Review for the Endocrine System Test

  1. Name one way that the circulatory system involved with the endocrine system. ______
  1. List the acronyms of the 2tropichormones released by the anterior pituitary gland: ______& ______
  1. The function of a tropic hormone is to: ______
  2. What structure of the brain is the pituitary gland attached to specifically? ______
  1. Why is the pituitary gland called the “master gland”? ______


  1. According to your notes, the anterior pituitary makes ______hormones and the posterior pituitary gland secretes ______.
  1. How does antidiuretic hormone alter urine volume? ______


  1. Describe the positive feedback mechanism associated with oxytocin. ______
  2. Post-partum lactation is a result of adequate amounts of ______being produced.
  1. The production of sperm in men is associated with ______hormone.
  1. What pituitary disorder results in dwarfism? ______
  1. What pituitary disorder results in gigantism? ______
  1. What pituitary disorder results in acromegaly? ______
  1. What disorder results in cretinism? ______
  1. Cretinism characteristics include (2):______
  1. Thyroid activity is regulated by the hormone ______. (use the abbreviation)
  1. The 3 thyroid hormones are: ______, ______and ______
  1. An element necessary for the production of thyroid hormones is ______.
  1. TSH is produced by the ______.
  1. An enlarged thyroid gland that results from inadequate dietary iodine is called a ______
  1. An overproduction of T4 can cause an increase in the body’s metabolism. This condition is known as ______, it is commonly characterized by having bulging eyes.
  1. The name given to the bulging eyes described in #21 above is: ______
  1. Calcitonin causes the blood level of calcium to ______.
  1. Calcitonin causes the bone level of calcium to ______causing bones to be ______
  1. Where are the parathyroid glands located?______
  2. The parathyroid hormone is called ______, it’s abbreviation is ______
  1. Parathyroid hormone causes the blood level of calcium to ______.
  1. Parathormone causes the bone level of calcium to ______causing bones to be ______
  1. Calcium that has been removed from the bones by PTH often collects in the blood stream and is eventually filtered out by the kidneys. Crystals of calcium that accumulate in the kidneys are called ______
  1. Fragile, easily broken bones can be caused by parathyroid ( hypersecretion / hyposecretion )
  1. Hyposecretion of PTH results in the inability to raise a low level of blood Ca+, this is called ______
  1. The adrenal glands are located ______.
  1. Adrenal activity is stimulated by the hormone ______. (use the abbreviation)
  1. Aldosterone (a hormone we did not discuss) will cause the kidneys to retain water by reabsorbing Na+. What effect will aldosterone have on blood pressure? ______
  2. Define these terms:
  3. Hypersecretion ______
  1. Hyposecretion ______
  1. The pancreas is located just below and behind the ______.
  1. The hormones secreted by the pancreas are ______and ______
  1. Glucose in the body that is not used immediately is stored in the ______and ______
  1. A deficiency of insulin causes a medical condition called ______
  1. What effect does insulin have on the amount of glucose in the blood? ______
  1. What overall effect does glucagon have on blood sugar? ______
  1. The female sex glands are called ______.
  1. Name the main function of estrogen: ______
  1. Why does the removal of one ovary not cause definite bodily changes in a woman? ______
  2. The male sex glands are called ______.
  1. Name the main function of testosterone: ______
  1. The thymus gland lies behind the ______.
  1. The thymus gland secretes a hormone called ______. This hormone helps your body handle ______by making antibodies.
  1. The pineal gland is located behind the ______.
  1. The hormone secreted by the pineal gland is best known for ______