Digidol: Developing Digital Literacy

Monthly Update December 2011


This monthly update document is intended for circulation amongst the Digidol Steering Group in order to maintain up to date awareness of project developments. Copies of all monthly reports will be uploaded to the project space in Teamplace. The workpackage document containing the detailed schedules of work, together with the project is also available in Teamplace. This report shows progress measured against the planned workpackages. All workpackages and tasks are currently running on schedule for planned development.

Workpackages and Progress

Workpackage 1: Project Start-up and stakeholder engagement / Due: 31/12/11 / Status: Complete
  • Project plan revised following feedback from Steering group and JISC.
  • Final drafts of project plan, budget and workpackages sent to JISC on 2nd December ( on schedule)
  • INSRV forms A&B completed, reviewed and submitted to the INSRV programme office
  • SMT meeting held to review new projects and Digidol approved under INSRV education workstream on 19th December.
  • External dissemination group established and initial briefings held.
  • Stephen Thornton from the school of politics has kindly agreed to join the steering group following the recommendation made at the steering group at the end of November. Stephen has already provided consultancy on the focus model circulated and has a great deal of experience in the field of information literacy.
  • Relationships have been built with new group of digital literacy champions in the schools (who have been working with Joe on the baseline interviews. This group will then be used to share good practice across schools.
  • Project briefing document created for Janet Peters who will submit it to Cardiff University Operations Board in January, raising awareness of the project across the schools and directorates.

Workpackage 2: Baseline 1 / Due: 31/01/12 / Status: In Progress
Objective 1: Identify Digital Literacy behaviours, attitudes and provision for: academic staff and taught students (undergraduate and postgraduate)
  • JISC Baseline event with Helen Beetham and Jay Dempster attended by Joy and Joe on 2nd December
  • A draft focus model for contextualising the digital literacy project has been developed and circulated to the steering group and posted on the project blog.
  • As of the week ending 23rd Dec, 27 teaching staff have been interviewed from 21 out of the 27 Schools. Transcribing and analysis is well underway with the aim of completing this in early January.
  • Student voice and NSS data provided by Sarah Ingram from Registry for the baseline
  • Learning and Teaching and Information literacy survey documentation provided by steering group members for baseline and Christine Stuart from LEAN has also provided relevant documentation.
  • Draft document and documentation review in progress

Workpackage 3:Baseline 2 / Due: 31/03/12 / Status: In Progress
Objective 2: Identify Digital Literacy behaviours, attitudes and provision for: researchers, admin and support staff.
Initial planning in progress
Workpackage 4: Strategic Alignment / Due: 31/05/12 / Status: In Progress
Objective 3: To analyse and review the University’s new strategies in order to identify key areas of value which Digidol can support. To work with schools and departments in order to feed into action plans addressing strategic change. Providing appropriate direction and opportunity for embedding Digital Literacy, enabling practices into existing processes.
  • Meeting held with Christine Stewart to develop working with Lean on 13th December.
  • Cathie held meeting with Joy Head, Rebecca Mogg and Dave Atkins to plan the new Digital and Information Literacy Strategy on 15th December
  • Draft Digital and Information Literacy strategy circulated and being reviewed and revised. Follow up meeting to confirm draft has been arranged for the end of January.
  • Joy provided written feedback to INSRV Education Strategy Action Plan and a follow up meeting has been arranged for 25th January

Workpackage 5: Organisational model / Due: 31/07/12 / Status: Pending
Objective 4 : To establish ‘As Is’ (current) and ‘To Be’ (exemplar) end to end organisational models for digital literacy provision,
  • Focus model developed and circulated ( see workpackage 2)
  • Joe and Joy have been invited to attend the PALET curriculum design workshop on January24th.
  • Initial planning in progress

Workpackage 6: Facilitating Change / Due: 31/09/12 / Status: Pending
Objective 5 : Conduct a gap analysis and change management approach for embedding Digital Literacy into all staff development courses and academic programmes of study for staff and students. Plan the transfer of the organisational model to the strategic areas of Research and Innovation & Engagement.
  • Development of Digital Champions Network underway ( see workpackage 1)
  • Initial planning in progress

Workpackage 7: Resource Bank / Due: 31/01/13 / Status: Pending
Objective 6 : To collate / develop an open resource bank of learning activities that addresses the full spectrum of learning literacies, including Digital Literacies.
Establish a Methodology and curriculum for digital literacy provision.
  • planning in progress

Workpackage 8: Workshops / Due: 31/04/13 / Status: Pending
Objective 7: To provide workshops for staff in order to raise awareness and confidence in the use of digital technology in academic and service provision. Directly enabling digital literacy development for staff who will in turn cascade to students.
  • planning in progress

Workpackage 9: Dissemination and Engagement / Due: 31/03/12 / Status: In Progress
Objective 8: To engage the community in the developing project and to disseminate the project outputs and outcomes widely
  • Project website/blog updated with two new blog posts
  • Twitter regularly updated and profile has increased to 76 followers @DigidolProject
  • Abstract was accepted for LILAC ( Librarians Information Literacy Annual Conference) to present a paper at the conference in Apri 2012.
  • Abstract was accepted for the ALDinHE Annual Conference on the theme of "Learning Development in a Digital Age: emerging literacies and learning spaces"
  • Dissemination group established and initial meetings arranged/held
  • Meeting held with Lis Parcell from RSC to introduce her to the project and the external dissemination group- 21 December 2011
  • Paper ‘Making the Connection: the value of Digital Literacy’ presented at Social Connections conference 9th December 2011 -
  • Paper confirmed “What does social media mean for IT Services?” to be presented at UCISA meeting Using Social Media to Communicate, 18th January 2012 –-
  • Joe and Joy have joined the PALET curriculum design connections community.
  • Joe and Joy have been invited to join the library service development meetings.
  • Joe and Joy to meet with Lindsay Roberts in January to discuss Digital/Info Literacy in relation to the new (C21) Medical curriculum

Workpackage 10: Management and Quality Assurance / Due: 31/07/13 / Status: In Progress
  • INSRV project initiation forms A & B Created, reviewed and submitted to programme office
  • Project initiation confirmed at the SMT held on 19th December ( project to be aligned with INSRV Education).
  • JISC appointed Project Critical Friend (Andrew Comrie from Napier University) meeting with Digidol Project team was arranged and held on the 12th December
  • First cluster meeting with other aligned JISC projects is arranged for 13th January via Elluminate.
  • Meeting held with JISC technology and tools consultant Sheila McNeil from Strathclyde University on the technology to be used on the project 15th December. Results available from the following wiki:
  • Meeting held between Joy, Joe and the JISC evaluation consultant Jay Dempster to review and improve the evaluation for the project and to align it more closely with the baseline on 16th December.
  • Project documentation maintained and updated on teamplace:

Workpackage 11: Embedding & Sustainabilithy / Due: 31/07/13 / Status: Pending
  • Sustainability Plan defined as part of the Project Plan in Start Up phase (see workpackage 1)

Planned focus

Digidol’s expected month by month focus based on JISC timelines is illustrated below. We are currently in month 5 (since the bid was accepted), therefore activity in the above report has been focused on workpackages 1, 2,9 and 10. For further details please see project and workpackage plans on teamplace.

/ 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22 / 23 / 24
1: Project Start-up Stakeholder engagement
2: Baseline 1
3: Baseline 2
4: Strategic alignment
5: Organisational model:
6: Facilitating Change
7: Resource Bank:
9: Engagement and dissemination:
10: Management and Quality Assurance
11: Embedding Sustainability