GI-1.02 Notice to Contractors
Sealed bids for the State of Maryland (State), Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT), Maryland Aviation Administration (MAA) project entitled “Sanitary Sewer Pipe Replacement at Baggage Claim No. 10,” at Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport, MAA-CO-10-004, will be received at the MAA's Office of Engineering and Construction Management at 991 Corporate Boulevard, Linthicum, Maryland 21090 until, 02:00:00 PM, local time, February 10, 2010, and at 02:15:00 PM, on this date and place they will be publicly opened and read aloud. Use of UPS, U.S. Mail or other delivery services may delay delivery. Bids sent by U.S. Postal Service should be sent to MAA, P.O. Box 8766, BWI Airport, Maryland 21240-0766, Attention: Linda Marcucci, Office of Procurement, Building 991. Late Bids, requests for modifications or late requests for withdrawal will not be considered. U.S. Postal Services is not received at Building 991. Hand or Commercial Delivery is recommended, and should be delivered to 991 Corporate Boulevard, Linthicum, Maryland 21090. MAA is not responsible for bids received late and shall not accept any bids that are late if sent by U.S. Postal Service, or delivered by commercial delivery
Positively no bids will be received after 02:00:00 PM.
In accordance with Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR), to receive a contract award, a vendor/offeror must be registered on eMaryland Marketplace (eMM) as a vendor. To register on eMM, go to the Department of General Services website at
The work under this contract includes, but is not limited to:
A. Provide all labor, materials, equipment, and supervision for Task 2620 – Sanitary Sewer Pipe Replacement at Baggage Claim No. 10 at Baltimore/ Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport. Related tasks include, but are not limited to:
1. Remove, store and reinstall power operated doors and non power operated doors in Vestibule 10.
2. Remove, store, and reinstall carpet in Vestibule 10.
3. Remove, store, and reinstall existing guardrails at Vestibule 10.
4. Remove, store, and reinstall or replacement in kind of existing bollards in baggage makeup area.
5. Remove, store, and reinstall portions of Baggage Claim Belt 10 as required for installation on new sanitary sewer line.
6. Remove existing terrazzo flooring and concrete slab below terrazzo at locations indicated on the drawings. Replace with new concrete slab and terrazzo after installation of new sanitary sewer line.
7. Provide Maintenance of Traffic barriers and signage.
8. Remove exterior pavements (walk, ramp, curb, roadway) and excavate as required for connection to existing sanitary sewer manhole. Install new exterior pavement after installation of new sanitary sewer line.
9. Remove existing concrete floor slab and excavate in baggage makeup areas for installation of new sanitary sewer line and connection to existing sewer lines. Install new concrete floor slab, including slab removed for test pit, after installation of new sanitary sewer line.
10. Install new 12-inch diameter casing under existing air duct under exterior walk.
11. Removal of existing sanitary sewer line and install new 6-inch sanitary sewer line including branch lines connected to existing line.
Plans, Specifications, and other contract documents may be examined without charge at MAA's Office of Engineering and Construction Management, 991 Corporate Boulevard, Linthicum, Maryland 21090. Contract Drawings and Technical Provisions may be purchased for $80.00 and Standard Provisions for Construction Contracts for $30.00. Payment should be made in the form of a check or money order made payable to the MAA. Requests for Contract documents and payments by U.S. Postal Service should be sent to Maryland Aviation Administration, Office of Procurement, P.O. Box 8766, BWI Marshall Airport, Maryland 21240-0766.
These payments will not be refunded.
A Pre-Bid conference will be on January 15, 2010 at 02:00:00 PM for interested Bidders. Please assemble in MAA's Office of Engineering and Construction Management at 991 Corporate Boulevard, Linthicum, Maryland 21090, in Assembly Room A. A Notice to Contractors will be forthcoming with the site visit date and time.
A State Equal Opportunity Officer will be available to discuss the Minority Business Enterprise program.
Appropriate auxiliary aids and service for qualified individuals with disabilities will be provided upon request. Please call at least two business days in advance of the meeting to 410-859-7081 (Procurement Office), 410-859-7111 (MAA Communications Center), or 410-859-7227 (TDD) to advise of any reasonable accommodations required.
The Bid, if over $100,000.00, must be accompanied by a Bid Guaranty in the amount of five percent (5%) of the Bid Price in the name of the "State of Maryland”. The Certified MBE Utilization and Fair Solicitation Affidavit and the MBE Participation Schedule must also accompany the bid. If a bidder fails to submit these documents the MAA will deem the bid as non-responsive.
New versions of Sections 13-103, 13-104 and 14-303 of the State Finance and Procurement Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland relating to increased proposal documentation of MBE commitments have been effective as of October 1, 2004. The Contract under this solicitation will be awarded in accordance with these new requirements. As a result, new bid/proposal submission requirements, including revised MBE documents, are in effect for this solicitation. These new requirements are set forth under GI.1.06 of the Technical Provisions in this solicitation. Bidders should carefully review all instructions related to these new MBE requirements. If a bidder fails to submit these documents the MAA will deem the bid as non-responsive. Also, please be advised that the documents must be completed in their entirety with accurate information. Failure to abide by these requirements shall render the bid non-responsive.
The Bid/Proposal Affidavit shall accompany the bid. Performance and Payment Bonds in the amount of the Contract Price will be required of the successful bidders.
Assistance in obtaining Bid, Performance and Payment Bonds may be available to qualifying small businesses through the Maryland Small Business Development Financing Authority (MSBDFA). Questions regarding the bonding assistance program should be referred to: MSBDFA, 826 East Baltimore Street, Baltimore MD 21202, (410) 333-4270 (phone) (410) 333-6931 (fax).
Bidders are hereby notified that in regard to any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, Minority Business Enterprises (MBE) will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this notice and will not be subjected to discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, creed, or national origin. Minority Business Enterprises are encouraged to respond to this solicitation notice.
Effective October 1, 2004, the Contract under this solicitation will be awarded in accordance with SB.903. As a result, new bid/proposal submission requirements are set forth in GI.1.06 of the Technical Provisions.
It is the goal of the Maryland Department of Transportation that Minority Business Enterprises (MBE) participate in all contracts, and the Contractor is encouraged to utilize MBE subcontractors when there is opportunity to do so. The MAA has established a minimum goal of 16% MBE participation of the total contract dollar amount for this contract and minimum subgoals of 0% of total contract dollar amount to be allocated to certified minority business enterprises classified as Women-owned Businesses; and 0% of total contract dollar amount to be allocated to certified minority business enterprises classified as African American-owned Businesses.
Effective on October 1, 2009, Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) firms may elect to be dually certified as Woman-owned Businesses and as members of an ethnic or racial category. For purposes of achieving any gender or ethnic/racial MBE participation sub goals in a particular contract, an MBE firm that has dual certification may participate in the contract either as a Woman-owned Business or as a business owned by a member of a racial or ethnic minority group, but not both.
² A firm must be listed in the MDOT MBE/DBE Directory with the gender category in order to be used to meet the gender subgoal.
² A firm must be listed in the MDOT MBE/DBE Directory with an ethnic/racial category in order to be used to meet the ethnic/racial subgoal.
² A firm must be listed in the MDOT MBE/DBE Directory with both the gender and ethnic/racial categories in order for a contractor to have the option of selecting which of those categories it will use for the firm on a State contract.
² Contractors should designate whether the MBE firm will be used as a woman-owned business or as a business owned by a member of a racial/ethnic groupbefore calculating the percentage of MBE participation goals and subgoals they intend to meet.
Maryland’s MBE/DBE Directory will reflect the dual certification status beginning October 1, 2009. You can access the MBE/DBE Directory at with dual certification will now be listed as follows:
ABC Corporation, Inc.
123 Corporate Circle
Hanover, MD 21076
Female/African American
By submitting a response to this solicitation the bidder agrees that this amount of the contract be performed by one or more MBE firms (including the classifications of MBEs specified). A Prime contractor, including an MBE prime contractor, must accomplish the MBE subcontract goals with certified MBE subcontractors. A prime contractor comprising a joint venture that includes MBE partner(s) must accomplish the MBE subcontract goal with certified MBE subcontractors.
By submitting a response to this solicitation, the Bidder agrees to accept payments by electronic funds transfer unless the State Comptroller's Office grants an exemption. The selected Bidder shall register with the EFT Registration, General Accounting Division form using the COT/GAD X10 Vendor Electronic Funds (EFT) Registration Request Form, available at Any request for exemption must be submitted to the State Comptroller's Office for approval at the address specified on the COT/GAD X-10 form and must include the reason for exemption.
Questions regarding the Electronic Funds Transfer should be referred to Office of the Comptroller, General Accounting Division, 80 Calvert Street, Room 200, Annapolis, Maryland 21401, (410) 260-7375 or .
By submitting a response to this solicitation, a vendor shall be deemed to represent that it is not in arrears in the payment of any obligation due and owing the State of Maryland, including the payment of taxes and employee benefits, and that it shall not become so in arrears during the term of the contract if selected for the contract award.
The Maryland Aviation Administration reserves the right to reject any and all bids if in its judgment the interest of the Administration may so require.
If there should be any questions regarding this contract, please contact Linda Marcucci, Agency Procurement Specialist at 410-859-7376.
Phoebe E. Yost, CPPB
Chief, construction & Maintenance Section
Office of Procurement
Maryland Aviation Administration
Maryland Department of Transportation