197 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2001

Journal of the House



At nine o'clock and thirty minutes in the forenoon the Speaker called the House to order.

Devotional Exercises

Devotional exercises were conducted by Brian Abbot of the First Church of Christ, Scientist, of Montpelier.

Pledge of Allegiance and Presentation of Colors

Michael Harrington, Jeremy Henry, John Hooker, V, William Crowther, IV, of Barre Town and Eagle Scouts of Barre City Troop 95, led the House in the Pledge of Allegiance and presentation of colors. Other Eagle Scouts present are as follows:

209 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2001

Jacob Allen Amidon

Clayton James Anderson

Chad Michael Andrews

Damien Archambeau

Erik Stephen Bailey

Garrett Patrick Bailey

Chase Kenneth Baldwin

Austin F. Barber

Andrew Ralph Bickford

Christopher Harold Bigelow

Kenneth Townsend Brown Jr.

Jason Bruce Call

Brian James Callan

Austin Avery Cate

David H. Charboneau

Matthew John Coleman

Adam Frederick Cota

William Clifford Crowther IV
Andrew Thomas Cutting

Jeremy T. Delisle

Jonathan Huntley Doran

Tyler William Duchacek

Alex Kaspar Duckless

Daniel Adam Durand

Jordan Cade Duval

Travis A. Filiault

Nicholas Edward Flanders

Nathan C. Frohloff

Emmanuel J. Gagne

Jeremy Forest Gould

Joshua Michael Griswold

Christopher D. Guilmette

John Hannigan

Michael McInnis Harrington

John Stanley Hartwell

Joel Kevin Hebert

Jeffrey Eric Heil

Brendan Rieder Henry

Jeremy L. G. Henry

Benjamin Allen Herreid

Elton Allan Herrick V

Thomas Michael Herrmann

John Parker Hooker V

David Michael Irwin

Kevin Michael Kapusta

Owen Kunkel

Scott Derrick Laurin

Anthony J. Lewis

Nicholas Vincent Licausi

James Frederick Lorentz

Jason Luncau

Ross Alexander Marklein

Ryan Michael Matteson

Christopher John May

Brendan Michgael McCarthy

Peter Tulip McCarthy

Christopher B. McKirryher

James Douglas Moorby

Christopher L. Moore

Keil A. Moser

Kurtis Allan Moser

Theodore C. Myotte

Philip Harley Pare

David Vaccaro Parker

Marc Eli Perron

Jason Reed Perry

Brian K. Putnam

Charles Anthony Romeo

Floyd Ralph Sheldon

Nicholas Maxwell Simon

Justin Aaron Slade

Matthew Alan Smith

Richard Swenson

Aaron Lee Vallett

Adam Henry Wagner

Benjamin Marks Ware

Glen Richard Willey

Shawn Michael Williams

Brian A. Wilson

James W. Wilson

Samuel Thomas Winship

Justin Matthew Wolter

Nathan G. Worth

Jordan Wyckoff

Robert Charles Zink

Timothy J. Zinn

209 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2001

Pages Honored

In appreciation of their many services to the members of the General Assembly, the Speaker recognized the following named Pages who are completing their service today and presented them with commemorative pins:

Katerina Mendolia of Bennington, Exec. Page

Stefanie A. Crossman of Cambridge

Josie Eddy of Bethel

Corinne Goss of Stowe

Walt Gustafson of Bristol

Galen Karnztz of New Haven

Michael Kersula of Bellows Falls

Margaret Leddy of Burlington

Nola Parker of Montpelier

Nell Williams of Burlington

Message from the Senate No. 21

A message was received from the Senate by Mr. Marshall, its Assistant Secretary, as follows:

Mr. Speaker:

I am directed to inform the House that the Senate has on its part adopted joint resolutions of the following titles:

J.R.S. 24. Joint resolution honoring Scott D. Laurin of Troop 232, White River Junction, upon his attainment of the rank of Eagle Scout.

J.R.S. 25. Joint resolution relating to weekend adjournment.

In the adoption of which the concurrence of the House is requested.

The Senate has considered joint resolutions originating in the House of the following titles:

J.R.H. 36. Joint resolution in memory of Leo Farrington.

J.R.H. 37. Joint resolution in memory of William H. Morse.

And has adopted the same in concurrence.

Joint Resolution Placed on Calendar

The Speaker placed before the House the following resolution which was read and in the Speaker’s discretion, placed on the Calendar for action tomorrow under Rule 52.

J.R.S. 24

By Senators McCormack and Campbell,

Joint resolution honoring Scott D. Laurin of Troop 232, White River Junction, upon his attainment of the rank of Eagle Scout.

Whereas, scouting is a movement that challenges, inspires and guides young people towards high achievements and high values as expressed in the Scout oath, law, motto and slogan, and

Whereas, the rank of Eagle is the highest rank in Boy Scouting, and

Whereas, attainment of Eagle rank requires mastery of difficult challenges in diverse areas, and

Whereas, attainments of Eagle rank also requires demonstration of good character and community service, and

Whereas, attainment of Eagle rank not only indicates difficult achievement itself but also demonstrates the courage and tenacity to pursue a goal over a long period of time, and

Whereas, attainment of Eagle rank confers upon the Eagle Scout an honor that will dignify him for the rest of his life, and

Whereas, only a small minority of scouts ever attain this rank, and

Whereas, Scott D. Laurin of Troop 232 of White River Junction has attained the rank of Eagle Scout, now therefore be it


That the General Assembly honors and offers its congratulations to Scott D. Laurin for his rare achievement of attaining the rank of Eagle Scout, and be it further

RESOLVED: That the General Assembly congratulates Scott D. Laurin’s family and scout leaders for their support of his efforts, and be it further

RESOLVED: That the General Assembly thanks Scott D. Laurin for the honor he brings to our community, and for the inspiration he offers others, and be it further

RESOLVED: That the Secretary of State shall send a copy of this resolution to Sandra Filiault of the Eagle Scout Committee on or before his Court of Honor in White River Junction on March 25, 2001.

Joint Resolution Adopted in Concurrence

J.R.S. 25

Joint resolution, entitled

Joint resolution relating to weekend adjournment;

By Senator Shumlin,


That when the two Houses adjourn on Friday, February 9, 2001, it be to meet again no later than Tuesday, February 13, 2001, at ten o’clock in the forenoon.

Was taken up and adopted in concurrence.

House Bills Introduced

House bills of the following titles were severally introduced. Pending first reading of the bills, on motion of Rep. Doyle of Richmond, the rules were suspended and the bills were read the first time by number and referred as follows:

H. 235

By Rep. Driscoll of Burlington,

An act relating to discharge from employment;

To the committee on General, Housing and Military Affairs.

H. 236

By Reps. Driscoll of Burlington, Fisher of Lincoln, Hingtgen of Burlington and Larson of Burlington,

An act relating to payment of wages;

To the committee on General, Housing and Military Affairs.

H. 237

By Rep. Young of Orwell,

An act relating to life settlements;

To the committee on Commerce.

H. 238

By Reps. Hingtgen of Burlington, Atkins of Winooski, Baker of West Rutland, Bolduc of Orleans, Driscoll of Burlington, Kainen of Hartford, Milkey of Brattleboro, Pillsbury of Brattleboro, Rogers of Castleton, Sweaney of Windsor, Tracy of Burlington and Zuckerman of Burlington,

An act relating to prohibiting state contracts which rely on unfair child labor practices;

To the committee on Government Operations.

H. 239

By the committee on Commerce,

An act relating to the financial services development tax credit;

Under the rule, placed on the Calendar for notice tomorrow.

H. 240

By Reps. Alfano of Calais, Bohi of Hartford, Hooker of Rutland City and Partridge of Windham,

An act relating to providing information about mercury contamination in fish;

To the committee on Health and Welfare.

H. 241

By Reps. Alfano of Calais, Fisher of Lincoln, Larson of Burlington, Osman of Plainfield, Pugh of South Burlington, Vincent of Waterbury and Woodward of Johnson,

An act relating to department of corrections citizen advisory boards;

To the committee on Institutions.

H. 242

By Reps. Grad of Moretown, Cleland of Northfield, Connell of Warren, Crowley of West Rutland, Darrow of Dummerston, Fisher of Lincoln, Gervais of Enosburg, Hummel of Underhill, Kainen of Hartford, Kennedy of Chelsea, Kilmartin of Newport City, Kiss of Burlington, Larose of Richford, Molloy of Arlington, Tracy of Burlington, Winters of Swanton and Woodward of Johnson,

An act relating to term limits for collectors of delinquent taxes;

To the committee on Local Government.

H. 243

By Rep. Peaslee of Guildhall,

An act relating to moose damaging christmas trees, fencing or maple sap equipment;

To the committee on Fish, Wildlife and Water Resources.

H. 244

By Reps. Hube of Londonderry, Rusten of Halifax and Winters of Williamstown,

An act relating to parental co-ownership in calculation of income sensitivity;

To the committee on Ways and Means.

H. 245

By Reps. Driscoll of Burlington, Nuovo of Middlebury and Pugh of South Burlington,

An act relating to tax form advisory committee;

To the committee on Ways and Means.

H. 246

By Reps. Alfano of Calais, Larson of Burlington, Osman of Plainfield and Woodward of Johnson,

An act relating to telephone rates for inmates;

To the committee on Institutions.

H. 247

By Reps. Zuckerman of Burlington and Woodward of Johnson,

An act relating to genetically-engineered agricultural inputs;

To the committee on Agriculture

Bill Referred to Committee on Appropriations

H. 207

House bill, entitled

An act relating to economic development and world trade;

Appearing on the Calendar, carrying an appropriation, under rule 35a, was referred to the committee on Appropriations.

Committee Relieved of Consideration

and Bill Committed to Other Committee

H. 103

Rep. Angell of Randolph moved that the committee on Natural Resources and Energy be relieved of House bill, entitled

An act relating to authorizing municipalities to enact ordinances that allow installation of alternative septic systems;

And that the bill be committed to the committee on Fish, Wildlife and Water Resources, which was agreed to.

Joint Resolutions Adopted

Joint resolutions of the following titles were severally taken up and adopted on the part of the House;

J. R. H. 39

Joint resolution honoring the Vermont Eagle Scout Class of 2000.

J. R. H. 40

Joint resolution in honor of the 60th anniversary of former Representative Joseph and Anna Caracciola.

J. R. H. 41

Joint resolution extending the best 80th birthday wishes to former Representative Theodore H. Griffin.

Bill Read the Second Time;

Consideration Interrupted by Recess

H. 223

Rep. Westman of Cambridge, for the committee on Appropriations, to which had been referred House bill, entitled

An act providing adjustments in the amounts appropriated for the support of government;

The bill, having appeared on the Calendar one day for notice, was taken up, read the second time and pending the question, Shall the bill be read a third time?


At ten o’clock and twenty-five minutes in the forenoon, the Speaker declared a recess until the fall of the gavel.

At eleven o’clock and fifty minutes in the forenoon, the Speaker called the House to order.


At eleven o’clock and fifty-two minutes in the forenoon, the Speaker declared a recess until one o’clock in the afternoon.


At one o’clock in the afternoon, the Speaker called the House to order.

Consideration Resumed

H. 223

Consideration resumed on House bill, entitled

An act providing adjustments in the amounts appropriated for the support of government;

Pending the question, Shall the bill be read a third time? Rep. Westman of Cambridge moved to amend the bill as follows:

In Sec. 42, page 23 after line 11 by adding a new subdivision to be numbered subdivision (15) to read as follows:

(15) To the Department of Health for the treatment of opiate addiction. The Department is authorized to accept and expend any federal funds that may become available for this purpose. $168,000

Pending the question, Shall the bill be amended as recommended by Rep. Westman of Cambridge? Reps. Hooker of Rutland City, Donovan of Burlington, Milkey of Brattleboro, Tracy of Burlington and Webster of Brattleboro moved to substitute an amendment offered by Rep. Westman of Cambridge, as follows:

First: In Sec. 42, on page 23, after line 11, by adding a new subdivision (15) to read:

(15) To the Department of Health for the treatment of opiate addiction. The department is authorized to accept and expend any federal funds that may become available for this purpose. $168,000.

Second: in Sec. 42 , on page 23, after line 11, by inserting the following:

(15) There is appropriated $230,000 of general funds in fiscal year 2001 to the department of public safety for grants to municipal or county law enforcement for the purpose of heroin interdiction. This appropriation is part of a comprehensive multi-agency coordinated approach to opiate addiction, prevention and treatment. The state shall coordinate all state and participating federal, county and municipal programs that deal with opiate interdiction, prevention and treatment, including education, enforcement, adjudication and rehabilitation. This appropriation is part of a broader initiative that shall include:

(1) Development of a comprehensive plan for a coordinated and sustained statewide, multi-jurisdictional program to reduce the incidence of opiate use in Vermont.

(2) Cooperation among federal, state, county and municipal officials, community prevention and treatment programs and law enforcement agencies in the formulation of a coordinated statewide plan for opiate interdiction, prevention and treatment.

(3) Cooperation among appropriate departments, including but not limited to health, education, corrections, and public safety.

(4) Accessing federal and other funds whenever possible to augment state monies dedicated to opiate interdiction, prevention and treatment.

The commissioners of public safety and health, and the secretary of the agency of human services shall jointly report to the governor and the general assembly on January 15, 2002, and annually each year thereafter, on the coordinated efforts set forth above. The funds appropriated herein shall be distributed by the department of public safety through a competitive grant process and shall consider geographic distribution among the criteria it considers before awarding a grant. The participating departments shall share data, techniques and success rates with the coordinator who shall disseminate the information to the participating agencies.

Third: On page 32 by striking lines 15 through 21, and on page 33 by striking lines 1 through 13.

Pending the question, Shall the House substitute an amendment offered by Reps. Hooker of Rutland City, et al for the amendment offered by Rep. Westman of Cambridge? Rep. Hooker of Rutland City demanded the Yeas and Nays, which demand was sustained by the Constitutional number. The Clerk proceeded to call the roll and the question, Shall the House substitute an amendment offered by Reps. Hooker of Rutland City, et al for the amendment offered by Rep. Westman of Cambridge? was decided in the negative. Yeas, 53. Nays, 88.