Distance and Distributed Learning Grant Proposal Form


PLEASE NOTE: Prior to completing you submission, please refer to the document Process and Criteria for Centralized Funding of Distance and Distributed Learning Courses and Programs(found at

The Distance and Distributed Learning Committee has the responsibility for the determination of which distance and distributed courses are selected for development using University of Regina centralized funds and instructional design resources. In order to be considered for funding, please complete the following grant proposal form outlining your intentions.

The committee will consider proposals for the following modes of delivery:

  • Purely online courses
  • Purely LIVE-streamed courses
  • Courses with a significant video-conference component
  • Blended courses (where between 30-70% of the face-to-face classroom time has been replaced by an online or video-conference component, with a logical pedagogical structure to the blending) will be considered on a pilot basis.

Additionally, the committee will also considerfunding research proposals related to distance and distributed learning.

Deadline for Submission:

Deadline for submission of proposals will be:

  • the Friday closest to, but not exceeding, May 15th for the spring call, and
  • the Friday closest to, but not exceeding, November 15th for the fall call.

For assistance in completing your proposal, please contact:

Willadell Garreck, Head

Flexible Learning Division

Phone: 585-5897


Instructions to complete the following form: to enter information in the form, simply click within the shaded box and type. The box will expand to accommodate your entry as you type.

Once you have finished filling in the form, click Save As. You will be prompted to name your document and determine where to store the saved copy. You can then send either a print copy or an electronic copy as your submission. Directions regarding where to send are at the end of this form.

Required Information

Applicant’s name and phone number

Department Faculty

Faculty’s Distance and Distributed Learning Coordinator (Associate Dean)

The Proposal

The Distance and Distributed Learning Committee requests that you submit the following information:

  • a research proposal (no longer than one page), which explain how the research will promote distance and distributed learning
  • a timeline, and
  • a proposed budget

By submitting and signing this research proposal, I understand that if I receive a grant, I am making an obligation to

  • undertake and complete the research within mutually agreed upon timeline
  • provide a progress update(s)
  • expend DDL funds as outlined by the Committee

Researcher’s signature ______

Department Head’s signatureand/or Distance and Distributed Coordinator’s signature



Please submit your completed proposal to Willadell Garreck, Flexible Learning Division, via interoffice mail. If you wish to send electronically, please send to .

Once you have submitted your proposal, it will go to the Distance and Distributed Learning Committee for consideration, and you will be informed of its determination.

Thank you for your interest in flexible delivery.

Updated June 2016