Social Studies Education Eight Key Assessments
Eight key assessments are being submitted as evidence for meeting the NCSSstandards. For each assessment, the type or form of the assessment and when it is administered in the program are indicated. The competencies on each assessment are introduced at stage I, reinforced at stage II and mastered at stage III of the Social Studies Education Program.
Name of Assessment / Type orForm of Assessment / When the Assessment
Is Administered
1 / [Licensure assessment]
PRAXIS II / Social Studies: Content Knowledge (0081) / Prior to student teaching and stage II of the admission and monitoring process.
2 / Content knowledge In social studies education / Content Observation Rubric / During stage II and stage III-Student Teaching and Capstone Course.
3 / [Assessment of candidate ability to plan Instruction]
Lesson Plans are aligned with NCSSstandards. / Candidates develop four culturally sensitive lesson plans in the area of concentration/discipline. Instruction in technology and the principles of teaching and learning are integrated throughout each lesson. / In required methods courses
4 / [Assessment of student teaching]Student Teaching Observation Report aligned with NCSS standards. / Candidates are observed by both an on-site supervising cooperating teacher and a program supervisor during the student teachingsemester. All points of focus in the observation report are aligned with NCSS Standards. / Student Teaching semester: either fall or spring of the senior year
5 / [Assessment of candidate effect on student learning] Teacher Work Sample aligned with NCSS standards.
/ Similar to a unit of study in a content area, candidatesare assessed on contextual factors (learning goals, an assessment plan, a design for instruction, instructional decision making, and self evaluation and reflection. Candidates teach a portion of the unit in a classroom. / ED425: Application and Assessment in Specialized Methods (This course is required in the semester prior to student teaching.)
6 / Portfolio Summative Evaluation / The Portfolio is designed to be comprehensive in nature and the artifacts are developed around all of the NCSS Standards. They are collected in key courses at stages I, II, III, and IV of the Admissions and Monitoring Process. / Student Teaching semester: either fall or spring of the senior year in ED 430 where the competencies are mastered.
7 /
Additional assessment that addresses NCSS standards (required)] Dispositional Survey aligned with NCSS standards, communication Additional / ED 425 and ED 430
/ Dispositions are mastered at stage III and are assessed during student teaching.
8 / Alumni-Follow-up Survey and the Senior Exit Survey / The Alumni-Follow-up survey and the Senior Exit Survey are aligned to the Units Conceptual Framework and the NCSS Standards. / The senior exit survey is administered either fall or spring of the senior year in ED 430 where the competencies are mastered.
Social Studies Education
- Description of Assessment
The Praxis II: measures the subject knowledge of prospective teachers of social studies in a secondary school. The exam consists of five short-answer questions and two essay questions, and must be completed within two hours. Exam questions come from the following content areas: United States and world history (20%); social science, government, geography, and economics(30%); social studies analysis of the United States (25%); and social studies analysis of world history (25%).
2. Alignment with NCSS Standards
Praxis II Test Categories / NCSS StandardsUnited States and world history / 1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4; 2 2.1, 2.2, 2.32.4, 2.5, 2.6, , 3, 4,
Social science, government, geography, and economics / 1, 2, 3, 23.2.1, 3.2.2,3.2.3, 3.2.4 3.6, 3.6.1., 3.6.2
Social studies analysis of the United States / 3.6.3, 3.7.1, 3.7.2, 4.1, 4.2, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6,
Social studies analysis of world history / 1, 2, 3, 4.7, 4.8, 4.9, 4.10
3. Summary of Data Findings
South CarolinaStateUniversity requires candidates to pass Praxis II prior to student teaching; therefore, the pass rate for this assessment is 100%. According to the data collected from 2007-2008, the undergraduate completers consistently scored within average performance range in all test categories. During this period, the candidates’ also scored above average on content knowledge, learning and teaching.
State Licensure Test – Praxis II (Social Studies Education)
Academic Year: 2007-2008
(Undergraduate Completers Data)
Praxis II(Possible Scoring Range) / South Carolina
(Qualifying Score) / SCSU – NCSS
Average Score
100-200 / 162 / 166-187
- 4. An interpretation of how that data provides evidence for meeting standards:
As previously stated, the Praxis IItest aligns with NCSS Standards. Candidates follow a specific curriculum and are expected to meet appropriate performance assessments for teacher candidates. The teacher candidate scored higher than the state’s score which is a further indication of mastery of content in the following areas:Culture Time, Continuity, and Change; People, Places, and Environment;Individual Development and Identity; Individuals, Groups, andInstitutions Power, Authority, and Governance;
Social Studies Education
(Undergraduate Program)
ASSESSMENT 2 – Content Grades
- Description of Assessment
From the freshman through their junior year, classes provide evidence of the candidate’s content knowledge at Stages I, II, III and IV of the Admission and Monitoring Process. A strong emphasis is placed on the application of knowledge, skills, disposition and mastery of the NCSS Standards during class lessons in diverse field experiences. At each stage, courses focus on content or methodology skills aligned to the Social Studies Standards. A description of each course for determining the final grade is included in Table 1.1. The undergraduate Social Studies Education licensure candidate completes required coursework, which has been carefully selected to reflect alignment with the content of the NCSS Standards, National and state licensure exam content. For example, all candidates must complete World History to 1600 and U.S. History and Government to 1865. Table 1.1 contains a list and description of content and relevant pedagogical coursework and the grade achieved in each course completed by the social studies teacher candidate.
- Alignment with NCSS Standards in Table 1.1.
Table 1.2 General Education Courses and Pedagogical Coursework
Course/Grade / Content description / NCSS Standards / StageECON-255
Survey of Economics
Grade= A / A one-semester survey of the principles of economics and application of these principles of economics and application of these principles to economic issues of resources allocation, inflation, unemployment, production, economic growth, money creation
and financial institutions. / NCSS Theme VII-Production, Distribution and Consumption / Stage I
EPSY 260
Principle of Learning
Grade= A / This course is an examination
of fundamental principles of human Warning and cognition and their practicalimplications in education. The course provides an introduction to major.
approaches, issues, and trends in the study of learning and human
development. Presentations of theories arid principles of human situations
suitable to various age and grade levels are made. Field study is required.
Twenty of pre-clinical experiences are required in an appropriate school
and/or agent setting. (F, S) / NCSS Theme-I
Cultural and
Cultural Diversity / Stage I
HHU 250
The African-American Experience
Grade= B / This course will survey the experience of African Americans in the United States. It will focus on specific historical periods that significantly impacted black life andwere important in shaping the social, economic, political, ideological, andcultural landscape of American society. Major topics covered will includethe following: the African background; the Atlantic slave trade; slavery; theCivil War; Reconstruction; Jim Crow and segregation; blacks and the welfarestate; and black political activism. The course not only delineates theexperience of African Americans as they confronted hostile institutions andsocial forces in America, but it also juxtaposes those experiences with the
ideas and themes articulated in African American social and political thought. / NCSS Theme II – Time
Continuity, and Change / Stage I
SOC 250
Introduction to Sociology
Grade= B / The basic concepts and principles of sociology. A scientific approach to the analysis and explanation of culture, personality and social organization. / NCSS Theme III – People, Places
And Environments / Stage I
ED 306
History and Philosophy of Education
Grade= A / This course is a study of the major phases of educational development from various
important periods in world history such as Porcelain Greece to the presentand a history of education in the United States from the early 1600s to the
present time. An emphasis will be given on school law and ethics as well.Twenty of pre-clinical experiences are required in an appropriate school
and/or agency setting. Prerequisites: Passing score on State-mandated testand grade point average required for admission to Teacher Education Programs. / NCSS Theme IV– Individual Development and Identity
and Environments / Stage II
ED 308
Seminar I: Generic Teaching Methods
Grade= A / This methods course is designed to familiarize all teacher education majors (K-12) with the planning, presentation, assessment skills of teaching and the orchestration of the learning environment through the use of learning theories and current technology applied to teaching. A Junior Thesis is an integral component ofthis course. Peer teaching, simulation, preparation of teaching materials,with observation and participation in the public schools are an integral component of these learning experiences forty hours of preclinical experiences are required in an appropriate school and/or agency setting. Prerequisite: Passing score on State-mandated test for admission to Teacher Education programs. / NCSS Theme IV– Individual Development and Identity
and Environments / Stage II
H 224
Civil War and Reconstruction, 1833-1877
Grade= A / This course focuses on the development of the sectional crisis between the Northand South. It concentrates on the events leading to the Civil War, the waritself, and the problems of Reconstruction. / NCSS Individuals, Groups, and Institutions Power, Authority / Stage I
H 251
History of World Civilizations Since 1750
Grade= A / This course surveys the development of modern civilization from the rise of nationalism and imperialism through the great world wars of the twentieth century, the end of the colonialism in Africa and Asia, and the rise of independent states
on those continents. The course concludes with an assessment of the problemsfacing this generation of world citizens. / NCSS Individuals, Groups, and Institutions Power, Authority / Stage I
ED 350
Education Seminar
Grade= A / This seminar is designed to assess the Social Studies Education majors comprehension and mastery of the subjectcontent area. A series of tests, based on an Integrated Technology Model will be designedto assess content specific pedagogy, understanding how to teach certainfundamental concepts in the subject area. / NCSS Individuals, Groups, and Institutions Power, Authority / Stage II
GEO 305
Geography= B / This course considers such vital questions as world distribution of population; maps, landforms, soils and mineral resources; current problems in conservation of the natural resources of the United States. / NCSS Theme V- People, Places, and Environment / Stage II
H 301
History and Government of South Carolina
Grade= A / This is a survey covering South Carolinas settlement and development as a colony
in the seventeenth century to its emergence as a growing Southern state in the latter half of the twentieth century. Among the topics considered are South Carolinas involvement in the American Revolution, The Nullification Crisis, the Civil War and Reconstruction, and recent politics. Emphasis is on the relation-ships that have existed among South Carolinas various people-red, black, and white. / NCSS X-Theme Civic Ideals and Practices / Stage II
H 331
U.S. Constitutional History 1877 to Present
Grade= A / This course surveys American constitutional thought and practice from Reconstruction
to the present. The course focuses on the development of the American Constitution in response to industrialization, urbanization, and the rise of the United States to world power status. Emphasis is placed on the Supreme Court, the Presidency, federal-state relations, civil rights. / Stage II
H 404
Africa Since 1885
Grade= A / This course surveys the history of the
region south of the Sahara. This course describes the forces which led to the
partitioning of the continent, European imperialism in practice, the rise of
nationalism, and contemporary Africa. / Stage II
RED 317
Teaching Reading in the Content Areas
Grade= A / This course is designed for pre-service secondary teachers. It emphasizes basic reading skills, assessment of reading performance materials and methods for teaching reading in the content areas. Thirty (30) hours of pre-clinical experiences are
required in an appropriate school and/or agency setting / Stage II
ED 425
Seminar II; Application and Assessment in Specialized Methods
Grade= A / This course is divided into two segments and utilizes the team approach to instruction. The first four weeks are devoted to review
and synthesis of the teaching process and the cognitive processes relevant to the context of teaching. Segment two is managed by subject-matter specialists and includes experiences in micro-teaching, large group, small group and individualized instruction: preparation of instructional materials;
selection of appropriate gaming, and demonstration in the public schools to
improve and assess the student’s teaching effectiveness. Students will synthesize and demonstrate skills acquired in prerequisite courses minimal performance on designated standardized and criterion-referenced tests is
required as well as fifty (50) hours of pre clinical experiences. A Senior Thesis is an integral component of this course. / NCSS Theme VI- Power, Authority and Governance / Stage II
H 312
European History, 1815 to the Present
Grade= A / This course is the second part of an upper-level European History series and covers the period between 1815 and the present. Important topics of the course include the economic, political, and cultural revolutions of the nineteenth century, European Imperialism, World War I, the rise of Fascism and Nazism, World War II, the Cold War, and the post-World War II rise of consumer societies. Special consideration is given to the changing roles of women and the family in nineteenth- and twentieth-century Europe. / NCSS Theme VI- Power, Authority and Governance / Stage II
H 430
History Seminar
Grade= A / The subject and region that this course examines change from semester to semester. The general con-tent and method of approach are established by the instructor each semester the course is offered. The course provides a basic foundation in historiography and research methods directed toward the preparation of a scholarly paper. The course is required for all history and history education/social studies majors. / NCCS Theme VIII-Science, Technology and Society / Stage III
SOC 310
Cultural Anthropology / This course examines the following topics: (1) the evolution of man; (2) the basic concepts in linguistics; (3) preliterate cultures; (4) methods of research; (5) approaches to anthropology; (6) culture change and applied anthropology; (7) current controversies. / NCSS Theme -I
Cultural and
Cultural Diversity / Stage II
ED 430
Professional Clinical Experience I
Grade= A / This performance-based clinical experience is provided for all student teachers and interns as the zenith experience of the elected teaching major. Students are team-directed through three program phases: Orientation, Participation in Teaching, and Evaluation. A major portion of the course is field based (sixty-five days) under the supervision of a certified master teacher orspecialist. During this time the student teacher/intern demonstrates mastery of the teaching and management skills in an approved public school setting.Prerequisite: Passing score on content area of PRAXIS II Examination andadmission to a Teacher Education Program one full semester. / NCSS Theme IX- Global Connections / Stage III
- Analysis of Data
The data presented in Table 1.1 consists of the grade point averages earned in required content coursework in Spring 2008 (N=1). The data, shown indicate that the cumulative grade point averages on content coursework for Fall, 2007 and Spring 2008 candidates ranged from 3.72 to 4.00.
Student ID / ECON255 / EPSY260 / HHU250 / SOC250 / ED306 / ED308 / H224 / H251 / PSY309 / ED350 / GEO305 / H301 / H331 / H404 / RED317 / ED425 / H312 / H430 / SOC310 / ED430 / ED4501 / A / A / B / B / A / A / A / A / A / A / B / A / A / A / A / A / A / A / B / A / A
Undergraduate Grading System
Grades are awarded on a numerical scale. South Carolina State University uses the following point system.
A…4.0 / B…3.0 / C…2.0 / D…1.04. An interpretation of how that data provides evidence for meeting standards:
The alignment to the NCSS Themes to each course, the final and culminating GPA provide insight into candidate proficiencies at an exceptionally high level of mastery in all courses and the all NCSS Standards.
Social Studies Education
- Description of Assessment
The methods courses selected here require that the candidates develop lesson plans. The description of the requirements for the lesson plan assignments for those courses are included in this section below:
-GEO 305: Socioeconomic Geography= B
-RED 317: Teaching Reading in the Content Areas Grade= A
-ED 308: Seminar I: Generic Teaching MethodsGrade= A
-ED 425: Seminar II; Application and Assessment in Specialized Methods-Grade A
Modifications to lessonsmustconsider needed adaptation and adjustment for any student who has an Individualize Career Plan as specified by the South Carolina Education and Economic Development Act Guidelines, I.E.P. or a specific learning need. Teacher candidate must become familiar with modifications suggested in individual student I.E.P.'s. (NCSS Themes 1-X). Teacher candidates must consider modifications in areas of content, materials, instruction, assignments, and products to enhance lessons or when a modification is needed by 9-12 grade students in order to learn.
SELF-REFLECTION ~ Think about the lesson. Consider your own learning as well as students' learning. Self evaluate in a constructive and purposeful manner and write reflective statements that demonstrate personal growth and understanding in reading instruction. Reflect upon past, present and future performance. Discuss the how's and why's of -- What went well?, What would you change?, What did you learn? etc. (NCSS Themes VIII, IX, X)
- Alignment with NCSS Standards in Table 1.2.
(Program Area: Social Studies Education)
Key Assessment # 3
Evaluation / Competent
3 / Developing
2 / Needs Improvement
1 / Score
SC Curricular Standards; NCSS 1.1-1.10, 2.1-2.5, 3.1 and 3.2 / Lesson and assessments are aligned with the South Carolina Curriculum Standards. / The standards are identified in general terms, but are aligned with the lesson or assessments. / The standards are vague and not aligned with the lesson or assessments. / 3
Instructional Objectives; NCSS 1.1-1.10, 2.1-2.5, 3.1 and 3.2 / Concise statements of what students are expected to demonstrate. The statements follow the ABCD and taxonomies of learning formats. / The statements are vague and not in the ABCD and taxonomies of learning formats. / Statements of what students are expected to demonstrate are not in the ABCD and taxonomies of learning formats. / 3
Lesson Plan Language, Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling; NCSS 1.4 / Language particularly descriptive; all portions complete, thoroughly developed and clearly written; and no grammatical or mechanical errors. / Sufficient detail so another teacher could implement lesson; all portions completed and clearly written; a few grammatical and mechanical errors. / Detail lacking (another teacher would have difficulty implementing lesson); portions missing, poorly written, unclear; several grammatical and mechanical errors. / 3
Citations of Sources of Ideas (optional); NCSS 1.4 / Sources cited using publication format (APA, for example). / All sources cited so another teacher could locate sources. / Sources not cited or not cited with enough detail. / 3
Procedures; NCSS 1.1-1.10, 2.1-2.5, 3.1 and 3.2 / Procedures provide detailed information on the preparation, implementation, and integration of instruction. / Procedures provide vague information on the preparation, implementation, and integration of instruction. / Procedures provided no information on the preparation, but not the implementation or integration instruction. / 3
Modeling Behaviors; NCSS 1.1-1.10, 2.1-2.5, 3.1 and 3.2 / Several examples include demonstrations on how students are to go about completing the lesson that includes detailed description about incorporating diverse. / Few examples of how students are to go
completing the about completing the lesson. No accommodations for diverse learning styles. / No examples are provided of how students are to go about completing the lesson. / 3
Guided and Independent Practices; NCSS 1.1-1.10, 2.1-2.5, 3.1 and 3.2 / Opportunities are provided for guided and/or on guided independent practice. / Opportunities are guided for independent studies practice only. / Limited opportunities guided or independent practice. / 3
Variety of Strategies; NCSS 1.1-1.10, 2.1-2.5, 3.1 and 3.2 / Used avariety of strategies that allowed the learners to be actively engaged in the learning. / The learners are actively engaged in the learning, but limited strategies were used. / Limited strategies were used and the learners were not actively engaged in the learning. / 3
Awareness of Different Learning Styles, Rates of Learning -and Abilities Diversity and Special Needs; NCSS 1.1-1.10 & 2.1-2.5 / Used strategies that provided for differences in learning styles, rates of learning and abilities. / Strategies provided limited attention to differences in learning styles and rates of learning. / Learning styles were not addressed. / 3
Assessment; NCSS 3.1 & 3.2 / Description of how
learners have met
all standards and
objectives are clearly stated, appropriately
aligned and effectively measured. / Description of how learners have met some standards and objectives are clearly stated,
effectively measured, and appropriately aligned. / Descriptions of how Learners have met standards are vague or limited. / 3
Closure; NCSS 1.1-1.10, 2.1-2.5, 3.1 and 3.2 / Closure includes all of the following: summary, importance, and application of the lesson. / Closure includes summary but not importance, and application. / No lesson closure is provided. / 3
Materials /Technology; NCSS 1.1-1.10, 2.1-2.5, 3.1 and 3.2 / Material and technology enhance the lesson and are appropriate for our objectives, activities and diverse learners. / Material and technology are appropriate but did not enhance objective and activities for all learners. / Material and technology are inappropriate for all learners. / 3
Reflection ; NCSS 1.1-1.10, 2.1-2.5, 3.1 and 3.2 / The teaching experience is clearly analyzed. The strengths and weaknesses of the lesson are identified along with suggestions for improvement. / The teaching experience is clearly analyze. The strengths and weaknesses of the lesson but does not include or suggestions for improvement. / No reflection is given. / 3
__ Overall Rating
— Competent (34-36 Points)
— Developing Competence (31-33Points)
— Needs Improvement (0-30 Points)