is $25

plus $3.50 for shipping and handling.

Cemetery maintenance was discussed, and it was

reported that many family cemeteries in Missouri are in

need of perpetual care for these sites, and are willing to

pay quite well for this service. Camps can enhance

their revenues, gain research information on

Confederate burial sites and provide a much needed

community service by offering to renovate and

maintain these sacred sites.

Compatriot Bruce Hillis gave a report on the status

of the Monument Protection legislation that was

introduced at the last Legislative session in Jefferson

City. The bill would prevent the Department of Natural

Resources from removing Confederate flags from

historic sites, as was done by them last January. One

version of the proposed bill would return the flags to

their rightful place at Higginsville and Pilot Knob.

Due to the budget problems in Missouri, the bill did

not get introduced this past session, but has a

commitment to be pre-filed for the next session.

Almost 80% of the legislators contacted said they would

support this bill, so it has a good chance of passing

next year.

The Division has been granted the unique privilege of

placing a recruiting billboard along the Interstate 70

corridor between St. Louis and Kansas City. Compatriot

Noel Crowson, owner of the historic Baker Plantation

Home at Danville, Missouri has provided this rare

opportunity, and the Division is deeply indebted to him

for his gracious courtesy. The billboard has been ordered

and should be up this month. Compatriot Bruce Hillis is

also working on a comprehensive long-range, professional

billboard campaign for the Division that will not only

enhance recruiting, but will also enable us to present our

message to the Missouri voters.

The nominating committee for the 2004 Missouri Division

election of officers has been selected. If you wish to

run for the office of Commander, Lt. Commander or

Adjutant for the Division, please contact either Jim

England, Bill Berry or John Christensen.

Webmaster Brad Cornwell gave an excellent report on

the future of the Division web site. Brad has been able to

sell advertising space on the site that has generated twice

as much revenue as the annual cost of the site. It is

planned that in the future that this revenue can be used to

upgrade the site with advanced software which will

enhance our recruiting potential. The Division newsletter

is also available on this site. Please take the time to

visit the message board and forums at

It takes a little time to log

on and get a password, but this will prevent irresponsible

persons from misusing the site.

The Executive Council then discussed the proposed

amendments to the National by-laws which were to be

voted on at the National SCV Reunion in Asheville,

North Carolina. A report on the results of this vote,

which is on pages 2 and 3 of this newsletter, indicate

that the consensus of the Missouri Division Executive

Council was also the consensus of the vast majority of the

SCV membership nation-wide when they rejected all

but three of the proposed twenty-four amendments. It is

re-assuring that common sense prevailed at this

Convention, and that our past leaders have guided us

through these contentious times.
