Hardin-Jefferson High School

Mrs. Pattison ~ Room 223

Dear Students and Parents,

Welcome to BIOLOGY! For a successful learning experience, certain guidelines need to be followed in the classroom and laboratory. To accomplish this I have listed our course goals, expectations and classroom policies.

Included in this packet: Syllabus, Lab Safety Agreement, and Contract

Course Description:

In this course we will be covering everything you need to know about biology and get you prepare for the STAAR exam.

Class Expectations:

·  Come to class prepared! In order to facilitate class discussions and reduce lecture time in favor of labs and knowledge enhancing activities, you must complete all required assignments.

·  Come to class! The work we will be doing during class cannot be replicated at home, labs and activities in particular. Lectures, classroom discussion, activities and labs promote understanding of key concepts. Please try to avoid unnecessary absences.

·  No whining! It will be a bit challenging.

·  Yes! You have to write in complete sentences. Yes, you have to show your work. Yes, you have to make data tables, graphs and label them. No, you may not write in “text-speak”

Class Policies:

1.  Cell phones and other electronics are to be stored in backpacks, bags, or purses. Exceptions are made only when instructed to use for an academic purpose. During class your brain should be turned on and your phone turned off.

2.  Food and drinks are prohibited in the classroom.

3.  Do not throw any class work away. You need it to review for tests. Also, unintentional mistakes do happen with grade recording.

4.  Cheating is unacceptable in any form. Cheating includes, but is not limited to: copying homework, copying lab analysis answers, plagiarizing written assignments, copying test answers, and use of electronics to find test answers. If copying occurs all people involved will receive a zero on the assignment or a referral. Cheating does not help you learn.

5.  Most classes will start with a bell ringer or quiz. You are expected to be ready to begin by the time the bell rings. This means being seated and quiet with all necessary supplies out on the desk. Bell Ringer Quizzes are given twice per nine weeks and each counts as two daily grades.

6.  If you are absent, you must make up the work in the allotted time frame (1 day for each day absent). It is the student’s responsibility to acquire make-up work due to an absence.

·  Quizzes will be made up during tutorials

·  Tests will be made up during class or a time arranged with me.

·  Labs will be made up after school or by alternate assignment

7.  You are responsible for clean up around your desk and lab station. This includes putting supplies back in the appropriate location, washing lab ware, etc. It is simple—you make the mess, you clean up the mess. Please take all materials when you leave. I cannot be responsible for items left in the classroom.

8.  Disruptive behaviors, including excessive talking, arriving late to class, and sleeping during class, and inappropriate conversations are not permitted. Repetitive and seriously disruptive behavior may result in your removal from class in accordance with the Student Handbook and Student Code of Conduct.

9.  Meaningful and constructive dialogue is encouraged in this class and requires a degree of mutual respect, willingness to listen, and tolerance of opposing points of view. Respect for individual differences and alternative viewpoints will be maintained at all times in this class.

10.  No personal grooming or putting on makeup during class.

11.  All school rules found in the Hardin-Jefferson Student-Parent Handbook and Student Code of Conduct are applicable in the classroom and laboratory area.


It should be understood that when rules are broken, consequences will be applied fairly and consistently. Every effort will be made to correct the behavior with the student before involving parents or administration. This helps the young adult accept responsibility for their behavior and take corrective action.

1st offense = verbal warning

2nd offense = private conversation with student in hall

3rd offense = student will fill out a “behavior reflection” form

4th offense = Phone call or email to parent

5th offense = student will serve a detention with Mrs. Pattison

6th offense = school detention

Automatic Write up will occur for the following:

-Foul language



Following student handbook policy--

Assignments are due to the box when requested. Failing daily grades can be made up in adherence with the ZAP Policy. (Handbook p. 51)

Grades can be tracked by students and parents online at under Parents à Grades & Attendance

Material Requirements:

1.  Textbook— ______

If the textbook is lost or destroyed it will need to be replaced at the cost of the book. A hold on grades will be placed on the student until such matters are taken care of with the front office.

2.  Composition book and notebook paper

3.  Pens, pencils, colored pencils, highlighters, scissors, index cards other “crafty” items as needed

4.  **For the classroom and lab** Kleenex, roll of paper towels, box of disposable gloves, ream of colored paper, Ziploc bags (all sizes), hand sanitizer. Thank you in advance for any help you can offer with these items.


Study at home—spend time reviewing the content often to prepare for class discussions, labs, quizzes and exams. In my experience I have found that the most successful students are those that make a daily commitment to their studies.


Quizzes are given throughout a unit; some are announced in advance and others are given randomly. One test per 9 weeks can be corrected for ½ of the points missed. Unit tests will be given at the end of each unit (larger units may be split into 2 smaller tests) and will consist of multiple choice, matching and short answer response. Exams are composed of questions that encourage critical thinking skills. Students will be expected to apply learned concepts; rather than simply memorizing the facts.

Absences: You are still responsible for the content covered in class on the day of your absence.


Reminders of important due dates will be sent by email, and posted on Edmodo. Many class projects will be submitted by uploading to the Edmodo site. For this reason students need to go online and register for an account.

Edmodo is a secure social learning network for teachers and students.

Join online by going to

Search for my class by Biology 2015-2016 or by my name—Mrs. Pattison

Class code for Biology n7zeqj

I am available for extra help every morning, except Tuesdays, from 7:30 – 7:55 and afternoon after school until 4:00. I will inform students in advance of delayed afternoon tutorial times due to faculty meeting. Please confirm that you plan to attend afternoon tutorials. If you are having difficulty in this class it is highly recommended you take the opportunity to get extra help.

Parents and students please feel free to contact me anytime with questions or concerns. I am always open to your communication. Here’s to a great year. J

Denise Pattison

Phone: 409-981-6430 ext.3164



Website: (Choose CAMPUS TAB, then HJ HIGH SCHOOL, then FOR STUDENTS, then ACADEMIC DEPARTMENTS & SCIENCE then click on my name)


Science classes often involve hands-on laboratory activities. Many labs will involve potentially hazardous chemicals and materials. I refer to them as potentially hazardous because they are only dangerous if used inappropriately. There is no place in my class for unsafe use of materials. Thus, you will need to be safe or be out of the lab. Read this contract carefully. Keep this in your notebook for reference and sign the contract to turn in to me.

General Guidelines

1.  Conduct yourself responsibly at all times.

2.  Follow all written and verbal instructions carefully. Ask questions if you do not understand.

3.  Do not touch any materials or equipment until instructed to do so.


5.  Always read and complete the pre-lab before you perform the lab.

6.  Keep your work area neat and clean at all times.

7.  Never leave liquid-filled containers uncovered.

8.  Know the location and operation of all safety equipment.

9.  Do not run, shout, or throw things in the lab.

10.  Notify me if an unsafe condition exists in the lab.

11.  Dispose of all chemicals properly. I will instruct you of how to dispose of specific chemicals.

12.  Keep your hands away from your face while doing labs. Also, always wash your hands after the clean-up is complete.

13.  Rinse out all glassware and leave it to dry in the designated locations.

14.  Stay at your lab table with your lab group during labs.

15.  Carry sharps appropriately; tips down and away.

16.  You will not be dismissed from class until lab stations are clean.

17.  Immediately report ALL injuries, no matter how minor to me.

18.  Use the eyewash or shower if you are splashed with a chemical. Always assume that the chemicals are hazardous.

19.  Use caution when using the hot plates—never leave it unattended, always unplug it after use and coil the cord.

20.  Never look directly into a container that is being heated, observe from the side.


1.  Goggles and aprons must be worn when instructed.

2.  Only close-toed shoes may be worn on lab days. No loose clothing or jewelry.

3.  Tie long hair behind your head.

Handling chemicals

1.  Consider all lab chemicals to be hazardous.

2.  Double check the label before using a chemical.

3.  Take only the amount of chemical you will use.

4.  Never remove chemicals or other materials from the lab.

5.  Always hold the chemical bottles with two hands when transporting them.

6.  Do not consume chemicals.

Handling Glassware

1.  Be cautious with all glass/Pyrex equipment. Never use chipped glassware.

2.  Never handle broken glass. If a piece of glassware breaks, notify me immediately and I will dispose of it.

3.  You will be responsible for paying for broken glass if it occurs during horseplay.



The purpose of the BIOLOGY Parent/Student Contract is to provide information to parents and students and to facilitate student success.

Expectations of Biology students:

1.  I recognize that participation in Biology requires me to:

A.  demonstrate student independence

B.  take on a degree of responsibility

2.  I recognize that I am responsible for my own learning and success in class, not my parents, teacher, or friends. I will advocate for myself if I have concerns about my grade or need help with the content.

3.  I understand that lab safety is of extreme importance and I will abide by all safety rules. I realize that if I am not following procedures I may be removed from the lab and receive a zero with no opportunity to make it up. I also understand that I will be held financially responsible for broken equipment and promise to work with caution.

I have read, understand and will abide by the student expectations and the lab safety contract. I have read the course syllabus and confirm my commitment to this class.

Student Name ______(printed)

Student Signature ______Date: ______

Parent Signature ______Date: ______


Cell Phone #:______

E-mail address: ______


Cell Phone #:______

E-mail address: ______

à à à à à

**Reminders of exams and major projects will be posted on Edmodo.

Initial after completing the following task:

______I have registered for an Edmodo ( ) account and signed up for Biology 2015-2016

OPTIONAL: Please use this space to tell me anything you would like me to know about health issues, seating, or learning needs, …etc. Basically, let me know if you think there is anything important that you think I should be aware of—thank you J