KAFP Board of Directors

Embassy Suites, Lexington, KY

August 4, 2017

Dr. Zook, KAFP IPP (aka Board Chair), called the meeting to order at 4:30am, EST onAug 4, 2017. A roll call of members resulted in the following:

Present: Rick Miles, MD; Gerry Tolbert, MD (phone); Nancy Swikert, MD; Kevin Pearce, MD; Patty Swiney, MD(non-voting); John Darnell, MD; Marshall Eddie Prunty, MD; W.C. Thornbury, MD;Sam Matheny, MD; John Patterson, MD (voting due to absent of Speaker); Renee Girdler, MD; Steve Wrightson, MD (non-voting); and; Gerry Stover, EVP.

Dr.Thornbury declared that there was a quorum (6 voting members) and that we could proceed with business.

Consent Agenda was under Tab 1 and posted online prior to the meeting. It included Minutes from March 19, 2017 Board meeting; KAFP Policy Manual; AAFP Meeting schedule; Other Chapter Meeting schedule; 2017 FMIG Presentations; and 2017 Calendar. Dr. Thornbury asked if there were items to be withdrawn from the Consent agenda. Hearing none, Dr.Miles made motion to accept the Consent Agenda, seconded by Dr. Darnell and approved unanimously by voice vote.

Dr. Matheny Request for Congressional Letter: This was a handout of an email that Dr. Matheny had drafted along with some items he had copied from the AAFP website. Dr. Matheny made the motion to send a letter to the appropriate Kentucky Congressional staff regarding the next steps for health care reform seconded by Dr. Pearce and approved by unanimous voice vote. Dr. Rutherford made the motion that the Advocacy Committee draft this letter and it be approved by the Executive Committee in order for the letter to go out in a timely manner. This was seconded by Dr. Swikert and approved by unanimous voice vote.

KAFP Advocacy Committee Report (Tab 2): Dr. Swiney gave updates on 2nd and 3rd quarter reports. The Board approved the Committee Requests to 1. Oppose expansion of scope for PA and APRN to do Controlled Substance – motion by Dr. Matheny, seconded by Dr. Swikert and approved by unanimous voice vote.; 2. To solicit proposal from lobbyist with a budget of $24,000 to be approved by Exec Committee- motion made by Dr. Rutherford and seconded by Dr. Swikert and approved by unanimous voice vote.; and 3. Board approved the Opioid Policy that had been drafted and approved by the Executive Committee- motion made by Dr. Swikert and seconded by Dr. Miles and approved by unanimous voice vote.

KAFP Communication/Membership Report(Tab 3): Dr, Wrightson gave an overview of the report. The only action item was the board and committee resignation of Dr. Gerry Tolbert. Dr. Darnell made a motion to accept Dr. Tolbert resignation and to put forth Patty Swiney, MD as his replacement as At-Large Director, seconded by Dr. Swikert and approved by unanimous voice vote.

Policy on Committee Assignments: Dr. Pearce made the policy that the names and contact information of members who have expressed interest in serving on a committee be sent to the appropriate Chairs of Committees to follow up with and make the decision to submit their names to the Board for appointment. This was seconded by Dr. Prunty and approved by unanimous voice vote.

KAFP Education Committee (Tab 4): Dr. Pearce gave an update on the report. There were no action items for the board.

KAFP Operation Committee (Tab 5)– Dr. Darnell shared with the board an overview of the report and emphasized that the Chair of the Sub-Committee on Bylaws reemphasized his concerns that were reported at March 18th board meeting about the Board changing over to the new committee structure without the bylaws language being approved. It was noted thatthe Board did discuss his concerns at the March 18 board meeting and found that they are in violation of the current bylaws language on committee structure. Therefore, they concluded that since the new committee structure had been approved at the November 2016 All Members Business Meeting and by moving to the new structure they are more in compliance with the wishes of the membership.Dr. Swikert made motion to approve the policies that were submitted by the Committee with the exception that ‘Chair of the Membership Task Force” be replaced with the KAFP Chair of the Nominating and Awards Committee seconded by Dr. Rutherford and approved by unanimous voice vote.

Dr. Zook called for further new business for committees. Hearing none we were adjourned at 7:30pm.



Adnan Ahmed, MDSecretary and Gerry D. Stover, MS Executive Vice President

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