Missouri Court Reporters Association

Minutes of the Summer Board Meeting

Held June 20, 2015, at Tiger Court Reporting, Columbia, Missouri

The summer board meeting of the Missouri Court Reporters Association was called to order by President Marshall at 10:12 a.m.

Board Members in Attendance: Sarah Marshall, President; Kathy Foley, President-Elect; Brett Harrison, Vice-President; Gail Conaway, Treasurer; Shana Crane, Immediate Past President; Renee Bierman, Region I VP; Rena Tyne, Region II VP; Tracy Taylor, Region III VP; Melissa Hannah, Region IV VP; and Sheila Irvin, Region V VP.

Not Present: Secretary Reagan Fiorino

Also Present: Linda Dattilo, Executive Director (and acting secretary).


President Marshall called for a motion to ratify the following e-mail votes:

Motion Made On March 20th, 2015:

Motion Made by Shana Crane: “I make a motion to approve the 2015 Winter Board

Meeting minutes.”

Motion Seconded by Kathy Foley

Votes in Favor: Shana Crane, Kathy Foley, Reagan Fiorino, Gail Conaway, Renee

Bierman, Rena Tyne, Tracy Taylor, and Melissa Hannah

No Votes in Opposition. Motion Passed on March 27th, 2015


Motion Made On May 1st, 2015:

Motion Made by: Reagan Fiorino: “I would like to make a motion that Mary Conway’s

membership status be changed from Active to Retirement status.”

Motion Seconded by Rena Tyne

Votes in Favor: Shana Crane, Brett Harrison, Kathy Foley, Reagan Fiorino, Gail Conaway,

Renee Biermann, Rena Tyne, Tracy Taylor, Sheila Irvin, and Melissa Hannah

No Votes in Opposition. Motion Passed on May 11th, 2015


Motion Made On April 2nd, 2015:

Motion made by Rena Tyne: “I make a motion to pay expenses to send MCRA President,

Sarah Marshall, to Chattanooga, TN for the NVRA Conference in July.”

Motion Seconded by Renee Bierman

Votes in Favor: Kathy Foley, Brett Harrison, Reagan Fiorino, Gail Conaway, Shana Crane,

Renee Bierman, Rena Tyne, Tracy Taylor, and Melissa Hannah

No Votes in Opposition. Motion Passed on April 4th, 2015

MOTION by Kathy Foley: I move to ratify the e-mail votes as set out in the agenda. Second by Rena Tyne. No discussion had. Motion passed unanimously.


President’s Report:

President Sarah Marshall discussed membership and options for increasing our membership. Creating a PowerPoint was discussed.

President-Elect’s Report:

President-Elect Kathy Foley discussed the new website (which is still at mocra.org). She has been hard at work trying to get it up to speed. The link for paying your dues through PayPal is available now, and hopefully you should be able to register and pay for convention through the website very shortly. Please check back every few days. Discussion was had concerning linking our forms to PayPal so that if new members sign up or members pay their dues, a form will also come through.

President-Elect Foley also discussed the need for a technology committee. We need people who are technologically proficient to be able to help us with the website when it is finally done and up to date. Please volunteer if you have this skillset.

President-Elect Foley and prior president Rozann Brancato met with new Court Administrator for OSCA Kathy Lloyd on behalf of MCRA for a meet and greet. Security levels for transcripts and the Focus Groups for Reporters was also discussed.

Vice-President’s Report:

Discussion was had during Vice-President Brett Harrison’s report about the April annual conference and how to handle the installation of officers after having just had an October conference. After a reading of our bylaws by a parliamentarian, the recommendation was made that President-Elect Foley will become president in October, having already been elected, and a president-elect will not be elected until the April conference, which will enable the president-elect to serve a full year in that position.

Discussion was also had about inviting the presidents of surrounding states to possibly attend our conference, not for points, but to perhaps be a way for states to discover new ideas that they can use for their own state associations.

Secretary’s Report: None given.

Treasurer’s Report:

The Treasurer’s Report is contained in a Member’s Only section of our website. If you are a member in good standing, you can access the report, or you may request to see the report through the Treasurer or the President and it will be provided to you.

Immediate Past President’s Report:

Immediate Past President Shana Crane gave a report for the Nominating Committee, which she chairs, and also discussed the upcoming St. Louis convention. The following Slate of Officers will be published in the upcoming issue of Progress.

Kathy Foley, President

No President-Elect nominee is being made at this time (see

discussion under VP Brett Harrison’s report.)

Vice-President, Brett Harrison

Secretary, Robin Cox

Treasurer, Gail Conaway

Executive Director’s Report:

ED Linda Dattilo reported that she has discussed with David Klarich that several of the Worker’s Comp offices may be closing but that no employees will lose their jobs. They will be sent to other offices. This issue hasn’t been decided as of this date.

More discussion was had on the October conference, and ED Dattilo reminded everyone to make their hotel reservations for Conference early as the hotel, being next door to Ballpark Village, will be booking up early when, (not if) the Cardinals head to the playoffs.

Region I Vice-President’s Report:

Region VP Renee Bierman reported that Region I held their annual meeting on Wednesday, June 17, 2015. Approximately 27-30 members were in attendance. Region I’s report is contained in Progress. Renee reported that she will be going off the board this year and that a new Region VP was elected at the meeting, Karen Rottmann.

Region II Vice-President’s Report:

Region VP Rena Tyne reported that their annual meeting will be held August 8 at 6:00 at Anthony’s in Kansas City.

Region III Vice-President’s Report:

Region VP Tracy Taylor reported that Region III has nothing to report currently but will be working with Regions IV and V on the upcoming April conference. They will have a date set for their annual meeting shortly.

Region IV Vice-President’s Report:

Region VP Melissa Hannah reported her region meeting was held on June 6 in Springfield. Her meeting report will be published in Progress.

The April conference will be held on April 16 and 17, 2016, at Camden on the Lake in the Ozarks. We have had our conference there previously, and the venue was lauded as one of the best we’ve ever used. Much discussion was had concerning the April convention and possible speakers, whether to continue with a three-day or a two-day convention.

MOTION by Kathy Foley: I move that the April conference be a two-day conference, with a full day Saturday and a partial Sunday for seminars.

Second by Renee Bierman. Discussion was had. Motion passed unanimously.

There will still be a social event at the hotel on Friday night, April 15, 2016, to kick off the conference.

Region V Vice-President’s Report:

Region VP Sheila Irvin reported that her region will be scheduling their meeting shortly.

NEW BUSINESS – No new business was discussed.

OLD BUSINESS – No old business was discussed.

MOTION by Sheila Irvin: I move that we authorize the President to pay the day-to-day expenses of the association until the next Board meeting.

Second by Tracy Taylor. No discussion had. Motion passed unanimously.

MOTION by Rena Tyne: I move that we adjourn.

Second by Renee Bierman. No discussion had. Motion passed unanimously.

The meeting adjourned at 12:46 p.m.

Respectfully submitted:

Executive Director (and temporary acting secretary)

Linda Dattilo