Camp K’helah

Color War 2012

July 31 – August 2

Team / Captains / Meeting Rooms
Red Gryffindor / Stephanie C., Roy S., Noelle B. / Room 211
Blue Ravenclaw / Gabrielle G., Josh W., Joey L. / Room 16
Green Slytherin / Josh S., Niah, Evan Levitus / Room 25
Yellow Hufflepuff / Carmen, Michael B., Monserrat / Room 14
Red Gryffindors / Blue Ravenclaws / Green Slytherins / Yellow Hufflepuffs
Angelica Haas / Dana Michael / Danny Lev / Danica Torchin
Stephanie Johnson / Shawn Bailey / Annie MacAuley / Uriel Uziel
Brianna Soloski / Sarah Lev / Carly Gould / Kristen Levin
Stevee Gould / Rebecca Hanson / Jessica Lawrence / Hannah Bricker
Connor Gilligan / Stephanie Gilligan / Adam Tarr / Tyler Desiderato
Bethany Alexander / Ben Marx / Alexander Knopow / Erica Bronstein
Yarin Benaloul / Sheryl Davis-Robins / Yoni Myllari / Derek Viarzon
Jonathan Shakerchi / Don Hagay / Tamitza Chavarria / Melissa Berman
Shannon Lahiji / Morian Yifrach / Rachel Ofier / Hani Inbar
Samantha Weisbein / Nikki Snipper / Kelsie Slee / Marnie Pariser
Austin Rappazzo

Tuesday, July 31

9:15 am: Opening Circle – Penny Wars

9:30 am: Team Meetings for Kindergarten & Up – Explain to your team how Color War will work. Start assigning team members to work on song and banner. Discuss sportsmanship and penny wars. Each morning at Opening Circle, we will collect pennies. The team with the most pennies as of Thursday morning will win that event. Winning Color War team can choose a charity to donate all the money to. Please emphasize spirit, sportsmanship and fun.

9:30 am:

Nitzanim: Relay Races with Floyd in Small Gym

Pitzelach Aleph & Bet: Swimming

Bubbehlahs Aleph & Bet: Color War Banners with Dena in the Art Room

10:10 am:

Nitzanim: Color War Banners with Dena in the Art Room

Pitzelach Aleph & Bet: Relay Races with Floyd in Small Gym

Bubbehlahs Aleph & Bet: Swimming

10:25 am:

Kochavim: Water Relay Race on the Playground with Kaitlyn & Carly

Chaverim: Soccer Tournament on the field with Ira & Michael

Giborim: Trash Can Toss in the small gym with Mandy

Simcha & Bogrim: Scavenger Hunt with Sharon – Meet in Dining Commons

Ruach & Tzofim: K’helah Quidditch in the large gym with Elana

Ne’arim & LITs: Matching Memory Game on the Third Floor Landing with Dawn

10:50 am:

Nitzanim: Swimming

Pitzelach Aleph & Bet: Color War Banners with Dena in the Art Room

Bubbehlahs Aleph & Bet: Relay Races with Floyd in Small Gym

11:30 am:

Nitzanim: Lunch

Pitzelach Aleph & Bet: Lunch

Bubbehlahs Aleph & Bet: Lunch

Kochavim: Swimming Relays with Aaron

Chaverim: Water Relay Race on the Playground with Kaitlyn & Carly

Giborim: Soccer Tournament on the field with Ira & Michael

Simcha & Bogrim: Top Chef Cooking Contest in the Dining Commons with Sharon

Ruach & Tzofim: Trash Can Toss in the small gym with Mandy

Ne’arim & LITs: K’helah Quidditch in the large gym with Elana

12:00 pm:

Nitzanim: Playground

Pitzelach Aleph: Quiet Time in Your Room

Pitzelach Bet: Quiet Time in Your Room

Bubbehlahs Aleph: Quiet Time in Your Room

Bubbehlahs Bet: Quiet Time in Your Room

12:15 pm:

All Groups in K and Up: Lunch – Eat with your groups

12:50 pm:

Pitzelach Bet: Tuesday Toon Time Movie in the Theatre

Bubbehlahs Aleph & Bet: Tuesday Toon Time Movie in the Theatre

All Groups in K - Bogrim: Bunk/Rest Time

Ruach & Tzofim: Matching Memory Game on the Third Floor Landing with Dawn

Ne’arim & LITs: Karate Competition in the small gym with John

1:35 pm:

Kochavim: Matching Memory Game on the Third Floor Landing with Dawn

Chaverim: Top Chef Cooking Contest in the Dining Commons with Sharon

Giborim: Karate Chop Tournament in the small gym with John

Simcha & Bogrim: K’helah Quidditch in the large gym with Elana

Ruach & Tzofim: Scavenger Hunt with Dena – Meet in Art Room

Ne’arim & LITs: Swimming Relays with Aaron

2:30 pm:

Pitzelach Aleph & Bet: Name that Tune on the Landing with Carly

Bubbehlahs Aleph & Bet: Freeze Dance in your room with Kaitlyn

Kochavim: Top Chef Cooking Contest in the Dining Commons with Sharon

Chaverim: Mystery Bags in the Dining Commons with Jen

Giborim: Swimming Relays with Aaron

Simcha & Bogrim: Karate Chop Tournament in the small gym with John

Ruach & Tzofim: Water Relay Race on the Playground with Jen

Ne’arim & LIT’s: Scavenger Hunt with Dena – Meet in Art Room

3:15 pm:

Team Meetings & Snack

3:50 pm:


Wednesday, August 1

9:15 am: Opening Circle – Penny Wars

9:30 am:

Nitzanim: Instructional Swim

Pitzelach Aleph & Bet: Dance Contest in the small gym with Lily

Bubbehlahs Aleph & Bet: Color War Hats in your room with Arianna

Kochavim: Team Meetings

Chaverim: Team Meetings

Giborim: Team Meetings

Simcha: Team Meetings

Bogrim: Team Meetings

Ruach: Team Meetings

Ne’arim: Team Meetings

LIT’s: Team Meetings

10:10 am:

Nitzanim: Transition from Pool

Pitzelach Aleph & Bet: Instructional Swim

Bubbehlahs Aleph & Bet: Dance Contest in the Bubbehlahs Aleph with Lily

10:50 am:

Nitzanim: Dance Contest in the Bubbehlahs Aleph with Lily

Pitzelach Aleph & Bet: Color War Hats in your room with Arianna

Bubbehlahs Aleph & Bet: Instructional Swim

10:25 am:

Kochavim: Name that Tune on the Landing with Carly

Chaverim: Matching Memory Game on the Third Floor Landing with Dawn

Giborim: Top Chef Cooking Contest in the Dining Commons with Sharon

Simcha & Bogrim: Trash Can Toss in the small gym with Mandy

Ruach & Tzofim: Soccer Tournament in the big gym with Ira & Michael

Ne’arim & LIT’s: Water Relay Race on the Playground with Kaitlyn

11:20 am:

Kochavim: Soccer Tournament in the Large Gym with Ira & Michael

Chaverim: Swimming Relays at the Pool

Giborim: Water Relay Race on the Playground with Kaitlyn & Carly

Simcha & Bogrim: Matching Memory Game on the Third Floor Landing with Dawn

Ruach & Tzofim: Top Chef Cooking Contest in the Dining Commons with Sharon

Ne’arim & LIT’s: Trash Can Toss in the small gym with Mandy

11:30 am:

Nitzanim: Lunch

Pitzelach Aleph & Bet: Lunch

Bubbehlahs Aleph & Bet: Lunch

12:00 pm:

Nitzanim: Color War Hats in your room with Arianna

Pitzelach Aleph: Quiet Time in Your Room

Pitzelach Bet: Quiet Time in Your Room

Bubbehlahs Aleph: Quiet Time in Your Room

Bubbehlahs Bet: Quiet Time in Your Room

12:15 pm:



12:50 pm:

Nitzanim: Story time in your rooms

Pitzelach Aleph & Bet: Gymnastics in the small gym with Susan

Bubbehlahs Aleph & Bet: Story time in your rooms

Kochavim: Mystery Bags in the Dining Commons with Jen

Chaverim: Name that Tune on the Landing with Carly

Giborim: Matching Memory Game on the Third Floor Landing with Dawn

Simcha & Bogrim: Swimming Relays at the Pool

Ruach & Tzofim: Basketball Tournament in the Big Gym with Ira & Floyd

Ne’arim & LITs: Top Chef Cooking Contest in the Dining Commons with Sharon

1:35 pm:

Nitzanim: Little Chefs in the Dining Commons with Sharon

Pitzelach Aleph & Bet: Mystery Bags in the Dining Commons with Jen

Bubbehlahs Aleph & Bet: Gymnastics in the small gym with Susan

Kochavim: Relay Races on the field with Floyd

Chaverim: Relay Races on the field with Floyd

Giborim: Name That Tune on the landing with Carly

Simcha & Bogrim: Water Relay Race on the Playground with Kaitlyn

Ruach & Tzofim: Swimming Relays at the Pool

Ne’arim: Soccer Tournament in the big gym with Ira & Michael

LIT’s: Swimming Relays at the Pool

2:10 pm

Nitzanim: Gymnastics in the small gym with Susan

Pitzelach Aleph & Bet: Little Chefs in the Dining Commons with Sharon

Bubbehlahs Aleph & Bet: Mystery Bags in the Dining Commons with Jen

2:30 pm:

Kochavim: Camp K’helah Kwest in the Big Gym with Neil, Beth, Mandy & Dawn

Chaverim: Camp K’helah Kwest in the Big Gym with Neil, Beth, Mandy & Dawn

Giborim: Camp K’helah Kwest in the Big Gym with Neil, Beth, Mandy & Dawn

Simcha: Camp K’helah Kwest in the Big Gym with Neil, Beth, Mandy & Dawn

Bogrim: Camp K’helah Kwest in the Big Gym with Neil, Beth, Mandy & Dawn

Ruach: Camp K’helah Kwest in the Big Gym with Neil, Beth, Mandy & Dawn

Ne’arim: Camp K’helah Kwest in the Big Gym with Neil, Beth, Mandy & Dawn

2:50 pm:

Nitzanim: Sports in the little gym on your own

Pitzelach Aleph & Bet: Sports in the little gym on your own

Bubbehlahs Aleph Bet: Little Chefs in the Dining Commons with Sharon

3:15 pm:

Team Meetings & Snack

3:50 pm:


Thursday, August 2

9:15 am: Opening Circle – Penny Wars

9:30 am: Counselor Games (All groups K and up) in the Large Gym

1.  Counselor 2-Ball Basketball Game

2.  Counselor Project Runway

3.  Top Chef Cooking Contest

9:30 am:

Nitzanim: Color War Flags

Pitzelach Aleph & Bet: Free Swim at the Pool

Bubbehlahs Aleph & Bet: Color War Flags

10:10 am:

Nitzanim: Sponge Relay Race on the Playground

Pitzelach Aleph & Bet: Transition from the pool

Bubbehlahs Aleph & Bet: Free Swim at the Pool

10:25 am:

Team Meetings

10:50 am:

Nitzanim: Storytime

Pitzelach Aleph & Bet: Color War Flags

Bubbehlahs Aleph & Bet: Sponge Relay Race on the Playground

11:00 am:

Apache Relay in the Big Gym

11:30 am:

Nitzanim: Lunch

Pitzelach Aleph & Bet: Lunch

Bubbehlahs Aleph & Bet: Lunch

12:00 pm:

Nitzanim: Quiet Time in Your Room

Pitzelach Aleph: Quiet Time in Your Room

Pitzelach Bet: Quiet Time in Your Room

Bubbehlahs Aleph: Quiet Time in Your Room

Bubbehlahs Bet: Quiet Time in Your Room

12:15 pm:

Kochavim and Up: Lunch

12:50 pm:

Team Meetings

Pitzelach Aleph & Bet: Color War Singing with Carly

Bubbehlahs Aleph & Bet: Color War Singing with Carly

1:45 pm:

Pitzelach Aleph &Bet, Bubbehlahs Aleph & Bet March in with flags and hats

Song & Banner in the Theatre

3:00 pm:

Color War Winner Announced

3:30 pm:


3:50 pm:


Apache Relay Race

All campers go to the Big Gym and sit by the bleachers. Counselors must sit with their

Color War teams. Only Captains may escort participants in the race. Teams whose

counselors are not sitting with teams will be disqualified. This way some order can be

maintained. Captains, this is your responsibility. Once each race participant has

completed his or her part, please have them report back the gym to see who will win.

1.  10 team members stand 1 behind the other in a line. Once the judge says go, use the inner tube provided, and have each participant place the inner tube over their head and through their entire body. Once finished, pass the inner tube to the person behind them and continue until all 10 team members have completed the task. Once finished, the last person in the line must…

2.  Shoot and make a basket with the ball provided from the designated spot. Once they have made the shot, he or she must run upstairs to the running track where…(Ira)

3.  1 team member is waiting at the starting line to be tagged. Once tagged they must skip 1 full lap around the track wearing the given shorts. Once they have finished the lap, they must run downstairs to the pool where…(Dawn)

4.  1 team member is waiting on the diving board. Once he or she is tagged must swim 1 full lap (back and forth) in the pool. Once finished, he or she must run to the tennis courts where…(Aaron & Beth)

5.  1 team member is waiting on court 1. Once tagged, he or she must toss the balls into each of the trash cans. Once they have thrown a ball in each can, they must tag teammate on Court 2 who must walk around court 2 backwards. Once finished, they must run to the playground where…(Floyd)

6.  2 teammates are waiting at the water slide. One team member must slide down the slide while the other team member tosses a football. The team member sliding down must catch the football. If they do not catch the football, they must repeat until they accomplish the task. Once they accomplish the task, the team member who tossed the football must run to the playground where… (Mandy & Kaitlyn)

7.  1 team member is waiting by the slop tub. Once tagged, the teammate must search the tub for their team’s hidden object. Once they have found the object, he or she must run to the small gym where… (Carly)

8.  6 team members are waiting. Once tagged, 5 team members participate in an obstacle course. Once finished, a 6th team member must run to the Dining Commons where… (Dena)

9.  1 team member is waiting. Once tagged, the teammate must recreate a house identical to the one in front of you. Once they recreated their house to Sharon’s liking, they must run to the Camp Office where…(Sharon)

10.  1 team member is waiting. Once tagged, they must complete the Camp K’helah Quiz administered by Kenny. Once completed and approved by Kenny, must run to the Dome where…(Kenny)

11.  1 team member will be waiting on the stage. The team members must sing the Hatikva. Once finished must run to the third floor landing where…(Jen)

12.  1 team member is waiting. The teammate must dress-up in the provided costume. Once they have put on the entire costume, they must run to the gym where…(Michael J.)

13.  1 counselor will be waiting. The counselor must stand the bat up with the end touching the ground and place their forehead on the top of the bat and spin 10 times. Once they have completed the 10 spins, they must run to the finish line. Once the team member crosses the finish line, they will be the winner of the Apache Relay Race.

Color War Point Values

1st Place: 40 Points

2nd Place: 30 Points

3rd Place: 20 Points

4th Place: 10 Points

Camp K’helah Kwest

1st Place: 100 Points

2nd Place: 75 Points

3rd Place: 50 Points

4th Place: 25 Points

Apache Relay