May 20th, 2010 * 2:30PM
Conference Room 5403
Members: Toni Sommer, pTerry Reece (Chair), pRon Schram,
pScott DeMello, pNanette Piña, pJoe Vasta, Hank Agostini,
pGeorge Stone, Ron McDonald, pRegina Vriend, pMary Sylvester,
pJessica Bryce, Vanessa Manual (ASCC Rep)
Garth Maijala (SIPE Rep)
Make recommendations regarding campus safety, emergency procedures, care, security of equipment, and hazardous waste management. Consider and make recommendations in matters related to facilities, parking, traffic, transportation, lighting, water, energy and campus aesthetics
1. Call to Order: Meeting came to order at 2:40pm
2. Approval of Minutes: Minutes being sent out for approval via email
3. Caught in the Act Drawing! 4 entries this month!
#2 Jill Beck and Lana Rauch. Jill caught Lana properly lifting and transporting heavy materials.
New Hire Orientation entries: Since the start of the trial entry we have had 3 new hires enter the drawing on their own since we started it.
4. Safety Training Modules Drawing! 40 entries this month!
#30 Kathy Thorp Silva
5. Safety Coordinator Report: Please see attached
6. Funding Requests: Granted (Discretionary-Budgetary)
A. none
7. Funding Requests: Granted (SIPE):
A. Construction Tux vest-Flex Tux Harnesses -$1006.73 -Yes
B. Auto Darkening Welding Helmet -$287.98 -Yes
C. 4 bike helmets -$234.90 -Yes
E. 3 humanscale ch3000 $355.61 -Yes
F. 1 Electric Letter Openers $67.59 -3 instead of 1 –Yes $202.77
G. 1 electronic date/time stamps $523.63 -Yes
H. Westco Hydraulic lift with platform $1137.49 -Yes
I. Radio Repeater $2000 –Hold roll to next fiscal. SIPE money does not cover repeaters but we can use the match.
J. Protective Gloves $241.56 -Yes
K. Fire Extinguisher Dolly $216.52 -Yes
L. Safety Committee Personalized Tote Bags (250) $455.42 -Yes
8. Funding Requests: Hold/Denied
A. The EVAC chair that was requested by DSPS was pulled from purchasing because the Public Safety Department found that we already have a chair and training video.
B. Chair Mat $70.67 -1 no
9. Accident/Workers Compensation Reporting/Claims:
C. Employee in DSPS tripped on a computer cord and fell.
D. An employee closed head in the trunk of the car.
10. Updates/Round Table:
It is a student offense to smoke in a non-designated smoking area. State law says you have to stay 20 away from the building to smoke. The district policy says only in smoking areas.
Federal EMHE Grant application. Jessica, Mary, and Ron lived the application for 2 weeks.
No Smoking signs are collecting cigarette butts.
Chemical Hygiene plan: If we attach the district as a big lump we won’t get anything done within creating a chemical hygiene plan. In order for it to work well we will create a matrix departmentally and trickle down responsibility. Even things like golf cart training every 2 years will be included each departmental matrix, for departments who use power carts, and the training matrix will be followed. The goal is to work with each department to create a specific protocol for training for that department. It can simply be a requirement. Athletics has no action plan and they have swimming pools etc. They don’t have a plan on preventing staff infections or how to handle them etc.
She would have liked to see more no smoking signs than purchasing things like document holders. Terry mentioned we are in violation of board policy by putting up no smoking signs.
Future Dates and Meeting Times discussion:
CCCUE meeting is at the same time/date. George Stone is not able to make it on Thursday afternoons and also Ron McDonald. Email Jessica if you have a different date every month that works well. Keep 2:30pm.
Joe Vasta:
Had a scanner installed in his office. He has a short cord which is placed under his desk and in the way of his feet. Committee suggested Joe place a work order. Terry is a member of the technology committee and he can bring up the idea of keeping cords out of the way of feet when installing new computer equipment. He will make sure Jay Chalfant is aware of it.
An older gentleman who has silver hair and a beard is very combative when you talk to him about smoking. She stopped him once to tell him about how the smoke goes through the air filters. He gave her an earful about the HVAC and how it works. He is approaching HR to try and change the board policy on smoking on campus. You can smell the smoke inside the library. It gets drawn in the doors.
Regina mentioned possibly asking for share the road signs for bicycle signs on Oconnor road on the Oconnor side. Ron Schram said his office would research the idea.
People are asking to smoke medical marijuana on campus. They can’t stop them but they are asking them to go to their car to get the full medical benefit.
Nanette has a new raccoon over by the 4700 building.
Asking people to try to keep the Coney Squeezy and Safety Committee Hand Sanitizer in places where people can see them.
Next meeting is the 3rd Thursday of June. Safety does not rest!
Safety Coordinators Presentation
May 20th, 2010
Section II: Income and BalanceIncome / Expenses / Balance
Carry-Over / $ / $11,358.68 / $ 3,087.44
Credit Funds (CF) / $
Discretionary Funds (DF) / $ / $1,694.42 / $305.58
District Match (DM) / $ / $0.00 / $2,010.40
Premium Rebate (PR) / $ / $4,663.06 / $1,241.54
Total Income / $24,361.12 / $17,716.16 / $6,644.96
You must submit this section before moving on to the next section.
5 New Hire Orientations:
Stephanie Vieira 4/20/10
Mary Sylvester 4/27/10
Maryanne Tieche 4/27/10
Bill Norris 5/13/10
Laurie Brummett 5/13/10
Construction Tux vest-Flex Tux Harnesses -$1006.73
Auto Darkening Welding Helmet -$287.98
4 bike helmets -$234.90
Chair Mat $70.67
3 humanscale ch3000 $355.61
1 Electric Letter Openers $67.59
1 electronic date/time stamps $523.63
Westco Hydraulic lift with platform $1137.49
Radio Repeater $2000
Protective Gloves $241.56
Fire Extinguisher Dolly $216.52
Safety Committee Personalized Tote Bags (250) $455.42
Total =$6,598.10
Purchases of approved items:
$1455.00 Evac Chair 4-22-10 –Dismissed because we found an existing chair
$393.15 SawStop Mobil Base 4-22-10
$1000 for Radio Repeater
$634.23 Tensacone Toppers
$274.33 Safety Committee Coney Stress Balls
$406.58 Safety Committee Hand Sanitizers
Recent Employee Accidents or near misses
-an employee tripped on a cord in the staff room of DSPS.
- One of our instructors closed a trunk door into their head. They were taken to the hospital & received 3 staples.
Safety Coordinator activities
-The safety committee is working towards completing the purchasing safety equipment for this fiscal year.
- May Newsletter: Bites and Stings
-June Newsletter: Ladder Safety
-Completed 5 new hire orientations.
-Continued building inspections
-Completed a follow up to an extensive safety inspection of a department which was completed in March.
Recent training activities
-Defensive Driving was the safety meeting topic for MOG in April. We used the SIPE online training module in a classroom setting.
-Mike Bruffey did a Basic First Aid class for the General Services monthly safety meeting.
Other activities including emergency preparedness
-We have started conducting Computer Work Station Evaluations in house. Terry Reece –Director of MOG, Hank Agostini –Supervisor of Maintenance, and Jessica Bryce –Safety Coordinator completed training on Tuesday, April 27th to perform WSEs (Work Station Evaluations) for Cuesta Employees. We include the safety coordinator and a maintenance worker at each evaluation to examine the work station and determine any adjustments to the work station and/or furniture.
- Completed a request for an Emergency Management for Higher Education grant which, if received, will provide Cuesta College with up to $400,000 for assistance with NIMS/ICS (National Incident Management System (US Department of Homeland Security) / Incident Command System) planning and training, staff emergency exercises and tabletops, and classroom emergency notification LED signs.
-We completed 1 (one) work station evaluation. The recommendation was for the SIPE Physical Therapist to come and do an evaluation. We are awaiting the results.
-We have a request for another work station evaluation for the near future.
Update as requested by Terry on the new hires participation in the CITA program:
There have been 9 new hires since Feb. 16, 2010, and 3 of them have participated in the program.