Alaska Space Grant Program

Undergraduate Scholarship Program

For students majoring in a science, technology, engineering or mathematics (STEM) field.

Application and Instructions

Space is not just for Astronauts!

Consortium Membership listed at:

Alaska Space Grant Program Headquarters Office

University of Alaska Fairbanks

207 Duckering Bldg

PO Box 755919

Fairbanks, Alaska 99775-5919

Phone: (907) 474-6833

Alaska Space Grant Undergraduate Scholarship Program Summary

The Alaska Space Grant Program (ASGP), a participant in the National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program, invites applications from U. S. citizens for undergraduate student scholarships. These stipends are offered to students majoring in science, technology, engineering or mathematics (STEM) fields. Stipends available under this announcement are limited to students attending Alaska institutions of higher education. Scholarships will be competitively awarded preferentially to freshmen and sophomore level students. Juniors and seniors are encouraged to apply for our Undergraduate Fellowship Program.

While all qualified students are encouraged to apply, women and individuals from underrepresented groups, specifically, Alaska Natives, Native Americans, African Americans, Hispanics, Pacific Islanders, and persons with disabilities are strongly encourage to apply.

Dates | Deadlines

·  Application Deadline: February 15 – September 15

All application materials, including supporting documentation, must be received at the ASGP office by the stated deadline. Incomplete or late applications will not be considered.

·  Award Announcement: October 1

Applications will be reviewed in order of receipt starting February 15. Scholarships will be awarded from viable applications on a first come basis until all funds are awarded. A minimum of 10 awards per year are expected. Applicants will be notified of award decisions by email. The awards will be made payable to the student after September 15. Award information will be reported to the appropriate Office of Financial Aid and may affect the student's financial aid package.

Eligibility and U.S. Citizenship Requirement

Scholarships are open to students who meet the following eligibility criteria:

·  Enrolled at an Alaskan institution of higher education during the period of the award.

·  Good academic standing

·  U.S. Citizen


Awards are subject to availability of NASA funding.

Review | Selection Process

The ASGP office evaluates the eligibility of all applications received. Qualified applications will be reviewed by the individual institutions that make recommendations for funding to the ASGP Director based on the quality of the applications as reflected in the review criteria. The final award decision will be at the discretion of the ASGP Director. Preference may be given to women and individuals from under-represented groups.

Review Criteria

Applications are ranked based on the following criteria:

·  Scholastic achievement

·  Strength of recommendations

·  NASA related STEM career goals

Other Requirements

Award recipients agree to:

·  Notify ASGP of any changes in mailing address, e-mail address, or telephone number for purposes of progress reports.

·  Additional survey/questionnaire documents will be sent periodically to student awardees via email to conduct longitudinal tracking of students supported by ASGP funding. The longitudinal tracking survey/questionnaire in an on-line document and the email message sent to the student will give instruction on how to access it. This will also assist in improving the quality of the Consortium’s Fellowship/Scholarship program.

·  Grant permission to release and/or publish requested recipient information to NASA or other appropriate parties.

·  In any presentations or publications that the student develops as a result of his/her Space Grant-supported educational or research project, we ask that the student please acknowledge the support provided by the NASA Alaska Space Grant Program.

For More Information

Contact Denise Thorsen at or by phone at (907) 474-7052
Undergraduate Scholarship Program

Undergraduate Scholarships of up to $1,000 will be awarded through a competitive process to students attending an Alaskan institution of higher education. Scholarships are open to new and continuing students in the disciplines of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Scholarships will be competitively awarded preferentially to freshmen and sophomore level students. Women, under-represented minorities and persons with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply.

Application Procedure

1)  Complete all sections of the Application Form

The application is available electronic format (MS Word) and can be accessed from the ASGP website at:

2)  Attach the following supporting documentation to the application

·  Letter of Intent: Indicate your career goals in NASA related STEM disciplines and how this scholarship will contribute to those goals. Describe how your career choice will benefit the state of Alaska, NASA, and/or the STEM community. Include other information that you believe qualifies you for scholarship consideration.

·  Student Resume: Include a short summary of employment, education, training, experience and accomplishments. Resume should also provide current contact information including email, phone, and mailing address.

·  One Letter of Recommendation: Letters should address your qualifications for this scholarship and preferably submitted on letterhead with complete contact information and signature. Inclusion of letters with the application package is preferred, although, if sent separately, will be accepted provided they are received by the stated deadline. Note: if sent electronically (either with the application package or separately) the letter must be sent from the email account of the individual making the recommendation or submitted as a signed, scanned document.

·  Academic Transcript: An unofficial transcript printed from the student account of the college or university website is acceptable. High school students may have an unofficial transcript printed from a similar web based program.

3)  Submit ONE compiled pdf file of the completed application packet.

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By email to:

Subject: Undergraduate Scholarship Application

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Alaska Space Grant Program


Undergraduate Scholarship Program

For dates, deadlines, and other relevant forms, refer to

(Last, First, Middle): / female
male / Student ID #
Local Address
Street: / Telephone:
City: / State: / Zip: / cell work home parents
Permanent Address
Street: / Email Address:
City: / State: / Zip: / Date of Birth:
Race (Voluntary, however if selected this information is required for NASA demographic study.)
Asian / White / Alaska Native or American Indian
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander / Black or African American / Do not wish to report
Ethnic Identity / Hispanic or Latino Not Hispanic or Latino
Disability: I do not have a disability I do not wish to identify my disability status
Hearing Vision Missing Extremities Paralysis Other Impairments
I have a disability, but it is not listed (specify if not listed)
U.S. Citizenship (Required)
Have you served in the United States Military? Yes No / Class Standing: Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior
Expected graduation date (mm/yyyy):
School Attending: Campus: / Academic Major: / GPA:
High School Attended: / If a transfer student School transferred from:
Honors, awards, and other scholarships:
Enrollment Verification (provide contact person for the department of your academic major, i.e. Department Head, Chair or Dean)
Name: Dept:
Phone: Street:
Email: City: State: Zip:
Applicant’s Certification
I certify that all information in this application is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I also authorize release of information as described in the program guidelines. I understand that submitting false information will disqualify me from scholarship consideration.
Signature:______Date: ______

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