Earth Day PledgeIdeas

There are so many easy ways you can help take care of the Earth. Here are some examples of everyday things that can be done. Do your own research to find out more about what you can do to help. Every little bit helps!


–Recycle more so that fewer things end up in landfills! Go HERE to see how to recycle almost anything.

– Do research and what can be recycled. Teach others to recycle.

– Recycle motor oil, antifreeze, and batteries.

– Recycle all your paper products.

– Recycle your junk mail.

– Recycle or return aluminum cans or plastic bottles.

– Recycle used ink and toner cartridges. Some stores even offer a discount for your next purchase when you recycle a cartridge.

– Compost your yard waste and vegetable scraps or participate in your town program.

– Donate your used cell phone to a charitable recycling program. Phones can be recycled, refurbished and sold in developing countries or used to raise funds for charity.

REDUCE– Buy and eat locally grown foods. Fewer emissions were released into the atmosphere because the food traveled a shorter distance to you.

– Buy and eat organic products – they are grown without the use of pesticides and herbicide chemicals. This is better for you, air quality, and the environment.

– Walk or bike short distances with your parent or guardian instead of driving.

– Take quicker showers.

– Pick up trash and teach others to pick up trash as well. Participate in beach or park clean ups.

– Carpool when you drive long distances.

– Turn off the water while you are brushing your teeth to reduce your water use.

– Try to conserve energy in your home – turn off the lights when you leave a room

– Use email to reduce your paper use.

– Let the dishes air-dry.

– Use low-flow shower heads and sink spigots.

– Use cold water to wash your laundry whenever possible. This uses less energy because the water doesn’t have to be heated.

REUSE–Use both sides of a piece of paper when drawing, coloring or writing.

–Use paper shopping bags, rather than plastic, and reuse them at the market. Keep a supply in your car, so you have them with you when you stop at the store.

– Use cloth napkins instead of paper towels or paper napkins.

– Use your own cloth bag rather than using plastic grocery bags.

– Use empty glass containers to store leftovers instead of wrapping food in aluminum foil or plastic wrap.

– Use a lunch pail rather than a paper bag each day – this save trees which are used to make paper.

– Use washable plates and cups instead of paper plates and cups. This reduces waste.

– Use your own cup when getting tea or coffee from tea and coffee houses. This also reduces waste.

– Use your coffee grinds in your garden for composting and more. Go HERE to find out more.


– Buy products made with sustainable materials such as bamboo. Bamboo grows very fast which means it is rapidly renewable, unlike other trees used for products.

– Buy products made of recycled materials whenever possible.

– Switch to nontoxic or organic pest control deterrents. They are safer for you, your family, your pets, and the environment.

– Buy products in recyclable containers only.

– Replace your old electronic models with ENERGY STAR models.

– Wash only full loads when doing laundry.

– Try to by products made in the USA. This lowers emissions produced by transporting your product to you.

– Buy and use biodegradable products. Something that is biodegradable can break down in the environment into harmless compounds. Using biodegradable products can help extend the life of our landfills.

– Lower your thermostat and save energy and save yourself some money.