CourseOverview.doc rev 01/04/2016

Welcome to JMA260: New Media Production

The class web site:

Who are we?

·  Dr. Shepherd (a.k.a. Shep) Room 529


·  Lance Turturice: Office: Room 544

Courtney Downing Room 544

Technical assistance : Phil Dupont , room 527

My Background –

·  CMU, Duquesne, Pitt, IUP, here, School of Business (aka SOB!), Rangos (Health Management Systems)

·  10 years as programmer/analyst

·  Began working part time on a Master’s in IT, at Duquesne, a Duquesne adjunct professor hires me

·  Small company: Him, me, administrative assistant

·  Company grew

o  Steelers

o  Penguins

·  Started three Pharmacy-related software companies

·  Create first Masters in USA Multimedia …1995

·  Install first Multimedia lab in the country 1994

·  Undergrad program 2000

The who

Who are you? Name, major, year…

Who is next to you?

Logging in/out of JMA’s network: How do I access class assets

Need to log in to access a central server at CTS;

Not that kind of server

It stores the class’s web site, and eventually your Web-related assets (html, Photoshop work…)

·  Control-Alt-Delete

·  Click Switch User

·  Click Other User

·  Your login name and Password are your DORI account name and Password.

ALWAYS logout when finished (Start button>Logoff)

Note: You should have 24 hour building and rooms 205/345/door access via your Duq ID card

To enter college hall during off hours: Swipe card on Academic walk, then press Handicapped button on side door.

Course Introduction: JMA260

·  Why is the course a requirement for all JMA students? Production!

·  Click Premise link next, on Web site, look at past work

Policies: NO food, drinks

Note Bring flash/thumb drive to class. If you have a Mac-formatted USB drive, and you want it for this class, see Phil Dupont, or go buy a new one…are very inexpensive

Important Points:

·  There is no book for the course

o  600 + Word pages of my notes

·  Bring your USB/flash drive to every class, starting next class.

·  Keep all your work on it…Don’t lose it! If you lose it, try the lost/found box in the 205 lab, or See Linda Hirsh in room 544

·  Attendance taken thru Illustrator part of the course

·  All assignments must be turned in no later than 2 weeks late. After that, a zero will be assigned. You will submit assignments via Blackboard. After a given date, 2 weeks, you will be blocked from being able to post your assignments.

·  BB site (only for grading, posting links to assignments)

Then you will see a link to the actual assignment:

Try it, I created a dummy assignment

·  Late assignments that are fewer than 2 weeks late will have 10% of the points deducted per class day. There is a maximum of 30% deduction that you can receive for late assignments ( for those handed in during the 2-week late period)

·  You will post the Web address (URL) of your assignment (Or a link to your index.htm, which we will build later) in a comments section

After three weeks or so, expect an assignment about every week to 10 days

Open the Syllabus link (Button at top)

·  Note the Course Objectives

·  Need for external USB device…bring to next class


·  Review: Late policy

o  10%/class period…for up to 2 weeks late assignments

o  Max 30%

o  Zero after 2 weeks

o  We must have your assignment submitted to be graded no later than 10 minutes after class starts, unless specified otherwise.

·  Attendance through Illustrator (one of the Adobe programs)

o  3 Unapproved misses = reduction of grade

·  Assignment grades will be posted on Blackboard

·  Incomplete (“I”) grade policy…80% of work completed…all but final DVD, movie

Premise of course

·  Click the sample work/ premise link on the class site


·  Class notes…see schedule page…

·  Media Site…what is it

·  Software we use is available in rooms 205, 345, and 336 (Mac lab…recommend you not use)

·  Building, Room access…24/7…Should have it

Building: Swipe card, then press Handicapped button on side


·  Adobe CC 2015…Creative Cloud…

·  Can Rent for 1 year….about $240 (Can put on two computers)

·  Can Buy for About $350 … $2,600 if buy from Adobe

·  Can use In Room 205, 345 (PC), 336 (Mac lab)

Bring a USB device next class

Most of the applications we cover in here are taught in their entirety in separate classes

END Day # 1!!:

Only 44 more sessions and we’re done …

Course Overview Page 1