/ Document Name: / Learner Appeal – Automated Testing / Doc Ref No: / PRO-031
Doc Issue No: / 2
Date Created: / 08/12/12 / Authorisation Authority / Lesley Ord
Operations Director / Amended & Issued by: / Gaye Walton / Date Issued: / 12/03/14 / Page
1 of 2


Virtual College Group is committed to seeking equality of opportunity for all, irrespective of race, gender, religion, marital status, sexual orientation, age, class or disability.

If, during any aspect of a learner/candidates contact with Virtual College Group, they feel they have not been fairly treated (either through decisions made or general wellbeing) we would ask that they follow the company appeals procedure as outlined below.

The appeals procedure is intended as the vehicle by which a learner may raise a grievance with or about any representative of Virtual College Group or appeal against a decision made by them in relation to our online testing.


This is a company-wide procedure to ensure Virtual College Group are aware of the procedure for learner appeals

2.1Associated Documents

  • PRO-029 Complaints Procedure


3.1Management Representative – to monitor, review and ensure that this procedure is followed continuously.

3.2All Virtual College Group employees –to ensure this procedure is understood and followed at all times.


4.1Stage 1

4.1.1Should a learner experience any problems or difficulties during the testing process, they are requested to contact the Learner Support Team in the first instance by using the Help and Support link at the top of the learner’s online record to send an email or by telephoning 01943 605976.

4.1.2The Learner Support Team will endeavour to resolve any issues immediately and, in the case of any hardware or software problems, will allow additional re-tests at no extra cost.

4.1.3If the learner feels their issue has not been fully resolved they may appeal to Stage 2.

4.2Stage 2

4.2.1Learners who are unhappy with any aspect of the their treatment should then contact the Virtual College Group Test Centre Manager within 5 working days of receiving feedback from Stage 1 and explain the reasons for the appeal.

The Virtual College Group Test Centre Manager

Virtual College Group Ltd,

Marsel House, Stephensons Way,

Ilkley, LS29 8HD

Tel: 01943 605976


4.2.2Virtual College Group testing is undertaken using the automated quiz engine of the Learning Management System. In the event of a learner raising a complaint, the test report, which will have been produced by the system, will be fully discussed with the learner.

4.2.3An action plan will be agreed and a further test scheduled if appropriate.

4.2.4The Test Centre will keep a written record of each stage of the process with dates and outcomes.

4.2.5If the learner feels their issue has not been fully resolved they may appeal to Stage 3.

4.3Stage 3

4.3.1If the learner is still unhappy then he/she has the right to appeal to the Chief Executive. This may be done via the Centre Manager or direct to the Chief Executive in writing.

4.3.2The Chief Executive will investigate the circumstances of the appeal. In very exceptional cases, the Chief Executive may request that the learner, possibly accompanied by the Centre Manager, attend a meeting to provide further explanation of the circumstances of the appeal.

4.3.3The Chief Executive’s decision will be given in writing to the Centre Manager and the learner and is final.