Title: Principles of trainingActivity: Fill in the gaps in the paragraphs below (your teacher will give you a statement bank to help if you wish)
This principle relies on the activity …………… the actions used in the game. They must be performed in the …………….. and at the …………… as the competition. If the skills are practised too slowly the only ……………….. will be reproduced. For specific skilled activities like cycling there is …………… activity for the competitor.Overload
When the body is worked …………… this is overload. The extra workload must reach the …………….. which is above 60% of the maximum heart rate. The …………… principle applies to overload. The initials stand for frequency, intensity and duration. How often a training session is done relates to ……………….. . ……………… the activity is concerns the intensity. The ……………… is to do with time. The activity is linked with ……………. .Progression
By regularly performing the training session the body will …………….. When this happens the session needs to be made more ………………. on the athlete. By …………….. the athlete at the beginning of the programme and then five or six weeks later, changes the body has made can be recorded. The session can be …………… to add the necessary changes. This will include small differences to the FID principles.Reversibility
When …………….. the effects of the exercise are lost. The muscles begin to …………….., losing their ………………….. It takes …………………… to lose fitness than gain it.Extension: Read the information and then answer the following questions
Barry has just turned 50. He played football for his local club for twenty years before retiring from the game aged 38. Knowing how important exercise and fitness are to health he trains regularly six times a week, running four times over the same 3 mile course (22 to 23 minutes, in the same direction) and cycling his mountain bike twice a week (25 minutes) over a five-mile course. He does a warm-up before and a cool down after each exercise session. He never runs on Sunday as this is always his rest day.
1. Although knowing nothing about the principles of training Barry has managed to apply systematic programming to his training plan. Explain what systematic programming means and why it is important. (2)
2. The programme that Barry has planned suits his individual needs. Give at least three factors from the information above, which show that his principle fits his programme. (3)
3. Barry still includes a number of aspects of training from his football days, running backwards for example. When certain aspects such as this are included which principle is being applied? (1)
4. From the information above, take each aspect of the FITT principle and explain how or if it is applied in Barry’s programme. (4)
5. Barry may apply the overload principle, but he does not know what it is. Explain this principle using the terms thresholds of training and target zone. (3)
6. If Barry was interested in learning about the overload principle, explain and find his target range for cardiovascular fitness. (3)
Support and resources: Notes from your lessons
Assessment: Try to complete the task without the statement bank.