Minutes of the meeting held in the Awbridge Village Hall, at 8.00pm on Thursday 23rd May 2013

Present: / Cllrs Caplen (Chair) Allen, Milani, Harvey
In attendance: / 9 members of the public.
Apologies: / Cllr Legon, County Councillor Roy Perry
Clerk: / Ian Milsom
Cllr Caplen welcomed everyone to the meeting.
264. / Apologies for absence
Cllr Legon (Work commitment) and County Councillor Roy Perry
265. / Open Forum
Cllr Caplen invited members of the public present to speak or ask questions about issues on the agenda.
It was pointed out that agenda item 6. refers to Romsey Road and Dunwood Lane. This should read Romsey Road and Dunbridge Lane. ACTION: CLERK TO AMEND
Further information was requested about item 272(h), to approve a donation of £165 to ADVA. The Parish Council confirmed that this was to help with running costs. A view was expressed that this was not a good use of public monies. There followed a broad discussion about the process of grant making by the Parish Council.
It was noted that there was no agenda item covering highways and footpaths. In view of this, a question was allowed concerning an article in the Discover Romsey magazine about access to footpaths in and around Awbridge. It is felt that the advice given in the magazine about ‘where to leave your car’ when accessing footpaths is inappropriate and should be challenged by the Parish Council via a letter to the magazine’s publisher.
Information was provided that the fence at the War Memorial needs repair. / Clerk
266. / Declarations of interest
267. / Minutes
It was proposed by Cllr Harvey, seconded by Cllr Allen, that the minutes of the meeting held on 28 March 2013 be accepted as an accurate representation of the business conducted. Carried. Minutes signed by Cllr Caplen.
268. / Matters arising
Item 255. Cllr Milani advised that hedgerows can be cut during the bird nesting season where overgrowth is creating a hazard. Cllr Milani felt that this is the case with the hedge at the bridleway, opposite the golf course and that this should be followed up again with Highways. ONGOING
Item 170.2 Steps at the bottom of Romsey Road. Cllr Milani requested that this outstanding item be chased with highways and expressed the opinion that a safety barrier is needed at the bottom of the steps to prevent pedestrians stepping straight out on to the road. ONGOING
216.3 Cllr Harvey requested an update on the re-siting of the telephone box. ONGOING
Power has now been disconnected and Cllr Legon is looking into how the box can be moved to the site chosen at the Village Hall.
246. Cllr Harvey agreed to co-ordinate any policy and procedural recommendations stemming from the HR consultancy service purchased from HALC. ONGOING
260. Village Fete. COMPLETE. Cllr Harvey provided feedback on the Parish Council display, which included information about the Broadband campaign, and maps and information about Awbridge footpaths. The latter encouraged feedback on overgrown footpaths, all of which are not within the Awbridge Parish Council area. The clerk will pass this information on to the Parish Councils concerned. The suggestions box also attracted a number of more general comments, which will be addressed.
The clerk will repeat the above information in a submission for the next edition of ADVA news, adding the message that registering for the broadband campaign does make a difference.
The mention of footpaths under 260. above, and the review of ongoing items, led to a discussion about the requirement for an audit of Awbridge footpaths; and the need for a Parish Council work plan which can be used to monitor progress against agreed actions. The audit of footpaths could be one of the items on the suggested work plan.
It was formally proposed by Cllr Harvey, seconded by Cllr Allen, that a Parish Council work plan be created. Carried. The clerk will create a framework plan populated with items currently outstanding, including the footpath audit. This to be circulated with the minutes to enable councillors to add further items and information. The work plan to be an agenda item for the next meeting on 27 June. / Clerk
Cllr Legon
Cllr Harvey
All Cllrs
269. / Village Plan
There was a broad discussion which took in the pros and cons of creating a village plan. Cost issues, including those associated with producing copies of the final plan, were recognised, as was the danger of the process becoming focused around a small number of individuals and, therefore, not being wholly reflective of the wider view of the community.
It was agreed that the process needs further examination and that a future open meeting may be an option. Discuss at September 2013 meeting of Parish Council. ONGOING / Clerk
270. / Double seat at Romsey Road and Dunbridge Lane
Cllr Milani provided some background to this item. The seat was built around 1935 for the Jubilee (George V) and was last repaired sometime in the 1990s. Now needs further repair.
There was a discussion which covered questions of:
·  Should the double seat be repaired?
·  Should it be replaced with a new bench, if so, should this be wood or plastic?
·  If repaired, replaced, is this an opportune time to re-site the seat/bench?
·  If re-sited, should a view be sought from Highways?
Agreed that Cllr Milani will obtain quotations for the scope of work outlined above. ACTION
/ Cllr Milani
271. / To review the Parish Council Risk Assessment
This item was flagged to councillors prior to the meeting, at which time a copy of the Risk Assessment was circulated.
It was proposed by Cllr Allen, seconded by Cllr Harvey that under ‘Council Records’ in the Risk Assessment, the current text be removed in its entirety and substituted with “The Council Records will be regularly uploaded by the clerk to a secure online storage facility, with the Chair, all councillors and the clerk having password access”. Carried.
ACTION. / Clerk
272. / Finance
(a) / To review the Financial Regulations
This item was flagged to councillors prior to the meeting, at which time a copy of the Financial Regulations were circulated.
It was proposed by Cllr Harvey, seconded by Cllr Allen, that the following additional paragraphs be added to the Financial Regulations:
2.3. “The council will consider funding applications from parish organisations once a year, with decisions clearly reflected in the budget for the coming financial year. The Parish Council will fund only specific projects which have the interests of parishioners as a priority and which will enhance village life in Awbridge”.
3.4 “The clerk will make available at each ordinary meeting of the Council a report on expenditure against the current budget”. / Clerk
(b) / To receive the accounts for the year ended 31 March 2013
Councillors were supplied with copies of the Council cash book, balanced against bank statements as at 31 March 2013.
(c) / To agree the bank reconciliation at 31 March 2013
The bank reconciliation was agreed and signed by Cllr Caplen.
(d) / To approve the annual return for the financial year 2012/13
Parts 1 and 2 of the Annual Return for 2013 were approved, and signed by Cllr Caplen
(e) / To Review bank statements and authorise cheque payments
Bank statements were produced and shown to balance against the cash book as per items (c) and (d) above.
The following cheque payments were proposed by Cllr Harvey and seconded by Cllr Milani:-
Ch044 Payee P. Allen. Representing the cost of replacing the gazebo damaged whilst on loan to the Parish Council (Village Fete).
See also items (g) and (h) below.
(f) / To agree the commitment of Section 106 monies for outdoor exercise equipment
Cllr Harvey circulated three quotations received for the supply and installation of the outdoor exercise equipment. Some of the companies who have supplied quotations have installed equipment at Braishfield and Wellow. Cllr Harvey has viewed these installations and reported that wood equipment appears to have weathered better than the metal alternative.
Following further discussion it was proposed by Cllr Allen, seconded by Cllr Harvey, that the quotation from Fawns Recreational Services Limited (Ref. PHQ 4976/1A and dated 10/4/2013) be accepted. Carried.
It was agreed that the installation of the outdoor exercise equipment be sited on the playing field to the right of the kissing gate and that care be taken not to encroach upon the football pitch. Clerk to obtain written confirmation that the Village Hall Committee is in agreement with the site chosen.
It was also agreed that the clerk, supported by Cllr Harvey, will contact Test Valley Borough Council regarding the release of the remaining Section 106 monies. ACTION
Cllr Caplen asked that a vote of thanks to Cllr Harvey for all her hard work be minuted. / Clerk
Cllr Harvey
(g) / To agree acceptance of the invitation to renew Parish Council insurance
Proposed by Cllr Harvey, seconded by Cllr Caplen. Carried.
Ch043 £336.92 Came & Company Parish Council Insurance.
(h) / To approve a donation of £165 to ADVA
Proposed by Cllr Caplen, seconded by Cllr Harvey. Carried.
Ch045 £165.00
273. / (a)
(e) / Correspondence
The clerk reported the following items of correspondence:-
Email dated 22 April 2013 from Environmental Health Manager, Test Valley Borough Council concerning signs asking dog owners to keep their animals on leads to protect wildlife. These carry Test Valley Borough Council logos. If there use is still required, the Test Valley logo should be removed and replace with the Parish Council logo.
There is no knowledge of any such signs in use in Awbridge.
An invitation to their AGM on 10 June 2013 from Awbridge Neighbourcare.
Cllr Harvey is attending and will represent the Parish Council
Request for Financial support from Romsey Choral Society and Victim Support.
Clerk to write to both and advise of Council’s approach to donations under new paragraph 2.3 of Financial Regulations (See 272(a) above). ACTION
Cllr Milani reported:-
A letter from a parishioner dated 17 May 2013 raising a number of issues concerning the Parish Council.
Cllr Caplen will gather the information necessary for a detailed response. ACTION
Information concerning:
·  Rogue traders offering block paving work
·  Theft of fertiliser from farm stores
Cllr Allen reported receipt of, and lodged with the clerk, an anonymous cash donation of £20 towards the refreshments provided at the 2013 Annual Parish Assembly. / Clerk
Cllr Caplen/
274. / Date of next meeting
Thursday 27 June 2013



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