/ International
OFFICERS’ AGENDA: 17 August2016, 11:00 EDT / 8:00 PT


Agenda item: /
  1. Minutes from last Officer meeting

Updates / Review of notes.
ActionS / None
Agenda item: /
  1. IBC Victoria Follow-up
  2. Financial matters, final invoices and wire transfers
  3. Scholar One / App review – on or after 8/15
  4. Audio recording capture / prep
  5. IBC article drafts

Updates / Staff is still waiting for MCI invoice. Dee Ann has followed up and will continue to do so. Alan is trying to expedite the final IBC invoice so that Dee Ann can pay by the end of August.
The membership dues and gala ticket revenue from WNAR is still pending. Update following the call: Mik sent a reminder copy of an invoice for both the dues and gala event to WNAR on 16 August. Peter has followed up.
The audio recording/capture project is still moving along. The last update from the vendors was late last week.
Dee Ann has completed her draft article for the Biometric Bulletin, and Peter is working on his (due ASAP).
Comments / Peter is hoping to get Fred’s perspective on how the app and Scholar One tool were developed and functioned, before James, Al and Peter discuss via conference call.
When video associated with the Wiley IBC content is uploaded to the web site, staff will need to make sure that Wiley appears prominently on the page.
It was noted that the spelling of the Young Statisticians Chair was incorrect in last week’s notes (Saonli is the correct spelling).
  • Peter will follow up with Al to ensure that the IBC recording project continues to move along.
  • Peter is to complete his article for the Biometric Bulletin.
  • James, Peter and Al are to coordinate on the timing for an IBC mobile application / abstract management discussion.
  • Allow Wiley the opportunity to view uploaded IBC video content and layout when ready.

Agenda item: /
  1. Executive Board Follow-up
  2. Minutes
  3. Election
  4. Publications contracts
  5. Appoint search committee for EE of Biometrics – on or after 8/15
  6. Archives – Lynne Billard
  7. ISI Liaison, follow up with Jane Hutton

Updates / Dee Ann has provided a revised version of the Executive Board minutes to the Officers. Elizabeth and James have commented on the initial version.
Regarding the election for the Executive Board, we currently sit at 1,241 votes.
The Springer contract is proceeding (Linda is taking the lead). Also, the University of Texas / Arlington contract has been extended.
Based on the job description that John outlined, James will prepare a document regarding the appointment of the search committee for the new Biometrics Executive Editor.
Elizabeth reached out to Lynne Billard regarding the archives project, and Jane Hutton regarding her liaison appointment to the ISI.
Peter has reached out to Louise and formally welcomed her.
Comments / The election closes at the end of the day. Our vote count is higher than the previous election. Everyone was pleased about this.
Progress on the publications contract renewals is not uniform. Progress is securing a Wiley renewal contract has stagnated. The group was in agreement that Marie should be the lead in contract negotiations, as she currently serves as Executive Editor.Finding someone with a vision for future operations is important. The makeup for the committee will likely be somewhat different from what was discussed in Victoria. The suggested makeup is below:
  • Two from Executive Board
  • Two from Advisory Committee
  • James (Treasurer)
  • Marie Davidian and Ann Hanhart should also be added, though non-voting
There are no new updates on the ISI or archives project. We are hopeful that we will receive more news from both contacts following the summer break.
Louise received information on 16 August regarding credentials for logging into the web site, as well as some suggestions for reviewing the IBS’s current projects.
ActionS /
  • John will need to review the revised version of the Executive Board minutes before they are distributed.
  • James will follow up with a formal document that outlines the makeup of the Biometrics Executive Editor search committee.
  • Peter to follow up with the current Board/Officers regarding potential dates for virtual Executive Board meeting, to take place in November
  • Peter to followup with the new Board/Officers(following election) to identify exact dates for an in-person Executive Board meeting in Thessaloniki, May 2017. The thought currently is to hold the meeting on the Monday or Tuesday of the EMR conference (rather than the Zelen weekend).

Agenda item: /
  1. Regional Matters
  2. Regional Officer minutes
  3. Representative Council minutes

Updates / None
Comments / A draft of the Representative Council minutes has been sent to John (Chair) for his input. Revisions will be incorporated into the draft for distribution to the Officers.
ActionS /
  • Peter is to forward a copy of his notes from the Regional Officers meeting and send to Dee Ann. They will be incorporated into the draft Officers receive.
  • Dee Ann will review the President’s Corner article to ensure that the language related to awards contributions/matching is accurate.

Agenda item: /
  1. IBO Matters
  2. China membership
  3. Conference call with regions – staff discussion in late August (FYI only)
  4. ADDED: IBO credit card account
  5. ADDED: Web site region map adjustments

Updates / There are no updates yet regarding the China region’s membership numbers, though several local China members have been assigned the task of working with Mik to reconcile our figures with theirs.
Comments / To replace Dee Ann’s corporate credit card account, Peter has researched several options. The group was in agreement that an IBS debit card, with an appropriate spending limit, would be an appropriate replacement.
We have received a quote from the web site vendor regarding the changes that Elizabeth requested to the Regions map. Peter’s recommendation was that we not approve this work until the vendor can break out the work in more detail. The group agreed.
ActionS /
  • Staff will meet in late August to discuss an outline and content for regional how-to calls, hosted and/or coordinated by Mik.
  • Peter to follow up with Mik on word of any updates from China, though the group agreed that it is China’s responsibility to provide data to aid in the reconciliation process.
  • Peter is to begin the application process for an American Chartered Bank debit card.
  • Peter is to engage YGS for a further breakdown of web site expenses associated with pending region map adjustments.

Adjourned: 12:06 EDT

Next call will be 24 August at 11:00 EDT / 8:00 Pacific.


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